26 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Kate…this video has been removed by youtube (Account terminated) I tried to go through youtube and it’s gone.
    Meanwhile tune in to the CBC News channel ight now…It is sooo much fun to watch them be obliterated. First by Ann Coulter last night with an increasingly unhinged Peter Mansbridge who has a hard time keeping his cool ever since the election. Keith Boag looks like he lives in a funeral home now…
    Just now a black woman Republican Trump supporter slap the afternoon bozo with comment and some much needed truth. They are so not use to have other opinions other than theirs that they are having a hard time being bjective and more not attack, interrupt and ridicule them.
    …And now the markets are breaking records and Jenny Lee had to come and explain why this afternoon…Priceless!…She chocked on the term “Trump Bump”…BUT she had to say that our dollar fell (Slightly)…Hey CBC, could it be because Trudeau maintained today his position that a carbon tax is still on?
    Get some popcorn and tune in the now terminal
    media…It is so good for the soul.

  2. This reminds me of DD Lewis’ performance in “There will be blood”:
    Milo: “I…EAT…YOUR…ICE CREAM!!!!!”

  3. Milo needs to be Donald’s press secretary. The press would scatter faster than the Trump victory party.

  4. Dave, I think Sarah Palin would be a better White House Press secretary. It would be Donald’s daily eff you to the MSM.

  5. I SO wished the “media” were still at the tables. No, not so they would be covering their own embarrassing demise … but so I could watch Milo rip them all a new one (verbally, of course) … and watch them scurry-off to their safe spaces. Clearly, THE most dangerous Fa&&ot in the media.
    Wheeeeeeeee !! … goes Kenji … I feel … so … ALIVE again !!

  6. my my. what a time to be an egg farmer.
    msm egg all over their face.
    celebs egg all over their face.
    pundits egg all over their face.
    Hillary’s gang egg all over their face.

  7. I believe Trump’s wonderful win is something more significant than just the usual ebb and flow in politics. It is more fundamental. Kate’s earlier post made many good points.
    I am still trying to put my finger on it – and I must admit it is hard to think clearly given the sheer joy I am having watching the left go crazy!
    If Trump runs for a second term, and if his health is still good, then I predict he will win a landslide of the kind that has not been seen since Reagan.

  8. Since you’re in extended party mode, some Soul Train music:
    Patrick Hernandez – Born To Be Alive (Maxi Extended Disco Purrfection Edit) [1979 HQ]
    Predictions that blacks, women and Millennials would not vote Trump proved largely untrue
    Congratulations on a “TRUMP-upPENCE!”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  9. Here’s an alternative boogie “SHOUT FOR JOY” in an American/German piano collaboration Stephanie Trick & Jörg Hegemann
    Stephanie Trick & Jörg Hegemann — “Shout for Joy”
    Jörg Hegemann (b. 11. Juni 1966 in Dortmund) ist ein deutscher Boogie-Woogie-Pianist.
    Stephanie Trick ( b. 1987 St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.)
    Ralph Reed: Data Show Evangelicals, Catholics Delivered Key States to Trump http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/11/10/ralph-reed-data-show-evangelicals-catholics-delivered-key-states-trump/
    Conservative Christians gave Donald Trump 79 percent of their votes, Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, told reporters Wednesday.
    That split left 15 percent voting for his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, Reed said.
    Evangelical Christians and observant Catholics made up 33 percent of the electorate, according to polling by Glen Bolger and Public Opinion Strategies. “It is the highest share of the electorate made up of conservative Christians in a presidential election in the modern era,” Reed said.
    “If these voters had stayed home, as some observers thought they would do, Donald Trump would have lost this election by a certain Johnson-Goldwater-type margin,” he said. In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson beat Sen. Barry Goldwater (R.-Ariz.) with 61 percent of the vote to Goldwater’s 39 percent. “It’s very, very significant.”
    In the 2016 cycle, it was a two-way street for Trump’s outreach to conservative Christians, he said. No Republican nominee had ever made the consistent effort to connect with conservative Christians than Trump.
    The usual playbook is for the GOP to embrace conservative Christians in the primaries and then, in the general election push them off stage and off camera, out of fear that being close to conservative Christians would offend other communities that Republicans wanted to attract, he said. “Trump did not use that playbook.”
    Reed said, “We knew we were looking at something big, when we did our phone banking for our final weekend.”
    In the Faith & Freedom Coalition phone bank operation, a universe of 15.6 million conservative Christians living in 9.5 million households were identified in 11 key battleground states, he stated.
    The phone banks were tied to the outreach field operation that sent 26 million cell phone ads to 3.8 million targeted voters, Reed said. “We were knocking on doors. We knocked on 1, 253, 778 doors in the top 11 states. We were distributing voter guides. We were dropping mail–all these things.”
    If voters replied they had turned in an early or absentee ballot, they would be taken out of the outreach program and the digital ads. Door knocks and phone calls would be directed at someone else. “When we did our final purging for the final weekend, 48 percent of the entire universe had already voted,” Reed said.
    “That included states like Pennsylvania and Michigan and many other states that don’t even early-vote,” he said. “I had never in my career–and I have been doing this for 27 years–never seen an early vote number for this constituency that exceeded the mid-thirties, so we knew something big was happening.”
    The FFC analysis showed that broken out as a separate cross tab, Catholics contributed mightily to the overall Christian support for the New York City developer, he said.
    “Catholics are the swing vote in American politics,” Reed said. White Catholics, who are one out of six voters, voted 54 percent for Trump and 36 percent for Clinton.
    Catholics helped Trump win Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, he said.
    Broken out separately, the evangelical vote went for Trump by astonishing margins, Reed said: in Florida, by 85 percent to 13 percent; Georgia, by 88 percent to 6 percent; and Wisconsin, by 71 percent to 24 percent.
    After the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, evangelicals retreated from the public square, after being an active and accepted part of the process from the beginning of the Republic, he said. When Georgia Gov. James “Jimmy” E. Carter announced that he was a born-again Christian during his 1976 presidential race, it triggered a political reawakening for evangelicals, which have now reached an acceptance and a maturity after many years of awkwardness and resistance from other political players.
    There was no way of knowing how many people the Democrats would be able to drive to the polls, he said.
    It was obvious, however, that conservative Christians were going to swamp the polling stations, he said.
    “But, there was never any doubt in our mind–this was my tenth presidential cycle–I never seen a time, whether it was Obama in ’08, whether it was Reagan in ’80, or whether it was Trump this year, where the primary votes spiked, but those same voters did not turn out in the general,” he said.
    “In my experience, if you vote in the primary, you’re coming to the general, so we always believed they would come in huge numbers.”
    Congratulations on a “TRUMP-upPENCE!”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  10. And guest what BC, Trudeau’s reelection in 2019 is in serious jeopardy now…Just look how Rosie Barton looks so pissed right now on CBC…Trudeau is so stupid into thinking Canadians will go for his carbon tax. Dion didn’t have Trump south of the border and look how well that went for him and his green tax proposal…In this new reality, Canadians will soon awake (En masse), at least “Les Deplorables” amongst us… I still have faith in my shoulder shrugging, “Ah well” compatriots…The ones outside big urban centers anyway? Right?…Gulp.
    If Trudeau keeps his “Globalist” stance with it’s climate change extortion racket, the man child will not see another term. Already, many are sick of his constant campaigning and his “Look at me mom, I’m on a woman afternoon talk show”…Pure narcissist POS.

  11. Hans … brotha ! That’s a mad mad bad azz Dance Line courtesy Don Cornelius. You be down wit me bro ! Dats what the BLM need to showin … and the threads ! Takin me back to the day. Now THAT brightens my day even MORE.
    Here … take a stroll with me on this classic. Kind of a move-out song for the Obama’s … in fact I swear they’re singin “Obama was a rolling stone … and all he left us was alo oh oh own”
    Da aaa ammmm!

  12. Hans ! My main man … you’ve perfectly captured my ebullient mood … the boogie woogie president from company Trump. BTW … that Stephanie can tickle MY ivorys any ol time ! ( Hey, we’ve all got a little Weiner in us) … Uhhhh I better rephrase that.
    And without a doubt … the selection of Pence was a master stroke of genius by Trump. That, coupled with the immediate endorsement of Dr Ben Carson … and his nonstop, unwavering on-air defense of Trump. This despite all the “nasty” Primary election insults hurled at Carson by Trump. Carson laughed at how he should have deeply hurt feelings about it all … explaining that it was just the full contact sport of politics. That it means nothing. And you know that Trump, behind the scenes, explained his full strategy to Carson. Embraced him, like MEN do to each other after a hard fought rugby match and had a beer. Carson’s non-stop campaigning for Trump spoke volumes to the squeamish Christians who were put off by Trumps religiously-incorrect language and persona. Pence and Carson SCORED the Christian vote. Nicely done.

  13. You’ll enjoy this splendid boogie too: Bringin’ back the joy…
    by Albert Clifton Ammons (March 1, 1907 – December 3, 1949)[1] was an American pianist and player of boogie-woogie, a bluesy jazz style popular from the late 1930s into the mid-1940s
    I thought that would put a jump in your step…
    My pleasure on the Soul Train dance line, I remember when that first aired…from the year before Reagan had his first landslide in 1980.
    When greater Motown was still churning out great tunes in the Rust Belt, much better than some of the ‘dreck’ that passes for music today.
    Congratulations again on a “TRUMP-upPENCE!”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  14. Patrick Hernandez – Born To Be Alive
    That song brings back a few memories for me. It was on the charts around the time that I started grad studies in 1979. I recall that it was one of the last disco pieces to get any airplay before that genre faded away.

  15. I admit that I had a low opinion of SP when she ran for VP in 2008. I guess I was influenced by how she was portrayed in the media.
    My respect for her increased when I learned that she supported amateur radio when she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. I once spoke over the radio to a fellow ham from that area and he mentioned that there’s an annual hamfest that’s held there during the same weekend as Victoria Day. Hams from all over the region go there for the activities.
    Her name happened to come up in the conversation and he mentioned that she stopped by and visited the place where it was held. Perhaps she understood how important amateur radio can be in Alaska. Often it’s the only means of long-distance communication.
    Anybody who supports amateur radio can’t be all bad.

  16. OK. Canada, you promised NATO that you would spend 2% of GDP to deter Russian aggression. You spend .8% and that will soon stop or you will get whacked on the trade thing. Carbon tax still a good idea? Maybe shove that into defence?

  17. Why hasn’t any media been asking where was Illary Clinton on election night that she didn’t put in an appearance for her supporters? Why the press conference called for 9:30 and then 10:30 and then finally she appears after 11:30….where was she? Smashing up the hotel room like a high rock star? or passed out?

  18. It’ll remain to be seen who the Tories pick to run.
    Beyond that, I wish I was as optimistic as you.

  19. The CPC truly f’ed up the debate the other night. Where the heck is the youtube for it? All their stupid fundraising emails don’t have a link to it at all. Anyway we have to pick the most DEPLORABLE candidate possible. Whoever the MSM labels the most offensive, the least likely to win AND has charisma is the best choice.

  20. Think it’s because she really has no regard for others, organic in her nature. That or she was so not in control of herself to the point that putting her on stage would have been a disaster, but could manage a phone call to Trump.

  21. Deliciously politically-incorrect title and lyrics. So YOU obviously want a return of Jim Crow laws and weekly lynchings ! I KNOW you DO! … because I’ve seen dozens of Hollywood movies that said so ! How awful … where’s my therapy pet ?
