24 Replies to “My Obama-Is-Actually-A-Space-Alien Theory”

  1. Kerry’s rage against Israel? He has chosen to ignore that the Israelis are in an existential struggle with the Arabs. Turning over Gaza to the Palestinian Arabs was the test of the “land for peace” argument. How did that work out?

  2. I remember floating down the Bon Song River with John Kerry, Jan 1968, its still seared in my brain.
    He had on a hat given him by the Khmer Rouge that said SCREW AMERICA and told us he was concerned because of all the lizard bites on his legs and groin.
    I guess Agent Orange and Lizard bites are finally searing his freaking cerebral cortex.
    When the bastard turns Green and starts climbing fence railings, you know it will soon be over.

  3. Remember, to the left, the basic tenet of Marxism is that success is evil, and only happens because of unfair advantage or unethical practices. The “little guy”, or in many cases, the failure, is always morally superior, and should have come out on top if the playing field had been more level.
    Israel has been successful. Far more successful than any of their neighbors. All around them is desert – they have thriving agriculture. They have been attacked many times, and have had the audacity to consistently win those conflicts; in the early days of their nation they often faced overwhelming odds. And they kept the land they won with the blood of their soldiers…. bearing in mind that they were attacked first. And they are doing more to aid (food, supplies) the Palestinians than any of their Arab neighbors are.
    So according to the most basic belief of the left, Israel must be evil, must be taking advantage of others, and must be taken down.
    It’s the same reasoning that makes businessmen, oil tycoons, military general, etc. the bad guys in pretty much every movie out there. Success is evil. Failure is good. I guess that is why lefties don’t mind the facts about Venezuela or Cuba. They are resounding failures, so they must be morally superior.

  4. I thought Kerry couldn’t get any creepier … and then he starts behaving as Satans spawn. It seems as though … The Omen … is coming to life. … “I love you Damian”, cries JFKerry … before severing his own head and tossing it over the White House fence in a scene reminiscent of Jane-jiss-con …

  5. Too funny.
    When the descendent of African,now Kenya, moslem slave traders produces, through one of his multiple brides/slaves, a half white half whatever son, who grows up immersed in the “affirmative action” scam and makes it to the position of President of USA as”First Black President”.
    Praised by and annoited to this position by the descendents of the people his family sold into slavery.
    Small wonder the Obamanation believes he can get away with anything.
    His contempt for those who have enabled him is quite touching and his fear of exposure is legend.
    Trump will enjoy letting daylight shine on each of the Zero’s most intimate fears.
    Perfect captcha
    Road material

  6. All this latest stuff makes sense to those who figured Hillary would step in.
    Now that the barbaric good rebels sponsored by Turkey and weaponized by the US (both NATO members, after all) have lost in Allepo, all hell is about to break loose.
    US foreign policy has already wreaked havoc in the area (Egypt, Iraq, Libya) and finally Putin had to step in before Daesh (ISIS or ISIL if you prefer) started threatening Russia itself.
    Now that Russia has been successful in stopping the head choppers in Syria (the atrocities against private citizens you hear about were theirs), Obama is trying to cover another embarrassing loss of US foreign policy by trying to punish the winner in Syria.
    As long as Turkey is a member of NATO, US foreign policy will always favour Muslims over Jews and Christians. Just look at the record and tell me where I’ve gone wrong.

  7. Lurch, the ketchup gigolo, has informed us that Israel can be Jewish or Democratic but not both.
    Evidently this binary choice doesn’t exit for muzzie countries despite their telling us over and over again that Islam and liberal democracy are incompatible.
    I D I O T.

  8. The time for the completion of the anti Israel campaign was abruptly shortened from 8 years to 8 weeks (give or take for artistic licence). They are forced to go to a scorched earth policy just to give the middle east Clinton Foundation donors some return on their millions. Vindictiveness is thrown in the mix of motivations when it comes to expelling the Russian diplomats as well as creating a smoke screen for their real target, Israel. Pray that events are pushed too far before their time runs out.

  9. I meant to say “…events are not pushed too far…” but maybe there are positive events that are in play that will push to overcome the scorched earth. Better to pray for a positive anyway.

  10. Am I the only one who sees the Obama administration as a bunch of hoodlums who are trashing the place because they are being evicted?

  11. “The Obama administration is a combination of ignorance and arrogance.”
    – Sebastian Gorka on The Five.

  12. And then it hit me. This isn’t about anti-semitism, the Muslims are paying the Dems off. Pass it on.

  13. I truly resent having to use the C word, but the US/UN ambassador’s speech to the UN after not casting a Veto was classical worthless C##t… The Obama administration can’t do anything but Lie (Susan Rice) when ever the issues are difficult… I think Obama’s IQ may actually be 102 and he has hired no one smarter than himself…I guess Lurch shared some of the blame on his plate
    The UN is a useless bucket of puke, de-fund & kick them out of NYC. The property will revert back to the Rockefeller trust…They can take AGW & Gore to Brussels
    Why are we dealing with the third (3) Generation of Palestine refuges (displaced). I am told they are well educated & that should make them good immigrants in today’s work force… Something Wrong

  14. Quite true. Once a person understands that B.H.O.jr is the son of a Muslim and therefore a Muslim for life to all Muslims, then everything he has done makes perfect sense.
    Also there’s the concept of Taqiyya, an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief … “Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. …. to restrict it to dealing with non-Muslims and when under compulsion (ikrāh), …”

  15. The Fake News way of looking at it is a Billionaire about to evict a worthy ,coloured family from their public housing (though at least he did wait until after Xmas ).
