Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Ok, one more time.

Here is what the cosmopolitan class still does not get: It’s not just Donald Trump you are making fun of it, is people outside your circle, it is the voters whose sentiments and values that have been the punch line of Hollywood’s jokes for their entire lives.
And along comes this guy who finally says enough is enough, and they like it, said retired business executive Bill Englert, of New Kensington, Penn. “Trump is standing up for the so called deplorables, intolerables and irredeemables excoriated by Hillary and the left,” he said.
At the Golden Dawn restaurant bar in Youngtown, a group of fraternity brothers, a mix of both Trump and Clinton supporters, all agreed that what people like about Trump is that he emotes strength, stands up for himself, and — most of all — irritates reporters.
There is no subtlety in the elite’s perception of the rest of the country; they don’t think you respect them, or view them as equal.

“Everybody from the 313, put your motherf***in’ hands up and follow me.”

21 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Trump is treating msm Reporters exactly as they deserve to be treated, with contempt.
    My suggestion to the new Prez : invite more of the non-traditional media to Press conferences, such as Daily Wire,Breitbart,Drudge,The Rebel,etc., and allow just ONE rep from the msm,through whom all the others in the msm will have to find their headline.
    Then watch ’em scramble to be the reporter that is invited.
    The media ARE Trump’s enemy, I’m sure he knows that,so treat ’em as you would any other enemy,starve ’em out.Force the civilians to seek out their news on the ‘net,and kill off the propaganda machine that is killing off our civilization.

  2. “and allow just ONE rep from the msm”
    Might as well. They all write the same drivel. When one gets it wrong, they all get it wrong the exact same way.

  3. When you go to conservative rallies and get yelled at and harassed by leftist protesters every damn time you realize pretty quick who you’re up against. The thing I’ve never understood is why our leaders don’t get it. I mean Trump is the first guy to say screw you back to them.
    To be fair Harper knew the press were scum sucking pieces of crap and treated them that way but he always fell for the staged plants and all the other ridiculous leftist tactics and never stood up to the attacks and it cost him his job.

  4. This election was very enlightening.
    The crackpots that told me there was only one big party, and the Democrat Republican fights were scripted like Pro Wrassling were more right than wrong. Trump got more resistance on his illegal immigration stance from the GOP than the Democrats.
    Principled Conservatives like the Bushes, National Review, and the talking head pundits were all willing to support Hillary and even vote for her, rather than the Republican Trump.
    I know Trump will disappoint me on some issues. Even The Sainted Ronald Reagan disappointed me. But at least Trump fights. Unlike Bush, McCain, Romney, Boehner, and McConnell, who rolled over and surrendered without a fight.
    In 2017 we need to find Donald Trump some allies to primary the GOP Establishment deadwood, and the defeat Democrat Progressive maniacs.

  5. President-elect Donald Trump is disavowing white nationalist sympathizers who celebrated his election during a conference in Washington over the weekend.
    He tells The New York Times that “I disavow and condemn them.”
    He was responding to a question during Tuesday’s interview about a Friday night event during which attendees cheered Trump’s election and gave Nazi salutes.

  6. Torys up here still don’t get it. All pandering to the Toronto/Montreal media corridor trying to curry favour with and win the approval of people who despise them and their voters. They look ridiculous.

  7. I thought you were retiring the 8mile meme?
    I believe that’s why she started the post off with “OK, one more time”. Encore.

  8. I heard (or read) someone describe Trump’s brusque, brash, and rude speaking style as endemic to the development business (and other hands-on businesses for that matter). Developers need to speak quickly, precisely, and to the point. Time is money, and there is no time for navel gazing, pontification, or eloquent speeches. It is the civilian equivalent to a drill Sargent barking orders at his troops. And WHY does the drill Sargent bark his orders without any “sensitivity”, “nuance”, or “circumspection” ? Because his JOB is to teach MEN how to stay alive, and work hard for … each other. Trump is simply speaking for all of us WORKERS … he is calling BULLsHi+ on the GOPe, Democraps, and their Media co-dependents. BullSHi+!!!!! Get on with it already. Start CARING more for your American BROTHERS and SISTERS and not for wealthy elites, corporations, donors, government unionistas, and the foreign middle class

  9. All this analysis is great and there’s bits of truth to all of it, but when I remind myself about the idiocracy of democracy I suspect Trump mostly just won because he’s that guy on tv. Also it’s been 8 years of Obama. The tides go in and the tides go out. 8 years from now we’ll probably end up with an Elizabeth May type of President and everyone on the other side of the spectrum will be overjoyed.

  10. All this analysis is great and there’s bits of truth to all of it, but when I remind myself about the idiocracy of democracy I suspect Trump mostly just won because he’s that guy on tv. Also it’s been 8 years of Obama. The tides go in and the tides go out. 8 years from now we’ll probably end up with an Elizabeth May type of President and everyone on the other side of the spectrum will be overjoyed.

  11. Speaking of putting your motherf***in’ hands up:
    ““Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world….He referred to the mainstream media as “Lügenpresse,” a term he said he was borrowing from “the original German”; the Nazis used the word to attack their critics in the press.
    “The audience offered cheers, applause, and enthusiastic Nazi salutes.”

  12. Fake News?
    Pretty amusing how much media these 200 losers can achieve.
    Contrast that to the Tea Party Protest in Washington a couple of years back..
    No slant from our presstitutes Eh?
    Such attempts at slander by implausible association are only appreciated by “Professional Media “.

  13. meaning absolutely nothing.
    If the Communist Party of the US did the same thing for Maobama, which they likely did but Barky’s bought and paid for press didn’t report, nobody would take it seriously, at least not Barky and his seals.
    Don’t worry BL, you won’t see concentration camps, Muslim’s tattooed on the arm, “prrrroduzing ze papozzz”, not in your wet dreams.
    Take your proggy hyperventilating and find a paper bag, and breath in and out, slowly and deeply. TRUMP is probably the most centrist GOP POTUS ever, save for his pro-business policies. Too bad, so sad for you proggies who see nothing but hallucinations and fantasies.
    Remember, BL prog, the Adolph and his fascists were National *Socialists*

  14. I don’t know, but I doubt they can put the toothpaste back in the tube, now that all the Trump voters know that there are 62 million more of them than they realized. Isn’t that genesis of a revolution, when people realize that they are not alone?

  15. Glad to see that the Golden Dawn tavern is still a going concern and that Youngstown people still have spunk.
