Oh, Shiny Potato

Bag Men, arrogance and corruption, because it’s 2016.#Libranos

The Liberal Party of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was tipped off in 2013 that a wealthy party benefactor was wanted by China for corruption, long before the news became public, in an email that has been leaked to the South China Morning Post by a former party executive.

6 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Potato”

  1. Could this be the same ‘Oriental Gentleman’ that was fighting extradition orders by the Harper government, inquiring minds would like to know?/sarc/

  2. That’s ok, Lisa LaFlamme will give Spud and Sophie a tongue bath, and all will be well with the Low Info general public

  3. Honest mistake by the liberals, when they heard he was wanted for corruption, they thought that was a fundraising tip.

  4. No worries, I am quite sure the Same preferential treatment if available to all.
    Canada is different to just any Banana republic , here the bribes are agreed in advance.
    Sanctuary for Soros will be next.
    Of course this could be how “budgets will balance themselves”, offer sanctuary to international criminals, then sell them to their highest paying enemy.

  5. I hope no one reading this is surprised, either at the corruption evident in China, or the transposition of that same corruption to the Liberals. It’s in their genes. But he’s sooo cute! Barf.

  6. Yes that would be one and the same. Now he’s suing Cabinet ministers over it apparently. If you don’t already, be glad you don’t live here on the Wet Coast. Problem is, they’re buying up vast tracts of farmland in Sask and elsewhere, too. A word comes to mind, and it rhymes with ‘hermaphrodites’.
