38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. It’s very sad for the family that Debbie has died, and unbelievable that it happened so soon after her daughter’s death.
    That being said: wonder what is it like for people in the entertainment world knowing there are still 3 days left in the year 2016?

  2. That would be because Wankouver is green $hithole worse even than Moronto or Morontreal. Because there is no highways in Wankouver. Because every taxi is a hybrid. Because the green insanity has been a norm for decades. Go break a leg Wankouverites.

  3. Great tribute to Ms Reynolds. When I watch this, I am struck by how long the sequences are before the breaks. That means the actors are all dancing long sequences, with minimal editing. Which makes it great to watch. RIP Ms Reynolds and Ms Fisher.

  4. 3 days to go and Hillary could make the #1 most remembered death of 2016. Maybe bill will make it who knows. Any bets?

  5. As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.
    In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released, according to the conservative group Judicial Watch based on federal government records.
    The cost of Air Force One and other government planes as well as helicopters, cargo planes, armored cars, Secret Service protection and advance, communications and medical staff has led Judicial Watch to push for less personal travel.
    “The Secret Service and the Air Force are being abused by unnecessary travel,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said. “Unnecessary presidential travel for fundraising and luxury vacations on the taxpayers’ dime would be a good target for reform for the incoming Trump administration.”

  6. Should we be surprised when Prince Potato Head, O’Bummer’s great admirer, does the same? The Rebel has reported several times about how, when Juthtin the Thupremely Magnifithent goes on a trip, the entire entourage lives high on the hog–at the taxpayer’s expense, of course.

  7. AH!
    Down in the comments you’ll find the new New
    We’ve been exposed to “EVTREME MILDING”!

  8. AGW RIP.
    “Wisconsin DNR Revises Position on Climate Change: Removes Caused by “Human Activities” from Great Lakes Webpage”
    “Lee Bergquist opens his article DNR purges climate change from webpage at the Wisconsin Journal Sentinal (my brackets):
    The state Department of Natural Resources recently scrubbed language from an agency web page on the Great Lakes that said humans and greenhouse gases are the main cause of climate change. [See DNR webpage The Great Lakes and a changing world.]
    The DNR now says the subject is a matter of scientific debate.”
    “Search suspended for missing B.C. men amid bad weather, high avalanche risk”
    ““We’re expecting about 40 centimetres of snow in the next 24 hours and high winds up at the mountain tops,” he said. “We just can’t have our guys out there.”
    Police say the status of the search “will be reviewed on a daily basis pending improvement in search area conditions.””

  9. Happens in Ottawa too (and presumably other progressive cities across this great nation). Cars are evil, don’t you know.

  10. Check this one out. I found the link to this over at Yellow Bullet. I’m still trying to figure out if this is satire, a prank, or the real deal. See what you think, and give her a hand if it floats yer boat…
    GoFundMe page-https://www.gofundme.com/CatherineClennan

  11. The Indian industry is based on race. It must be protected. Imposters have to be exposed to protect the ‘integrity’ of the industry……

  12. Maz
    The Republican governor of WI is an outspoken denier of CC. I suspect this is motivated by politics. Not that I have a problem with that.

  13. “denier” is a religious cult term.
    People who rationally question so-called “Climate Change” [ie. believing humans cause the weather to change], are “Skeptics” like all credible scientists, detectives, and trouble-shooters.

  14. “Mr. Boyden’s lynching should set off alarm bells in this regard”
    Mr. Boyden was merely a recipient of the soft bigotry that pervades the literary scene in Canada. A smart and articulate man who identified as a native received attention and notoriety probably beyond what was warranted because everybody thought he was ‘native’.
    Mr. Boyden had been playing his ‘native’ card with great success appearing on all the important Cancon shows, winning awards, selling books, except it turns out he’s not native and the author of the G&M piece suggests anyone who questions him about it is ‘lynching’ him.
    ‘Get more popcorn’ indeed.

  15. B.O’narcissist: a Denialist’s Denier.
    B.O’narcissist: USA’s first ever “black” lame duck president.
    “The Trauma of the Gifted Child
    The memoirs of Holocaust survivor Saul Friedländer”
    “Somewhere a child is being hidden. The time is mid-July, 1942, and the first great roundup of Jews—more than thirteen thousand foreign Jews in all, including four thousand children—has begun in Paris, to be followed by more arrests days later in the unoccupied zones. A small boy—”born in Prague at the worst possible moment, four months before Hitler came to power,” he recalls in the memoir he will grow up to write—has been living for two years in Néris, a resort town in France known for its waters, with his parents. Before this, the family has been continually on the run,…”
    “How Barack Obama fooled the Jews and betrayed them once he had their money”
    ““(President Obama) called me into the Oval Office before the election and he said to me, ‘Alan, I want your support. And I have to tell you, I will always have Israel’s back.’ I didn’t realize that what he meant was that he’d have (Israel’s) back to stab them in the back.””

  16. Anyone who has an ‘ex’ knows the true judge of a person’s character is how they act when they exit a relationship, and paying attention to what someone actually does is at least 90% more important than what they might say. Believe 90% of what they do and 10% of what they say.
    B.H.O_jr. was born to a Muslim father and because of that will always be considered Muslim by other Muslims, regardless of what he says. He can no more become un-Muslim than an Israeli can become un-Jewish. Also there’s the concept of Taqiyya, an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief … “Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. …. to restrict it to dealing with non-Muslims and when under compulsion (ikrāh), …
    I don’t know if Hebrew teachings embrace that concept, however I’m reasonably sure that ‘lying to non-believers if it serves God’ is NOT a Christian belief. However, what he did makes perfect sense for a Muslim.
    Pandering to those who swear to conquer us does not make them our friends; it only encourages their disrespect and disdain.
    It is good to see the truth come out, even if it’s disappointing and painful. America needs to see this. People get the government they deserve, especially when they give it to self-serving lawyers.

  17. More about the Muskrat Falls coming financial and possibly engineering disaster. We should be worried across Canada since the federal government is on the hook for a lot of the debt for this fiasco. Newfoundland is really like a city – it doesn’t have the resources financially or technically for this huge project (total population around 500,000). And it has signed a contract with Nova Scotia which makes the Churchill Falls deal Newfoundland is still moaning about look much better.

  18. We should be worried across Canada since the federal government is on the hook for a lot of the debt
    More debt, so what. That’s what lieberals do. I’m not the least bit concerned with what financial burdens JT is saddling his millennial supporters.
