When All They Have Left Are The Slurs

Scott Adams (of whom most here are familiar) predicted a Trump win over a year ago, based on what he observed about his powers of persuasion. His blog makes for generally interesting reading on the broader topic of persuasion – if you have the time to go back and read his older postings, I recommend you do.
This is his prediction for the post-election Trump.
As for me, I never predicted a win, because I know better. But by July of 2015, I was certain Trump would resonate with a broad segment of working class America based on my own observations and interactions with the audience here. Because there was a desperate desire for someone to step up and take on what is euphemistically called “political correctness”. Someone with the strength to absorb the insults, own his identity, and in so doing, neutralize the slurs and disarm the attacker. I call it the 8 Mile Rule, from the film that produced the epiphany. It’s profane, but I recommend you watch that, too.
Trump was showing signs of understanding this, and while he adjusted and evolved in his style, he never really backed away from it. “Not all women, just Rosie O’Donnell”. That was ballsy.
He was called every vicious name in the book in an effort to force his political allies and supporters to distance themselves, and thereby weaken him. It didn’t work. Not only did it not work, when Trump stood his ground, millions of Americans, tired of being slurred as bigots, racists, deplorables — simply for sharing the ordinary, traditional beliefs of their good and honourable parents and grandparents — found a champion. An imperfect champion, to be sure, but imperfect was required under the circumstances.
I don’t know what kind of President Donald Trump will make, but I suspect he’ll do fine, judging by the people he surrounded himself with, and how quickly he jettisons those who under-perform. He’s consistently chosen strong, iron-willed personalities as allies and advisers — Pence, Gingrich, Guiliani, Conway — and they share the same strength in refusing to be verbally cowed by media. And he’s built his fortune as a builder and negotiator, skill sets which will serve him well.
As of this morning, the “tell these people something they don’t know about me” title goes into retirement, at least as it pertains to Trump.
I think I’ve made my point.

73 Replies to “When All They Have Left Are The Slurs”

  1. Here’s my prediction for Canada’s next election.
    “Trudeau Loses in a Landslide Conservative Sweep!”

  2. “Hillary lost the support of the younger voters”
    Funny image!
    However, there’s some truth in what you’ve said there.
    When she crushed Bernie, she also crushed the aspirations of an awful lot of young lefties too.

  3. While the results are almost even, maybe some of those who weren’t satisfied thought that Trump should have won with a bigger lead.

  4. Petty obummer canceled the photo part of the meet and greet with the Trumps this morning. He was only going to meet with the new President Elect for about ten minutes. The meeting lasted about ninty minutes and I bet Trump did most of the talking.

  5. Why would republicans go back to the 60 seat rule? The democrats set the precedent here. Same deal with the IRS And everything else they’ve done. Executive orders, weaponizing federal institutions against political enemies. All of that will continue but it’s our turn. First place to start is the unions. Sick the IRS, FBI, CIA, ATF anything after them.

  6. Above, the link is not the one I saw where Giuliani basically said forget it…I’ll look about.
    In this one he is waffling and dancing about but that should be enough cause for concern to anyone that a fix is in.

  7. The Republicans will use that “power” to wheel & deal with Democrats. That is why Obama should solve the Hillary problems before he leaves office…Pardon or indictment.. She is the turd that Democrat’s created
    Trump hasn’t said anything lately about the UN policy of foreign students and Harvard etc… Money train from the USA…
    He said that those Students, if talented, must be offered a job in the USA…The Brain drain will put the UN out of that business….

  8. “He is a real CEO who is not worried about re-election..Blame or Fame”
    And that alone makes him, and the people who voted him in, very powerful.

  9. Still proud to be the first person to grasp Kate’s “8 Mile Rule”. 6 years on, my point is even more clearly made. Stephen Harper was afraid of his own past. That fear paralyzed him and severely limited his transformation of government. His election was an immense lost opportunity in large part because he let Canada’s Leftist Media define and scare him. I would have voted for neither Clinton or Trump, but I firmly believe that if Trump had been elected PM of Canada, the first thing he would do, would be to privatize the CBC. Then he would laugh when the Council of Canadians cries and screams about it.

  10. One makes trolls disappear by ignoring them; they only post as bait for you to respond. Why give them any control over you?

  11. This is probably well over your head North of 60, but Progressive Pat is playing the part of a troll.
    It’s getting old.
    Shouldn’t you be gathering french fry grease instead of posting to blogs? … to save the earth?
    Anyway, enjoy your dinner of organic bean sprouts.

  12. I am ecstatic that he won. Who will come along and make Canada great again?? I have watched our blue collar work tank. The jobs pay what the older generation would have paid a babysitter. Disgusting how NAFTA has effected us. Both the Liberals and the Conservatives support NAFTA and the TPP here. Not surprised the Liberals support it but very disappointed our Conservatives do. Unfortunately, the only party that would stand up to this disgrace is the NDP. I disagree with them on everything else.

  13. As soon as Hillary said” Basket of deplorables”, I was wishing I was a Yank so I could order up the t-shirt and wear it :)…also ordered a couple of his books, the strips are good but some of his writing is friggin’ hilarious 🙂

  14. My golf partners and I, college grads, several advanced degrees, one naturalized Canuck, from around the country but settling here for the jobs and rational politics all voted for Trump. For some he wasn’t our first choice, the Republican bench is deep, but there was no question when he was nominated he had our votes. Anyone trying to turn the female vote into a monolithic left wing construct is pissing into the wind.
    (Understanding the absolute necessity, this captcha is pretty good at filtering humans.)
