36 Replies to “Global Test”

  1. “If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both, and it won’t ever really be at peace…”
    And with that inchoate gibberish echoing in my ears, farewell Secretary Kerry, you’re out of time!
    23 days left.
    15 US working days.

  2. Aargh! I’m having some cognitive dissonance here! I can no longer tell whether John Kerry or Hillary Clinton was the WORST US Secretary of State in history. Both were ineffectual, bloviating wankers who did more harm than good, but at least Kerry has (so far) no presidential ambitions. Still, he’s narcissistic enough (and the Democratic leadership delusional enough) to be a candidate in 2020.

  3. Obama/Kerry/Clinton have created an extraordinary opening for trump to act decisively against the UN – he will have considerable bipartisan support to do it too.
    They also have exposed the long-existing cleavage in the dem party over Israel and Zionism. Trump could make some significant inroads with the Jewish lobby and it supporters that will be of great benefit in 2018 and 2020.

  4. The lame duck secretary of state burned his bridges a few days ago? What an idiot. That has to be the stupidest secretary of state they have ever had. If there is a fix, Trump will handle it, not the idiot Kerry. Just eff off quietly.

  5. Yes, Lurch is quite the idiot. Too much LSD in the 60s will do that. The world becomes an even more dangerous place thanks to Lurch and OBomber.
    23 days to go, don’t let the door hit you on the way out, LURCH.

  6. “If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both…..”
    It’s a good thing that it’s not the choice Johnny boy. Lie to your friends not the world, because no one with a logical brain buys it.
    The choice is an independent Democratic Republic – or – Genocide.

  7. THE WALRUS, asking for money today, alluded to the coming presidency as an occasion for losing “the norms of civility. The anti-Semitism of the current presidency is hardly a matter of civility.
    No, I do not like Mr. Trump.

  8. Remember Kerry was a war hero – he had 3 Purple Hearts and never missed a minute of work. He earned a Bronze Star firing at non-existent targets after a boat hit a mine. His Silver Star was earned but for the meager task of killing a single enemy. Most of his men despised him and worked to see he wasn’t elected president.

  9. I like this.
    “Moreover, the Palestinians will never fully realize their vast potential in a homeland of their own with a one state solution.”
    What is their “vast potential” exactly?

  10. Why aren’t Jews recognized as indigenous people? They’ve been there twice as long as the Arabs.

  11. Now we get to see the wisdom of having security escourt fired employees off of the property, with 1 hour of less to gather personal items.
    Mighty classy of the Obamanation, acting just like the evicted losers they are.

  12. Without having heard the actual Kerry speech I have to assume he said the same for the choice between democracy and an Islamic state such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen and Afghanistan. (yeah…right).

  13. Let’s see………. Kerry says Israel has to choose whether to be Jewish or a democracy? Hmmmmmmm…. I didn’t think the two were mutually exclusive. And if they were, wouldn’t it have been a bit wiser to tell all of the Islamic Republics of Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Syrian, Egypt, etc. that they should lose the “Islamic” bit? But I suppose consistency or rationality wasn’t part of Kerry’s approach.
    Also, the denials that the “abstention” wasn’t really a US promoted resolution is as bogus as the Obama administration denials that it attempted to influence the last Israeli election and engineer Netanyahu’s defeat. They illegally funneled money to anti-Likud forces and dropped supposedly embarrassing “leaks” in the lead up to the election, only to find that they bumbling resulted in a larger victory for Netanyahu than anyone predicted.
    Which gets us back to timing ………… what on earth possesses anyone who asserts having a degree of competence and intelligence to their foreign policy design to shift group so much in the last month of an 8 year run in office? They vetoed all previous resolutions condemning Israel. What’s the basis for the change now? Anyone who looked at the Clinton Foundation for a parallel would wonder if Obama and Kerry were looking to enhance the donor list for their respective “Foundations” and “Libraries” from certain all-too-familiar sources.
    Hypocrisy never deterred a Democrat administration. It may even be considered their hallmark.

  14. Kerry’s tautology that the Palestinian’s can’t realize their potential in a homeland if there is only a one state solution.
    That one state being Israel doesn’t deny them the chance to realize their potential, just that it doesn’t fit his description of homeland.

    When asked if they preferred to become a citizen of Palestine, with all of the rights and privileges of other citizens of Palestine, or a citizen of Israel, only 30 percent chose Palestinian citizenship – as compared to 35 percent that chose Israeli citizenship. Another 35 percent either had no answer or declined to provide it.
    When asked to provide the top reasons they chose one citizenship over the other, those who chose Israeli citizenship stressed freedom of movement in Israel, higher income, better job opportunities and Israeli health insurance.
    Those who chose Palestinian citizenship referred to nationalism and patriotism. …

  15. What really pissed off Obama is that Trump convinced Egypt to withdraw their motion only to have it replaced by another motion. Everyone in the region likes Trump better so dickhead Obama did his best to sabotage the peace process. Obama is the one who encouraged jihadists to take power in Egypt and Egyptian leaders hate him almost as much as they hate the Palestinians.

  16. In a speech of little importance today, Kerry said that Saudi Arabia can be muslim or democratic, but not both. Or was that China and the Chinese? A bit diffiucult to understand as Israel is the only democratic country in the region, with a multi-racial population and freedom of religion guaranted.
    I guess he thinks they should emulate Iran.
    But the ’67 borders thing is total crap. At some points, the country is only 4 miles wide and what happened last time? The Arab invasion attempt of the 6 day war. Israel evacuated the Gaza strip and Jordan renounced the West bank.

  17. Would he say the same about the japanese? When I was in isreal about 10 years back the area around Nazareth was Arabs and they were all citizens. Christian Arabs

  18. Obama continuing the destruction of the Democratic Party. The Republicans now control both legislative chambers in 32 states, up from 30 before the election. As recently as 2010, Republicans controlled as few as 14 states.

  19. “Canada didn’t get a Security Council seat in 2010 because we were seen as too ‘pro-Israel.’ Trudeau really wants a seat. You do the math.”
    A seat on the Security Council earned at the expense of our relationship with Israel wouldn’t be worth the enduring shame such an act would bring to our country.

  20. If there was any lingering doubt as to wheather zero is a muzzie, this latest move by the white house should remove all of that.

  21. Obama’s arrogance as he leaves Office is astounding, it shows ignorance laced with self grandiosity of the highest order. Donald Trump can’t take Office soon enough. PM Selfie will look like the twerp he is as Trump takes over in the US.

  22. Prime Minister selfie is only interested in optics. All the cool kids hate jews and israel so why not jump on board?

  23. “Canada didn’t get a Security Council seat in 2010 because we were seen as too ‘pro-Israel.’ Trudeau really wants a seat. You do the math.”
    A seat on the Security Council earned at the expense of our relationship with Israel wouldn’t be worth the enduring shame such an act would bring to our country.
    And you really think Turdeau gives a ra@s?? Are you really that stupid?

  24. Please … I pray for a Tsunami in Hawaii … trapping Obama … out of communication … till Jan. 22, 2017

  25. It’s OK for Dems and statists and various Israel haters to provide propaganda, talking points and recruitment material to terrorists.
    “Kerry stated that Israel could be “Jewish or democratic” — as it could not be both (although Israel has been a Jewish and democratic state since 1948). Never has Kerry said the same of an Islamic state. In his parallel universe, Kerry said the Obama administration has done more for Israel’s safety and security than any other U.S. president. He demanded Israel go back to its 1967 borders, which have been described by Israeli officials as “Auschwitz borders,” because they are impossible to defend.”
    It was arguably the most anti-Israel speech by a top American official ever delivered. Sec. Kerry served up countless falsehoods and flat-out lies about Israel, patronizingly lecturing to a nation of people as if they were children. His vicious attack on Israel’s sovereignty and security will provide diplomatic and rhetorical fodder for Islamic extremists for years to come. Still, Kerry’s pro-Palestinian talking points may not come as a surprise to those familiar with his recent schedule.”
    Just weeks before his speech at the State Department, Kerry had found his partners to slam Israel at the United Nations. An Egyptian daily published this week what it says is proof of collusion between the Obama administration and a high-ranking Palestinian delegation, alleging that the two sides worked together to formulate the fiercely anti-Israel United Nations resolution that passed. The administration also discussed with their Palestinian counterparts how to deal with the coming Trump presidency, and advised them on how to react to Trump’s pro-Israel proposals.”
    This much is public knowledge: In mid-December, John Kerry and National Security Advisor Susan Rice met separately with the Palestinian delegation, which included chief negotiator Saeb Erekat and the Palestinian Authority’s spy chief, Majed Faraj. But after the sides met, the joint public statement released by the U.S. and Palestinians made no mention of their coming actions on Israel in the U.N. resolution, the report says.”
    Egypt’s Youm7, a reformist daily paper, obtained transcripts wherein Kerry told the Palestinian delegation he was prepared to work with them to accomplish their goals at the U.N. Security Council. The paper says that the PLO delegation made additional demands of top U.S. officials, wanting the U.S. to abolish the 1987 designation of the PLO as a terrorist group. The PLO was founded in 1964 as a militant terrorist group. The outfit has been found liable for dozens of terrorist attacks against countless Israelis and several American citizens.”
    Kerry and Rice allegedly advised the Palestinian delegation on how to react, both diplomatically and strategically, to a coming Trump presidency, describing President-elect Donald Trump as dangerous to their interests, the Egyptian daily reported. On the issue of Trump’s possible embassy move to Jerusalem, the PLO’s Erekat reportedly responded with what appears to be an overt threat to the U.S. delegation. Erekat stated that the world’s Arab and Islamic states will work together and “expel the embassies of America from their capitals.”
    Kerry and Rice then reportedly showered praise upon Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, thanking him for choosing a “culture of peace” over violence and terror, the report adds. The very same Mahmoud Abbas praised by Kerry and Rice is a proven anti-Semite, Holocaust denier, and inciter of terrorism. Moreover, Abbas presides over a government that hands out cash payments to the families of suicide bombers.”
    While providing kind words for Abbas, the Kerry and Rice had nothing nice to say about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Egyptian paper adds. Kerry and Rice reportedly told the Palestinian delegation that Netanyahu was attempting to destroy any hope for a two-state solution. Last week’s grossly anti-Israel U.N. resolution claimed that the holiest sites in Judaism — the Western Wall and the Temple Mount — were actually “Palestinian” lands.”
    Last week’s grossly anti-Israel U.N. resolution claimed that the holiest sites in Judaism — the Western Wall and the Temple Mount — were actually “Palestinian” lands. The United States has veto power to quash Security Council resolutions, but the Obama administration decided to abstain on the matter, letting it pass through. The resolution also targeted Israeli “settlements” in disputed lands in the West Bank (or, Judea and Samaria).”
    The Israeli government has claimed it has “ironclad” intelligence that the White House helped craft the resolution. Worse, the Obama administration-Palestinian collusion is just the first of “more moves at the UN,” an Israeli official said late Tuesday. The Kerry-led State Department strangely denies that Kerry and Rice conducted such a meeting, even though the State Department’s public schedule shows Kerry and Erekat did indeed meet on Dec. 12 at 10 a.m.”
    Hmm, liars and cowards. Obama confirms his leftist bona fides for his 3rd world speaking tour, taking a page from the Clintons’ get rich playbook. Even 3rd world cesspools have golf courses. Reality check: a “two state solution” is actually a one state solution which doesn’t include Israel.

  26. The State Department helped write both the Iraqi and the Afghan constitutions in recent years in the aftermath of the invasions/wars there.
    In both of these constitutions Islam is anchored as source of all law and at the same time both constitutions stipulate that these nations are to be democracies in which no law is to violate democratic principles.
    This roughly summarises the column by Andrew McCarthy in NRO.
    So why is it that Kerry thinks Israel cannot be a Jewish and democratic nation simultaneously?
