When All They Have Left Are The Slurs

Scott Adams (of whom most here are familiar) predicted a Trump win over a year ago, based on what he observed about his powers of persuasion. His blog makes for generally interesting reading on the broader topic of persuasion – if you have the time to go back and read his older postings, I recommend you do.
This is his prediction for the post-election Trump.
As for me, I never predicted a win, because I know better. But by July of 2015, I was certain Trump would resonate with a broad segment of working class America based on my own observations and interactions with the audience here. Because there was a desperate desire for someone to step up and take on what is euphemistically called “political correctness”. Someone with the strength to absorb the insults, own his identity, and in so doing, neutralize the slurs and disarm the attacker. I call it the 8 Mile Rule, from the film that produced the epiphany. It’s profane, but I recommend you watch that, too.
Trump was showing signs of understanding this, and while he adjusted and evolved in his style, he never really backed away from it. “Not all women, just Rosie O’Donnell”. That was ballsy.
He was called every vicious name in the book in an effort to force his political allies and supporters to distance themselves, and thereby weaken him. It didn’t work. Not only did it not work, when Trump stood his ground, millions of Americans, tired of being slurred as bigots, racists, deplorables — simply for sharing the ordinary, traditional beliefs of their good and honourable parents and grandparents — found a champion. An imperfect champion, to be sure, but imperfect was required under the circumstances.
I don’t know what kind of President Donald Trump will make, but I suspect he’ll do fine, judging by the people he surrounded himself with, and how quickly he jettisons those who under-perform. He’s consistently chosen strong, iron-willed personalities as allies and advisers — Pence, Gingrich, Guiliani, Conway — and they share the same strength in refusing to be verbally cowed by media. And he’s built his fortune as a builder and negotiator, skill sets which will serve him well.
As of this morning, the “tell these people something they don’t know about me” title goes into retirement, at least as it pertains to Trump.
I think I’ve made my point.

73 Replies to “When All They Have Left Are The Slurs”

  1. Remember Trump not issuing press passes because he rightly preceive them as the enemy? For the first time in 8 years, ‘journalists’ and comedians will actually be doing their job. Of course it’ll be a non-Democrat president (whatever he is, Donald Trump is not a Republican Establishment choice of president). It’ll be interesting to see how he handles the press from this point forward.

  2. Hope the headache is gone Kate.
    This won’t happen but what an effective choice Newt would be for Press secretary.
    That would be entertaining.
    Journalist would get a schooling.

  3. Kate, do you really want to retire something long before it is worn out? It’s a great title, and there are still many more who need to learn, no?

  4. Good rant/screed, Kate. It makes me think of William F Buckley’s line about “standing athwart the tide of history and yelling STOP!” Some people will not understand “nice” and need to be stood up to. Trump did that, against the usual “you shut up or else” crowd that has been so effective at silencing and marginalising conservatives and traditionalists. It’s not easy to make a billionaire into the victim of bullying, but when he wouldn’t be cowed there were a lot of silent fist pumps.
    Does this mean anything for the larger culture? I don’t know. I expect we’ll see all the old racist jokes rebranded for Trump followers, and the snarkiness will continue. Much like the Reagan turnaround, Trump won’t get credit for improvements that come about if Trump restores some of the little things, like presumption of innocence (forcing the EPA to consider it) and all being equal before the law (like the Clintons, and the New Black Panthers).
    I hope you’re feeling better, or that you can sleep until it goes away. A friend here finds that coffee helps hers, but each migraine sufferer is different. God bless.

  5. I dunno about the rest of you, but I have been trying to understand WHY this happened. I Didn’t think he would win, and I gladly spent Wednesday enjoying the reactions of the regressives.
    Reading the MSM explanations didn’t really provide satisfaction. Same ole blather.
    The best explanation is the “revolt against PC” hypothesis. Trump is the personification of the ultimate PC shield. Still… It’s hard to see an entire election decided around that.
    Hard to say what Trump will do for America, but good on him for winning against the Crybullies.

  6. Already Canada is feeling the Trump wave…CBC are really concerned the carbon tax will not happen…The Keystone pipeline will happen…The Paris accord will disintegrate. At least one Conservative leader candidate is now blowing the “Trumpet”…Fun Fun fun! I’m loving it!
    Downtown Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal all having fits…It’s a beautiful thing to behold.
    This is the truly the dawn of a new era. Praise God and thank him with all your spiritual might. This was a Holy manifestation indeed.
    As far as the subject of this thread…Not to brag but I have predicted a Trump win, like Ann Coulter and others for a long time. Even before Brexit, I told many that if the English make the move, the Americans will do it too through Trump.
    Thank You Lord Above.

  7. Bang on. Every media person in the country should read this, but sadly none would believe it, after all they are the educated

  8. Obama unloaded this brainstorm in an interview this week with New York magazine. “I see a straight line from the announcement of Sarah Palin as the vice presidential nominee to what we see today in Donald Trump,” he said.
    Read that again. Straight from Obama. The stupid one from Wassila caused this movement to culminate it a deplorable entity called Trump?
    That had to get Trump a couple of truckloads of votes from deplorables that had had enough.
    And then Trump won the presidency of the USA.
    Thanks Obama
    I wonder if Palin put the bug in his ear to run for the presidency when they had pizza together in New York , June 2011.
    And who was one of the first to endorse him in the primaries?
    Her quote from back then,,,
    “Trump’s candidacy, it has exposed not just that tragic ramifications of that betrayal of the transformation of our country, but too, he has exposed the complicity on both sides of the aisle that has enabled it, O.K.? Well, Trump, what he’s been able to do, which is really ticking people off, which I’m glad about, he’s going rogue left and right, man, that’s why he’s doing so well.”
    If anyone could have taught the Trump campaign about the 8 Mile Rule , it could have been Palin.
    Im glad she was in New York when he won

  9. Trump is a builder. He builds skyscrapers all over. He deals with the dirtiest of unions, dirtiest of contractors and in New York you deal with another sort of actors for any big dollar concrete job. He will take on this job because he was meant to, not because he wants to or needs to. When the idiot shucknjive King Louie and his jester Seth whoever made great and humorless fun of Trump at a fancy dinner in 2011, poor little community organizer was to dull to know he had used up the last of his appeal to anyone above the liberal/moron level and Trump went to work. When he goes to work it is for us, he has dismantled political correctness invented by the low life leftie media and low life politicians, he has exposed the Clintigulas along with the help of Assange and Kim, because the media wouldn’t, and he has saved for now the US from being overrun with people who would be years finding a job thus overwelming the social service/health care system. Old Broomhilda took all her marching orders from Soros as does the idiot in chief, and best of all now, the arrest order issued by Putin for old slimey George, might just be exercised.

  10. ‘…..Trump stood his ground, millions of Americans, tired of being slurred as bigots, racists, deplorables — simply for sharing the ordinary, traditional beliefs of their good and honourable parents and grandparents — found a champion’
    Nicely worded; I like that.

  11. “…but I have been trying to understand WHY this happened.”. “Revolt” is a start. To paraphrase what a friend from Tampa said to me one year ago when I asked him who of the candidates he supported. He said he supported Trump. I asked why.
    His why response was as follows. After the far leftist Alinsky acolyte Obama was elected the GOP promised that if given the House they could stop Obama. They were given the house two years later and nothing happened. Then the GOP promised that if given the Senate they would stop Obama. They were given the Senate two years later and nothing happened. Then, the last straw occurred in the fall of 2015 when the GOP put up absolutely no resistance to what passed for Obama so-called budget. Well, my friend Lew said, “I got mad and millions of other Americans got mad”.
    Kate, glad that you are feeling better this morning and thanks for the excellent opening commentary.
    Nold, agreed. Would that Canadians would also wake up.

  12. Among all the liberal analysis of who supported Trump, the uneducated,bigoted,rural,white,unemployed males come the startling statistic from CNN:
    “Trump claimed a majority of white women voters. According to CNN’s exit polls, roughly 53 per cent of white women voters went with Trump, while other polls had the ratio as high as 60 per cent”.
    That is not quite the narrative peddled by commentators like the LBG… moonbeam on CBC panel Tue evening. Media assured us many time over Trump’s appeal to women was non existent, just another fact they got completely wrong.
    An addition to derogative terms used by “progressives” is rural How many times did analysts explain that Clinton’s numbers would pick up as soon as the Detroit, Philadelphia,
    Raleigh votes could be tallied.Never happened, seems her supporters there couldn’t bother to vote or were a mirage.
    If only everyone lived in a large city like the commentators everything would be so much better.

  13. My own take on Trump’s approach to management is that while he considers himself to be The Decider, he doesn’t consider himself to be the smartest guy in the room, and will listen carefully to his advisors.

  14. I think you can narrow it down even more than just simply being, “political correctness”. It’s when political correctness applies to SOME, but NOT OTHERS. It’s speech control from some people but not for all. Some are allowed to say ni99er, while others, regardless of context, will assuredly be called racist. Some can rap the filthiest, misogynist lyrics while others can’t say the word pussy. It’s like when media people(CJME’s Jilly) say Indians can’t be racists because they are a minority, only white people can be racists in Sask.
    Also in the same vain, it’s being attacked as racist, for asking that immigrants be vetted prior to coming into the country. They tried doing that to Wall, but it only lasted one day(at least with CJME).
    Here’s hope for new media insight,

  15. Dow Hits All-Time High; Financials Lead Again; Macy’s, Kohl’s Up Big
    10:30 AM ET The Dow hit an all-time high Thursday after a bullish session for the major averages Wednesday.

    54 percent of white college graduates voted for Trump.
    I guess most of them didn’t have journalism or social minority degrees.

  16. Trump will do fine. For the future of the Supreme Court, his election is huge. Perhaps we will get a true investigation into the IRS harassment of conservatives. The future or US health care is another big one.
    And he is expected to appoint Myron Ebell to head the EPA, the so-called climate denier in chief. Yeah!

  17. Trump will do fine. For the future of the Supreme Court, his election is huge. Perhaps we will get a true investigation into the IRS harassment of conservatives. The future or US health care is another big one.
    And he is expected to appoint Myron Ebell to head the EPA, the so-called climate denier in chief. Yeah!

  18. I didn’t think Trump could win. It’s a good thing it was decisive. I think that is why the Clintons waited as long as they did before conceding. They wanted to make sure they were out of wiggle room options.
    That said I have no real expectations for the Trump presidency. Washington is an insular place. Trump has no political experience and therefore few allies. Democrats will be loath to cooperate preferring to wait for the mid terms and 2020 – hoping for change.
    Trump basically ran on the same theme all elections run on, Hope and Change. The experience suggests few things change for the better and as for Hope…..
    Good luck to him.

  19. Trump will do fine. For the future of the US Supreme Court, his election was huge to prevent it from tipping Liberal. Perhaps we will get a true investigation into IRS harassment of conservatives. The future of US health care is at stake as Obamacare fails and the left will push for a public health system.
    As well, he is expected to appoint Myron Bell to head the EPA, the so-called denier in chief. Contrast that with Trudeau dictating carbon pricing to the provinces and Notley strangling Alberta’s energy sector.

  20. Lance,Lance, where are you? You predicted Trump wouldn’t make it past the first primary, then he wouldn’t be the nominee and for sure he wouldn’t win the presidency. What went wrong Lance. WHAT WENT WRONG???

  21. Hello President Trump.Congratulations on your victory. This is Justin Trudeau.
    Justin WHO???
    You know, the Prime Minister of Canada.

  22. Kate … I hope one of the many migraine remedys offered here provided relief. I have no proof, other than my wife who heard me say … while he was still on the escalator … that “Trump was going to be our next president”. And I don’t really like the guy … he’s far too arrogant for me. His branding is gauche. His style is mafia meets Yale. But there is/was ONE simple reason I KNEW he was going to win …
    Trump is NOT one of “them”
    This election truly was the Pink Floyd election … “Us and Them”. Trump is NOT another capitulating, weak knee’d, apologetic, Republican candidate. This election was as much a repudiation of the GOPe as it was a rejection of our current Socialist president. And it WORKED. Thank you fellow fed-up American’s

  23. Good link Carl. There is no hope for new insight from the Lugenpresse if this ‘Journalist’ is any guide: “There’s a place for opinionated journalism; in fact, it’s vital. But our causal, profession-wide smugness and protestations of superiority are making us unable to do it well.”
    “opinionated journalism”
    There’s the problem right there.

  24. As an expat from England my interest was in the perfidy and corruption of most of the news media. This both in the USA and Canada. They have egg on their faces.
    A disturbing thing for those who peruse right wing American blogs, is the allegation of millions of illegals voting. From those figures it might be realised just how close the Clinton supporters came.

  25. “is the allegation of millions of illegals voting” Peter
    Aw, but who did they vote for…an available vote goes to the high bidder…..Illegals don’t have any party allegiance
    The Democrat activists register illegals..for whom does the bell toll

  26. CTV Edmonton has on a psychologist this morning to tell people how to explain to their children the Trump win. In my opinion this person has to be unbelievably stupid. What you tell your keds – “It’s democracy. Get over it you pathetic wimp.”
    Two women quit the run for the leadership of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party citing abuse by other members who disagrees with their dicks in girls’ school bathroom agenda. It’s democracy. Get over it you pathetic wimps.

  27. Media bias did in the biased media:
    “Like any such torrid romance, the mainstream media never could see the flaws in the object of their deep and abiding affection. That devotion continued unabated for eight years.”
    So, as a result, as failure piled on failure during the Obama administration, the press pretended that all was well. They protected Obama from scandal, insisted his policies were working wonders, claimed he was winning the war on terror even as ISIS flourished and terrorist attacks on U.S. soil increased. They said he was a great foreign leader even as the world burned. They repeatedly showed more interest in guarding Obama than informing the public.”
    The media’s failure in this regard was nowhere more evident than in how it covered the economy.
    For years, we have been pointing out in this space that the economic recovery has been the worst on record. We’ve noted how it has vastly underperformed every recovery since World War II, and how if it had been merely average, the country would be $2 trillion richer and millions more people would have jobs.”
    We pointed out how Obama’s endless bragging about 15 million new jobs was misleading, given that job growth hadn’t even kept pace with population growth since 2010. How the number of people who’d dropped out of the labor force had grown at a faster rate than jobs, and the explosive growth in food stamps and disability rolls.”
    In short, many people refused to accept the false narratives sent their way when reality was staring them in the face, while the mediocracy punted.

  28. That said I have no real expectations for the Trump presidency. Washington is an insular place. Trump has no political experience and therefore few allies. Democrats will be loath to cooperate preferring to wait for the mid terms and 2020 – hoping for change.
    That is spectacularly wrong abtrapper.
    If a business is languishing often the very best solution is a manager from outside the industry.
    The outsider will often envision solutions that a hidebound insider simply cannot imagine.
    Your thinking here is STATIC.
    Remember, as Scott Adams has taught us, Trump is a master persuader.
    And a man of action.
    And Obama-Clinton have destroyed the Democrat Party. They won’t be able to just sit around atop a heap of good will till the mid-terms.

  29. The reason I keep coming to this blog is because Kate keeps thinking up stuff like The 8 Mile Rule. If there is an issue out there that needs attending to, Kate sees it and kicks it’s ass with something like this. Its genius, and we are damn lucky to be able to participate.
    The utter, abject failure of the Canadian media to seek out talent and employ it for the good of the country is on display here. Every day that goes by with Kate McMillan not being given a byline just compounds the failure.
    Just remember, you all read the straight goods here while the papers and TV flailed, floundered and outright lied. All the hoodoo they’re saying today is just as full of sh1t as it was on Tuesday when they -all- predicted Hillary in a walk.
    If we learn nothing else from 2016, we should damn well learn that.
    Kate McMillan rocks.

  30. I think this is all because of Obama and his ineptness, the media has been covering it up all along.
    In 2008, the Democrat’s controlled all three branches of power at the federal level. In eight years, they control none of them and no one waiting in the wings to rebuild (scoreboard). State governments have flipped republican as well. When the establish republican’s and established conservative media started acting like Democrat’s, it was evident that the rot was deep in both parties and they all had to go.
    Term limmits will likely be the legacy of Trump’s time in office. I can’t wait until the liberal media starts turning on Obama, he won’t be in office and have the office of POTUS to try and shape public opinion. They will turn on him eventually since it was him that gave them POTUS Trump.

  31. For what it is worth,
    I never doubted Trump could become President of the USA, not even 4 years ago when everyone thought he was just doing it for publicity and that he was big stupid clown.
    One could check the archives, I have always believed Trump had what it takes.
    There was a brief period last year when I was worried Hillary would win, but it quickly faded away.
    And a few months ago I began posting on many blogs that Trump would not only win, he would win BIG…and he did!!! ( as of now 279 for Trump and around 218 for Hillary, the final total is not available they have until December )

  32. Trump is a colourful character and a has media presence as an entertainer not a politician. I’m sure that accounts for a lot of his appeal. As does economic concerns, national security and immigration. I also agree that many US voters were sending a message to establishment politicians, the media, experts, academics, corporate cronies and to the rest of the chattering class: a big old Eff You!! The privilildged class who have become increasingly arrogant missed the message before November 8 because you can’t hear anything when you’re shouting insults at people you consider deplorables. “Shut up and listen” might be a good start for those that were shocked by this outcome. Think of it as Plan B for when shrieking “racist and stupid” stops working….because clearly it has stopped working.
    That being said, I hope Trump surrounds himself with competent people (who are of a libertarian bent, of course. Rand Paul to review the Fed) because I’m not convinced the traits that got him elected will be the ones needed to manage the USA and foreign relations. I also hope the republican congress will moderate his excesses without morphing him into an establishment automaton.

  33. I think the PC’s are going to try and move right in an effort to woo back disgruntled Wild Rose’rs. It’s a strategy that might work.
    There is no room on the left in AB. The PC’s know this and in their attempt to move right they run the risk of disenfranchising their progressive members. I think that might be part of the reason the only 2 women in the race dropped out. There is no room in the party for their narrative.
    The hard core WR’s vote exists overwhelmingly rural route. These votes will be difficult to move. They distrust the PC’s.
    Sooo what is the future? I dunno but IMO the WR is not going away nor can they garner enough votes to form government. Unless some accommodation can be made between the WR and the PC’s a vote split is likely. A vote split benefits the ndp.

  34. Kate, seeing all the nuts starting to call for Calexit made me think of your Oh Sweet St. Andreas, Hear My Prayer. Hilarious.

  35. Thinking here, which is always a dangerous undertaking.
    The news manufacturers, the pollsters, the college educated and other legends in their own minds did not get the results wrong.
    The ruling class went nuclear with propaganda, you are supposed to pay heed and believe. It would not be surprising whatsoever, that they knew that Clinton was losing across the board, after all it is they that know.
    The propaganda machine, that Goebbels would be most proud, of the international socialists were hoping that the non-educated reprobates, as they portray them, absolutely must believe the lies and get on with the program of the made-up winner.
    This is very unfortunate. It is a sign of the times. As someone said earlier, there are masses of people that want to be lied to and no amount of truth will change their mind.
    They, the ruling class, have their useless, non-productive jobs that however pay well for propaganda purposes, put down people that don`t agree with the familiar insulting terms.
    They really seriously without an ounce of any consideration for the proletariat they profess to support, don`t care if the miners, the productive trades people, the farmers, lose their living. To them it is just a collateral damage on their march to oblivion.
    I`m all right jack, (originally: “Frack (sic) you, Jack, I’m all right!)” as the old sailors would say

  36. Trump will blow-away the past Congressional grid lock..Republicans control both houses & the Senate “Reid Option 51%” will move everything FAST… The Senate only gets one more chance, and Trump will take sole responsibility for the direction. He is a real CEO who is not worried about re-election..Blame or Fame
    A) The Congress MUST address Immigration Reform (what to do with existing illegal Aliens) Trump can deport All under the existing immigration law & enforce border security without Congressional action. The Marco group may play a role with a modified plan Trump will sign…
    B) Trump will reduce the over reach by the EPA… Focus on water supply (Flint) & air pollution issues
    C) Trump will negate the Paris circle jerk.. Counting rail Coal cars left to those UN/EU fools
    The rejection of the Canadian Carbon Tax by Saskatchewan kept a possible issue out of the US election (look Canada have all approved a carbon TAX).. Brad Wall stood tall..all by himself
    D) Appoint replacement for Justice Scalia… ASAP
    The M/E issues will require a closer look..Why are we playing such a silly game
    Foreign affairs will almost sort themselves with the firm hands of Trump
    Hillary…Her total defeat by America is most humbling to both Clintons.. I am sure that Obama & Trump will
    come to some agreement going FWD

  37. *
    “kate said… millions of Americans, tired of being slurred as bigots, racists, deplorables”
    spot on… trump was so obviously not “one of them”, slick villains with meticulously
    rehearsed 10 second soundbites, constant deflections and outright lies.
    that obviously resonated with people.
    it didn’t hurt that the clinton cartel was so obviously about lining their own pockets…
    often at the expense of the national good.
    it’s just a bonus that a trump victory pisses off all the right people. mrs neo listens
    to a gardening show on cbc radio and they’re all still wetting their pants over
    hillary’s demise.

  38. There is no congressional gridlock. The GOP has complete control now. The democrats lost bigly. It’s over for them.

  39. “The propaganda machine, that Goebbels would be most proud, of the international socialists were hoping that the non-educated reprobates, as they portray them, absolutely must believe the lies and get on with the program of the made-up winner.”
    Exactly, and they are still at it in the US print and visual media, and as well in the Canadian media. The Frankfurt School and globalism will be thwarted for at least four years in the US and hopefully elsewhere. Brexit was a start.

  40. I did predict it a year ago and here’s why.
    He’s a fighter and a winner. America loves a winner and a fighter. Sure, he started out with a big gift from his father but Trump is a name synonymous with big buildings, television shows and a blusterous personality. I genuinely believe he loves America and one can’t say that about Mentally Hill or Obama. He’s also not the plastic people you see everywhere polished to a sheen of focus group losers. “GHBtP” should show that well enough. He also would not be crybullied by the losers in tears today. He let all the MeAgain Kelly, Alicia Machado, GHBTP, etc. crap roll right off of him instead of trying to defend himself or apologizing. He refused to placate MeAgain at the debate, he vowed on national freaking television to not necessarily support the nominee… Giant freaking balls further evidenced by the staring down of the guy who wanted to rush the stage in Reno.
    Cruz, for all his intellectual prowess, would have lost by 10 points in the pop vote and 250+ in the EC. He still believes that you can reason these people into “Yeah, we should go back to the Constitution and yes, I’m willing to give up my free stuff!” You cannot reason people out of a position they did not reason themselves into. He’s unlikeable, he’s not a guy you’d go get beers with, he’s not a fighter. As a SC Justice, he’s the perfect choice and would do WORLDS of good. As a President, he’s a failed candidate. Cruz might just be the smartest guy to ever run but he’s just about the most unlikeable since Dukakis or Mondale.
    Keep in mind that Mike Pence is the VP and most of the governmental stuff is likely to be run out of his office. Trump will be the figure that wants certain things (lower corp taxes, renegotiated deals, VA reform, certain cabinet members, etc.) but the actual governing of America will be done by Pence. His fingerprints will be all over this administration. As much as I wanted Mattis (or even Cruz!) as the VP, Pence is the perfect choice at the end of the day.

  41. “The democrats lost bigly. It’s over for them.”
    I’m willing to bet that calmly, quietly, behind all the official wailing and gnashing of teeth over Hillary, there are plenty of democrats out there who see an opportunity for renewal in a political universe now freed from the gruesome Clinton clan.
    Part of that opportunity is the opening the demise of the Clintons might now provide for, say, a bright young woman whose husband is not a philanderer; a woman who is not involved in amassing millions through dodgy foundations and foreign donors; a woman who wouldn’t think of using the Internet for sending and receiving classified information.
    That bright young woman might just be the first female president that Americans actually deserve.
    (Of course, nothing says that woman might not be a Republican either.)

  42. “There is no congressional gridlock. The GOP has complete control now.” James
    Just to point out your error… Republicans do not have a super majority, which is 60 votes.. Some appointments
    & the prevention of senate rules (filibuster) requires 60 votes… The “Reid rule” suspended the rules and only requires 51 votes (Reid again threatened (2016) to use his rule to get Clinton her appointments if the Dem’s won a majority)…
    Mitch McConnell (R senate leader) is stuck in the honor system of the 1980’s and refused to use Reid Rule…He will be toast going forward if his cocktail party popularity interfere with results. It is said his FIL had some drug issues with his shipping Empire that Obama helped
