7 Replies to “The Year Reheated”

  1. The mentally ill were once institutionalized.
    Today they’re a vibrant and integral part of our diverse society.
    We have come such a long way, haven’t we?

  2. The year in review reads like a police report for someone held on a 5150. A danger to themselves and others … due to mental illness

  3. “The mentally ill were once institutionalized.”
    Yah, now we elect them and put them in charge of multi-billion dollar jurisdictions: Shannon, Rachel, Sarah, Kathleen, Justine and Katherine. Humm…all girls. (No offence Kate. Kidding.)

  4. It’s stunning the number of mentally deficient there is out there, posing as ‘artists’. But equally stunning is the number of individuals who classify this juvenile, childish behaviour as art. Really, really unbelievably stupid.

  5. It’s automatic on CBC and almost every other medium to hear that “2016 was a terrible year”, and I agree: it was the year that condescending virtue-signalling became overt and socially acceptable (at least to its practitioners.) Our ridiculous Prime Minister, like his father, is just an odious icon of the zeitgeist, not its cause. (For Trudeau senior, it was self-indulgent, immediate-gratification, self-absorbed boomers — I’m one.)
    Balancing that, however, it was also the year that half of the population, both in Britain and in the US, stood up and said, “F^%$ you” to that same group. We’ll see how it turns out, but it can’t be any worse.

  6. But for our betters in the media, none of this matters. For them, 2016 was “the worst year ever” because Syria; because Trump; because all those lovely celebrities died. I guess they are all too young or too coddled to remember World War II, or even 9/11.
    Eventually, though, perhaps in a decade or so, they will discover that for them 2016 may actually have been the worst year ever because, finally, a critical mass of their intended audience realized what ghastly frauds they are.
