There is a Cost to Depriving People of the Freedom to Speak Their Mind

Political Correctness has been on the rise for some time but seems to have been supercharged during Obama’s reign. This column explains how the overreach of PC Warriors hurt HRC and helped Trump:

The segment of the electorate who flocked to Trump because he positioned himself as “an icon of irreverent resistance to political correctness” think it means this: smug, entitled, elitist, privileged leftists jumping down the throats of ordinary folks who aren’t up-to-date on the latest requirements of progressive society.
Example: A lot of people think there are only two genders–boy and girl. Maybe they’re wrong. Maybe they should change that view. Maybe it’s insensitive to the trans community. Maybe it even flies in the face of modern social psychology. But people think it. Political correctness is the social force that holds them in contempt for that, or punishes them outright.
If you’re a leftist reading this, you probably think that’s stupid. You probably can’t understand why someone would get so bent out of shape about being told their words are hurtful. You probably think it’s not a big deal and these people need to get over themselves. Who’s the delicate snowflake now, huh? you’re probably thinking. I’m telling you: your failure to acknowledge this miscalculation and adjust your approach has delivered the country to Trump.

h/t John Galt
Related: Prof. Jordan Peterson at U of TSummary of Videos

10 Replies to “There is a Cost to Depriving People of the Freedom to Speak Their Mind”

  1. Here is how it can turn and bite you. By demonizing the Trump support and pushing it underground, they couldn’t measure it, analyze it, or, even more importantly, counter it and adjust their message. Instead they continued to scapegoat and smear the working people, whose only crime was concern for their own livelihoods and the future livelihoods of their children. The shallowness and bias, on their part, that lead them to using the working people as their whipping boy, cost them votes. Sometimes I think the chance to spew bile is the more powerful motivator.
    It is not that there weren’t canaries in the coal mine like Bernie and Michael Moore.  It’s incredible that they learned nothing from the Republican primary. The underlying message, is that it was not about Trump; it never was. It was about the Middle pushing back, and that is why the Trump smears fell on deaf ears. Who thinks that would be a good strategy, no wonder it backfired.

  2. If I could just get a copy of President Trump with Hillarys signature on it before she goes to jail, it would be worth thousands of Pesos.

  3. Sorry, that comment should have been filed under ‘Dewey defeats Truman.’
    Good comment Exasperated.

  4. I think that revulsion to PC was key to Trump’s turnout and success but considering that it appears that Trumps actual vote count is less than Romney’s, it could be argued that Hillary’s even greater lack of votes than Obama’s suggest that she lost it more and considering her vile and evil persona, a reasonable alternative explanation. It could be as simple an explanation as there just wasn’t a “magic Negro” running in the dominantly progressive cultural swamp.

  5. Liberals get their news from the main stream media which is the propaganda arm of the left. The news they get are like a magic show. They are shown something and they believe it because it looks real just as when a ” magician” saws a woman in half it looks real thus must be real.
    We on the non-left ( or the right or the alt-right or whatever you want to call us ) get our news from more reliable sources that provides us with the complete story, with both side of a story, and with the source so we can verify. It as if we are behind the curtain and we see the hard to see strings, the hidden doors, the smoke and mirrors, we see how the magic trick is done. We know that what looks real is not.
    when we talk about an event or a person and liberals talk about the same event and the same person, it is as if we are not talking about the same thing at all.
    Liberals are the audience that believes the magician sawed the woman in two and that 2 minutes later she was put back together and was fine, and we are the ones who it was fake blood and the saw blade never actually touched the woman.
    We are both talking about the same woman “sawed in two” but when you know how the trick is performed you are not talking about the same thing as the gullible and very impressed audience is talking about.
    Talking with those liberals is almost like speaking another language, it is almost like being on the Babel tower.
    Their reality is not the same as ours.
    It is thus almost impossible to discuss anything with them as we are not talking about the same thing ( most of the time anyway ).

  6. A well reasoned article, however, if we are all honest with ourselves we will accede to the fact Trump WON for a myriad of reasons.
    1. Trump’s clear, direct, unvarnished … even crude communication to the Voter.
    2. 8 years of Obama’s economic malaise
    3. 8 years of Obama ignoring his Constitutional restraints. See: Iran Treaty
    4. 8 years of open borders – see: item 3.
    5. 8 years of H1-b visas pushing out American workers
    6. 8 years of green FRAUD
    7. 8 years of the dismantling of our military
    8. Obamakkare FRAUD
    9. More and more people dropping out of the workforce
    10. HER … everything about HER
    11. Wikileaks
    12. Justice Dept. FRAUD and illegal behavior
    13. Rebuke to the GOPe
    15. Hillary selling HER assumed office to the highest bidder via The Clinton Foundation
    16. 99% media opposition – ridiculous piling on.
    17. A corrupt DNC … goodbye Debbie Wasserman-Goebels … goodbye Donna Brazille
    18. Isis run amok … using little girls as sex slaves
    19. Death of Antonin Scalia
    20. Trump – name recognition, TV familiarity
    21. Hillary’s poor health and disease, and the cover-up
    22. A basket of deplorables … irredeemable deplorables
    23. Black Lives Matter … including ALL the black criminals
    24. The $$ Clinton $$ Foundation $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
    25. Trump NEVER released his Taxes … haha ha ha ha ha … in YOUR FACE !
    26. Trump’s debate style … calling out Hillary’s BS … right in her face.
    27. Trump is MORE of a MAN, than Hillary is a Womyn.
    28. God’s hand
    There … there’s a few of the many, many reasons

  7. Political Correctness is nothing less than a Tyranny and one against FREE SPEECH….
    The Muslims love it … no?
    And our GUTLESS Politicians subscribe to it…DISGUSTING
    GO TRUMP and kick some global (_i_)..!! in and out of the US.

  8. Robert nov 10 comments right on. Two related occurance’s contributed. The politically Correct and many ethical Democrats did hold their noses and voted for Hillary, however a large number could not and did their only alternative and just did not vote. The basic fact that She had used her Government position to go rom by their own admission, BEING BROKE to being A BILLIONAIRE in 8 years was an obvious fact, However the arrogance, including Bill’s consulting firm as a Quick expedient to funnel billions more through the Clinton fund was obvious. They were so elitist they couldn’t conceive the possibility of trump being a threat,
    and 91% of the media supported that position. The Media fostered he violent protests — will they now take responsibility or will they continue to exploit it.
