Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

All the right people are beginning to ask:

Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in which the Obama administration permitted an anti-Israel resolution to win overwhelming approval, according to congressional leaders, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the current administration is already plotting to take further action against the Jewish state before vacating office.
Other punitive actions by Congress could include expelling Palestinian diplomats from U.S. soil and scaling back ties with foreign nations that voted in favor of the controversial measure, according to multiple sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about the situation both on and off the record.


26 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Reminds me of how they brought in the Federal Reserve…one was the Aldrich plan, promoted as the Bankers Plan versus Woodrow Wilson’s plan. Naturally the people didn’t want the Wall Street Bankers plan and backed Wilson’s plan. Which was identical to the Banker’s plan. Good cop/bad cop…
    Same thing happening here…pity party over Israel weakens the UN, making events ready for the real one world order. Of which the League of Nations and the UN provide the skeletal structure.
    Good cop/bad cop…they’re all on the same side…the one world side. A real one world order encompasses peace worldwide because there’s nobody to fight against.
    1 Thess 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

  2. As well, Isreal is suspending ‘working ties’ with the 12 countries who voted for the resolution…but no such action against the US. Might endanger the record $
    3.8 billion in aid…always follow the money.

  3. Or just waiting until January 20th for someone who won’t be deliberatley working against them for a change.

  4. US presidents who have publicly criticized the Israeli settlements as being obstacles to peace:
    – Johnson
    – Nixon
    – Ford
    – Carter
    – Reagan
    – George HW Bush
    – Clinton
    – George W Bush
    – Obama
    Opposing the settlements has been official US policy for the better part of half a century. What you’re suggesting–that the US’s public support for Israel must be absolute, even on issues of actual disagreement–doesn’t make you a friend of Israel, it makes you a puppet.

  5. It is … Long Overdue … for America to STOP rewarding the Terrorist Charter of the “Palestinians” and their UN enablers. Long … Overdue.

  6. @Eli: Yes, I agree. But there is no corresponding UN Security Council Resolution that the U.S. supported for any of these Presidents. I suppose that the difference is something along the lines of the differences between a hoped for goal and a directed outcome.
    By the way, the UN Security Council Resolution are readily available on line. I’ve read a few. They are mercifully short at least.

  7. Exactly! However I am shocked that New Zealand and the UK have become so anti-Semite. Eichmann and Himmler must rolling over in their graves with orgasmic pleasure.
    Kenji, it is time that that rat infested piece of real estate was turned into condos.
    Eli, obstacles to peace? Suuure! The last time Israel gave up settlements for peace the sites in Gaza were turned into rocket launching sites.

  8. “But there is no corresponding UN Security Council Resolution that the U.S. supported for any of these Presidents.”
    True enough. Of course, given the US’s long-standing policy position on the issue of settlements, one could argue that supporting the resolution this time around makes the Obama administration actually more laudable than the rest, insofar as it actually has the courage of its convictions.
    And even then, the US didn’t actually vote in favour of the resolution — all they did was abstain, and withhold their veto. And only after eight years of privately cajoling Israel to halt further expansion activity, eight years of having Netanyahu ignore those petitions in turn while nevertheless expecting ongoing and unwavering US public support. And while the resolution did denounce the settlements, it contained no sanctions against Israel, and is non-binding to boot, so it’s actually a relatively soft censure.

  9. You really must read up on the history of the west bank. This was Israeli territory until the 1967 war after which Jordan occupied it. The “Palestinians” were a creation of Yasser Arafat and the KGB to prevent Israel from reclaiming this territory.

  10. This seems to be creating a diplomatic crisis. Not a good move for an outgoing President. The timing makes me suspicious that Obama is deliberately planting land mines for Trump.

  11. “This was Israeli territory until the 1967 war after which Jordan occupied it.”
    Er, no.
    The 1947 UN partition plan envisaged the West Bank as part of an Arab Palestinian state. However, during the 1948 war which followed the establishment of Israel, Jordan seized the West Bank. It then lost the West Bank to Israel during the Six Day War of 1967.
    Jordan gave up any claim to the area in 1988.

  12. I think Obomugabe would like a stint as UN Secretary General where he could carry on diminishing the U.S. By pulling this off he may have empowered Trump to pull the plug on the UN. That would be the best payback that Trump could muster and it would be the most positive foreign policy move this century. Krauthammer is right on.

  13. Charles Krauthammer points out the absurdity of the motion referring to Eastern Jerusalem, as anything other than part of the ancient Jewish homeland of Israel.
    The temple mount where Abraham was about to sacrifice Issac. Where King David on Mount Moriah built Jerusalem. Where his son, Solomon built the first Temple.
    It was Jewish, Israeli centuries before, indeed millenia before Mo. dreamed up Mohammedanism.
    That President Obama would use this particular wording is more evidence for the theory that his values and beliefs are, as he was brought up to be, still Muslim.
    He knows the ideological signal this resolution sends to global jihad.
    That the U.N. Security Council motion was brought forward by Venezuela, whose only notable achievement is becoming a failed state.
    This is a curious trail leading back to …?
    The Trump administration’s Sec. of State will investigate this debacle thoroughly.
    The alliance of hardline Marxism and orthodox Islam is one forged in the hot place.

  14. “Eli, obstacles to peace? Suuure!”
    It’s not clear what your point is, except that you agree with Israel’s current foreign policy stance on settlements — which of course you’re entitled to do, though you should know that it puts you at odds with at least the past nine US presidential administrations.
    Why are Obama, and New Zealand, and the UK all “anti-Semitic” for condemning Israeli settlements, but Reagan, and Bush I, and Bush II, all of whom expressed the same view, are not?

  15. Who has the power to shut down this club laden with despots and dictators who now hold majority vote?
    We can hope for some action on that front from Trump, it’s very name is farce.

  16. …but no such action against the US. Might endanger the record $…
    Actually, it is because the Israelis are not stupid and know that present asinine policy expires in three weeks, the other countries, maybe never.

  17. We need to totaly withdraw from the Usless Nations they have not brough peace and they have commited unspeakble war crimes if there was anymore reason to defund the Useless Nations and to evict them from america abnd move them to china this is it

  18. Obama drove the final nail into the Democratic Party. Good luck fundraising among blacks and Hispanics, the only core the Democrats have remaining. I don’t think Jews will forget in 2 or 4 years. Pretty much all of Trump’s family connections are Jewish and I think they will be working that angle.

  19. Why are Obama, and New Zealand, and the UK all “anti-Semitic”
    The UN resolution will embolden the reckless Palestinians and they will be less able to make the compromises needed for peace. That’s the problem. In their mind they have won without offering anything up. They are stupid. We are further from peace.
    There are no grounds for attacking Israel other than anti-Semitism. The whole situation was caused by Arab stupidity and pride and can only be solved by Arab compromise. It’s a really bad idea to repeatedly lose wars that you started.

  20. Wishing and working towards nothing less than the destruction of the state of Israel or the eradication of its people, now there’s an obstacle to peace.
    Meeting every offer for peace, in spite of being given virtually all their demands, the PLO refuses and defaults to violence – another obstacle to peace.
    The US administration allegedly colluding with UN Israel haters to undermine Israel and embolden terrorism, now there’s an obstacle to peace.
    A one state solution masquerading as a two state solution, another obstacle to peace.
    An arrogant refusal to accept reality, now there’s an obstacle to peace.
    Sure, it’s Israel’s fault, Eli.

  21. Harper tells Israeli PM Canada doesn’t support settlement plans
    December 6, 2012
    Just days after Canada stood in solidarity with Israel to oppose a Palestinian statehood bid at the UN, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he disapproves of a plan to build more settlements east of Jerusalem.
    Canada’s opposition to an expansion set for the West Bank was expressed in a phone call between the two leaders, the Prime Minister’s Office told CTV News.
    The move by Harper is a rare break from Canada’s staunch support for Israel on Mideast policy.
    Canada was among a minority of countries in the UN’s General Assembly that did not support a bid to recognize Palestine’s symbolic statehood in New York last week. The vote officially elevated Palestine’s UN status to that of non-member observer.
    The Prime Minister’s office told CTV that the settlement expansion will ultimately hinder efforts to achieve peace between Palestinians and Israelis. Harper also condemned Israel for taking unilateral action.
    The expansion plan would see 3,000 more Jewish homes built in the West Bank and Jerusalem, though construction is likely years away. Israel is also working on two settlement projects in East Jerusalem.
    Much of the international community – including some of Israel’s closest allies – has condemned the move, suggesting it could affect ongoing peace efforts in the region, which experienced its worst bout of fighting in years late last month.
