27 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. Lets pass this on to Premier Wynne of Ontario…not that she’d take heed..it’s full steam/smoke/fire ahead.
    Read a headline “Premier Notley must go”, good luck with that, she’s got a majority. There’s as much cnace ot that happening as Ontario Premier Wynne getting the boot, she’s got a majority, voted in by special interest groups and assorted low information voters taken in by Liberal lies they’ve rewarded for over four decades in Ontario. We have now arrived at the abysss in a sorry state of record debt and corruption.

  2. Ontario Legislature; have you put forward a private members bill yet? $65 trillion dollar fine, and loss of pension and all future salary, for any Liberal who is caught driving or as a passenger in a fossil fuel powered vehicle (car, plane, taxi, bus…). Ditto for being caught in a building heated or lit by fossil fuels. Ditto for wearing clothes with any material that was not locally grown/sourced. Ditto for food. IT’S TIME TO FORCE THEM TO LIVE UP TO THEIR OWN STANDARDS. Or, just continue to be part of the problem.

  3. The entitled ones do not understand.
    You give me a battery of sufficient capacity to actually go somewhere and I will show you a very potent bomb.
    These Litheon Ion batteries are an arsonists dream.
    The electrical industry workers spend careers keeping the smoke inside such devices, but catastrophic results are easily produced.
    Stupidity knows no bounds and energy will always dissipate.

  4. Something every Electric owner also knows … their cars have awful resale value. Because nobody in their right mind is going to buy a weakened battery car that will soon need the equivalent of a whole new engine when they are forced to replace the batteries. And … even minor accidents in your electric car will result in your insurance Co. “Junking” the car, forcing you to re-register with a Salvage title. Electric is a novelty … nothing more. If you can afford that expensive a novelty … then good for you. Me, ? I pay too many taxes and can’t afford such frivilties

  5. Tesla lovers are like liberals. Holier than thou, condescending, their ideas make no financial sense unless subsidized to the hilt, nothing they ever propose is actually practical, they are fond of putting lipstick on pigs, and they lie.
    That’s really all you need to know folks.
    If this were just a story about a guy making piles of cash selling overpriced technology to egotistic, shallow fools with money to burn, that might be fine. But every time Musk opens his mouth the media gasps as if God himself has descended from the heavens and spoken, and it is announced yet again that Musk is going to save the planet, and that if we don’t buy his stuff we are simply not “with it”.
    It reminds me of bloody high-school in the 80’s, when if you were not wearing a Ralph Lauren shirt and your father didn’t drive a Toyota Camry you were a loser (ha ha! most of those lads wearing the preppy shirts driving Daddy’s Camry got nowhere and I think one of them might have washed my (gasoline) car last week!)
    PS – The silly solar roof panels that Musk has been blabbering about this week have already been debunked by numerous writers. Even MIT Review, which generally loves all things green, was holding back:

  6. Electric is plain stupid because batteries as prime movers are heavy, awkward and dangerous. If you MUST have an alternative to hydrocarbons, go hydrogen. And burn up the grid surpluses from solar and wind — when they occur — to make hydrogen by splitting water. Run hydro vehicles and municipal vehicles on hydrogen fuel cells …. it won’t be cheap but it’ s constructive and can make the progs tone down with complacency.

  7. Idiot lefties want to replace plant food (C02) with billions of tons of poisonous and unstable chemicals…Makes sense
    The battery car, like windmills, solar panels, Zeppelins and Paul Martin, will soon go Dodo bird.
    I feel good these days, the loony left’s hell on Earth seems to be disintegrating everywhere before my eyes…
    Tesla Co. will eventually crash and burn because it will soon be hard to get Federal $ under President Donald J. Trump…Especially for such a bad idea to push it in thinking it will replace the millions of conventional cars on the road now.
    Maybe, like Lincoln got Matthew Mc Connolley in their car commercials Tesla will get a winner like say, De Caprio with Neil Young strumming a guitar and ‘signing’ a tune in the back seat?
    “With my whisper quiet Tesla, I can hear every note of Neil’s divine voice and intricate guitar work”:
    “Hey, hey, my, my….Tesla cars will never die…It’s better to burn up, than to fade along the way…”

  8. Wind and batteries both predate the internal combustion engine. But for whatever religious imperative, the same people who say “science will save us, better xxxxxx are just around the corner” say that ICE is a dead end technology. They also scream about Christians, but when do I get a government that is separate from their religion?

  9. Lithium battery pack fires are nasty. The initial fire, once it starts cannot be extinguished until the stored energy in the batteries is released. Then you get to deal with the burning lithium, for which there are few effective measures other than letting it burn out on its own.
    With petroleum fuels, you at least have a chance of extinguishing a small fire before it gets big, and with proper equipment the fire department can smother a larger fire.

  10. Smoke is what makes it (and computers) work.
    Once you let the smoke out, it don’t work no more.
    Today’s Captcha: ROAD ENTRADA

  11. Not to rain on your rant, but 1980s Camry desirable? The 90s models? Perhaps, but 80s? Seriously?

  12. Hydrogen is a fine fuel. It works even better when a small mittful of hydrogen atoms are bonded onto a carbon atom, which allows them to be packed more densely into your fuel tank. There is more hydrogen in a gallon of gasoline than there is in a gallon of liquid hydrogen.
    Fortunately, all the world’s hydrogen wells contain it already pre-bonded with carbon, which makes it much safer to handle, and more useful as a fuel than pure hydrogen would be.

  13. John Robertson wrote “The entitled ones do not understand.
    You give me a battery of sufficient capacity to actually go somewhere and I will show you a very potent bomb.
    These Litheon Ion batteries are an arsonists dream.
    The electrical industry workers spend careers keeping the smoke inside such devices, but catastrophic results are easily produced.
    Stupidity knows no bounds and energy will always dissipate.”
    This being the case, will electric cars become popular VIEDs among jihadis?
    Will the 2020 headlines scream:
    “Jihadi hacks the computer controlled electric motorcade of infidel Pres/P.M. of ?”
    Once electric autos become mandatory, I’m switching to a bicycle powered rickshaw.

  14. Your comments about Musk are soooo TRUE. To me, he is like the science club nerd in HS who knew just enough to homemake pipe bombs … until the FBI suggested a different outlet for their “creativity”. Nerds who also had their HIT LIST confiscated with their gunpowder. Now, Musk the nerd, has the full faith and credit of my tax dollars backing his misadventures. Revenge of the nerds isn’t funny when it’s funded by US debt.
    Thank you for your well-expressed sentiments and analysis.

  15. “After crashing into a tree, a Tesla Model S violently burst into flames causing cells from its lithium-ion battery to explode.”
    Maybe I’m missing something but why would a vehicle with no gasoline, diesel, propane, oil in the non-existant crankcase, etc. ‘burst into flames’ and then have those flames cause the battery cells to ignite and explode?
    I guess it’s just bad reporting. AKA SOP by the media.

  16. Sleep through high-school chemistry, dude? Lithium is an alkali metal, same period as sodium and potassium. Those metals react vigorously with water, evolving hydrogen, and can catch fire and burn in air. So you have a big-ass battery pack, with a lot of stored energy, involved in a crash. Wires get shorted, or the battery pack itself is pierced by a piece of metal, and heavy short-circuit currents cause portions of the battery to melt, and the lithium metal to ignite.
    It’s not necessarily extremely dangerous, nor necessarily more dangerous than gasoline, but it’s a new sort of hazard that fire departments are not yet fully equipped to deal with.
    Any form of concentrated stored energy carries with it a risk, even a wound-up clock spring.

  17. It’s the kind of fire that fire departments simply can’t deal with… unless they have a dump-truck full of sand to put over the vehicle to smother the fire (after the battery energy itself is expended, of course). Virtually everything the fire departments use to put out fires will react with the lithium fire and simply keep it going.

  18. Come now?? The driver may have been carrying a gallon of gas in the trunk. Maybe for the lawnmower or to douse an ant hill beside the gazebo! Collision + short circuit in trunk + vent cap on gas can not tight = Kaboooooom!

  19. Many years ago, I worked with experimental equipment that used liquid sodium. Once in a while, there would be a failure and things started burning. I always had a Class D fire extinguisher on hand to put it out.

  20. Burning lithium batteries are a hazard. the responders need breathing apparatus and protection from skin contact.
    I wonder if out volunteer fire fighters are getting adequate training on this?

  21. My point, numbnuts, was that the way the article read made it sound like an external fire, from some other source, caused the battery pack to ignite. Try reading carefully before you mouth off.

  22. By volume, a gasoline tank is much smaller than a battery pack … esp in the “luxury” Tesla Saloon. And a gasoline tank is very well protected from exposure to oxygen (necessary for ignition) and crash damage. (with the exception the 1970’s Pinto). The Tesla flaw is that the ENTIRE undercarriage is a giant series of lithium batteries. The armor plating can only be “so” heavy as to not eat up the efficiency of the car. In order for an increase to the (even marginal) range of electric autos … the batteries have to get larger and larger, thus rendering them nigh impossible to protect. All things being equal ? I would MUCH RATHER be in an ICE auto crash as opposed to a lithium battery crash.
