47 Replies to “Dead Rose Country”

  1. So, it was like this back in the 60’s. I lived in Montreal back then & watched the 11 pm news show Calgarians idling their cars on 9th Ave all day in -40 F temps. We were warmer in Montreal but still -25 F at night. When I moved out west in the late 70’s we were already being warned of coming Ice Age & my daily working temps were -35 F & -55 F to -65 F at night. That was in northern Saskatchewan & I was living in a tent at the time, doing uranium exploration. It’s warmed since, but we’re now headed back into another cycle of cooler temps. Paying carbon taxes won’t do anything to slow or stop it.
    Carbon taxes are just a “tax on living” or a penalty for living, imposed & extracted by .gov. We’re “property” dincha know?
    Bolsheviks. I’ll walk when Rachel does. Until then KMA.

  2. How many of those brave souls purchasing Teslas are starting out tonight from Ft McMurray to Edmonton? At least we saw the charging stations pictured here last week, probably some fanatic would be deluded enough to try. Really a car for Canadian conditions.

  3. PO’ed in AB >
    “…Calgarians idling their cars on 9th Ave all day in -40 F temps”.
    Unattended idling cars wouldn’t last 5 minutes in todays culturally enriched Calgary.

  4. PO’ed in AB,
    “Carbon taxes are just a “tax on living” or a penalty for living”
    Also a wealth redistribution for low information NDP voters:
    “Carbon rebate cheques have begun arriving at middle and low-income Alberta households as the government pushes ahead with its carbon plan, despite ongoing criticism.”
    Building future Ghetto’s

  5. Between rising taxes and hydro bills the value of real estate could tank. How much is a piece of commercial property worth if no business can make the tax and hydro bill? It’s worth nothing.

  6. The college students in Edmonton who voted for Rachel may think that riding the bus is an option. Those of us who live in rural areas just don’t matter.
    And face it, like so many harmful lefty policies, this is only about optics. It is more important to appear “progressive” than to actually do anything that creates a measurable difference. She wants the Laurentian elites to think she is one of them. (And she is, in all the wrong ways.) Of course, once they knew we had a carbon tax, they were sure to approve our pipelines…..right?

  7. My, my…..January 8 and the temperature may drop to -50 degrees C. That carbon tax was really effective, wasn’t it?
    By the time Red Rachel and her brain-dead Bolshies leave office, Alberta might be several kilometres of ice.

  8. She wants the Laurentian elites to think she is one of them.
    Actually, I think she’d like to be one of the Bilderbergers or part of the Davos smart set. She’d like to be seen as one of the world’s movers and shakers, a champagne socialist’s champagne socialist. (“See, I, too, can kill an economy! Can I be one of you now? Pleeeeeze?)
    Daddy would be so proud!

  9. How many MLA’s stored in a ditch at -30C,for the duration of winter, is too many?
    The best part of -45 is water pistols become lethal weapons.
    Time to return to nature, walled cities..thats the ticket.
    Self enforcing prisons for the useless and looters.
    The institution of Poly Tics….
    As Tics do not let go until they are totally engorged, it is imperative they be kept small.
    And that their numbers be thinned religiously.
    We are about to see something very educational; Can a kleptocracy be peacefully reformed?
    Watch Trump and company, they have to overcome the professionals..The Uniparty, the bureaus of thieves and their familiars.
    Generations of successful living at the dumb taxpayers expense.
    Can a republic stop Peter voting to rob Paul, for Peter’s enrichment?
    Or will it come down to French Haircuts for the Effete Elites.?

  10. How many of those brave souls purchasing Teslas are starting out tonight from Ft McMurray to Edmonton?
    How many of those brave souls purchasing motorcycles are starting out tonight from Ft McMurray to Edmonton?

  11. I still idle my car when I’m out in cold weather. My Dad had a filling station in the 60’s and 70’s, we had a 1950 Chevrolet one ton tow truck that ran from dusk till dawn and sometimes late into the night. We never shut it off in -0° F or lower weather. It had vinyl seats, and it was nice to get into the warm cab. My theory is simple. I pump the gas into my tank, I pay the cashier, it becomes my gas. No worst than some Liberal senator who has a yacht in the Virgin Islands that gobbles up 50 gallons of Diesel fuel an hour that the government of Canada has payed for.

  12. The local economy has seen its private sector wage contribution drop by $800 million…
    The unionised City of Calgary workers have an increase of 4%
    The downtown commercial tax base has tanked, and the City of Calgary is set to increase municipal taxes on 76% of the small businesses that reside outside the central core:
    The class A downtown office tower vacancy rate has doubled in the past year to almost 24%:
    A new provincial carbon/consumption tax began this month, throwing more straw in the engine of the economy, actual winter temperatures are in the region for much of the winter, and we’re being told to have some skin in the game.
    Choose your complaint, there are enough to go around for everyone.

  13. They still have to pay the tax directly, or indirectly & upfront, so I guarantee you that those rebate checks will not cover the costs to low income folks. If .gov runs this scam, you can expect a few hiccups along the way that will impact rebates & their timing.
    See here: http://heinzegroup.com/insight.htm#16
    Alberta’s New Carbon Tax Will Cost Over $1,000 per Albertan Annually
    January 3, 2017 Update:
    My April 23, 2016 update did not allow for the Carbon Rebate for individuals as the rebates total effect was sort of buried. It appears they expect to return $95 million to Albertans in 2017, and as the increase in 2018 is about 50% they should expect to return about $143 million in 2018 and beyond. Based on a population of 4.2 million, in 2018 that averages $34 per Albertan or $136 per family of 4 once the Tax is in full swing. Making the average annual cost of the tax per Albertan about $586 or $2,344 per family of 4. Still a lot more than they would have you believe and if they do the increases that our Prime Minister and Premier appear to want to be in place by the year 2020, then the amount will be getting very close to the $1,000 per person that I originally suggested.
    If the climate is going to do as the Russians are predicting, for a few decades, the costs of just living here will skyrocket. Not sure where Ms Notley will find the money to rebate anyone, in this economy given the stats referred to in marc in Calgary’s post above at 10:26.

  14. The coldest period in the past 10,000 years was only 300 years ago. Human mortality is 10x greater for cold temperatures than hot temperatures. The climate of the Little Ice Age profoundly influenced human history in Europe and the Americas.
    Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of the past will repeat them.

  15. This winter is especially cold knowing we have at least another 7 years of bad government, because there is no way in hell the Alberta Right will come together before the next election to vote out this current mess.

  16. Jason Kenny needs to get educated. I’m looking at the Weather Channel (online) and the Weather Network. I also clicked on Enviro Canada’s forecast for Edmonto and Calgary. There is no mention of -50°C weather, at least not for that area.. Temps are hovering at -20°C as they are here in SW Sask. I think he’s talking wind chill, another bogus figure that was conceived by CDN government employees, most likely during a West Coast pot party at Jack Layton’s cabin!.

  17. Everytime Rachel and the dippers pi$$ you off , put an x on the calendar . Won’t take long and the most strident dip will also be running a full house bingo card of hate

  18. “I think he’s talking wind chill, another bogus figure that was conceived by CDN government employees …”
    Yes, yes … the myth of wind (or fluid … wind is a fluid) chill.
    You might want to check out the meanings of convection or conductive cooling champ.

  19. The Alberta Right already came together. We’re called the Wild Rose Party.
    Do you know what Progressive means? It’s what C.S. Lewis and his fellow travelers called Communism at the early part of the 20th Century.
    Look it up and learn.
    I know SDA embargoed the story, but Jim Prentice’s(may he burn in Hell) seat came up for a by-election after he resigned because he only came out to Alberta to rule it and got shut down, but that safe Alberta PC riding voted Wild Rose in the by-election.
    It was a harbinger.

  20. Yeah, windchill. Another stupid concept parlayed into weather statistics.
    While it certainly can indicate dangerous elements for unprotected or exposed entities, it is totally misleading.
    It’s a measure for rate of cooling. For instance, if the actual temperature is minus 30 and the windspeed is say 30KPH, they may come up with a windchill factor of -45 or something. Fact is, it’s still only -30!
    A vehicle engine may cool off much quicker, or exposed skin will freeze quicker, but it does not get colder than minus 30 degrees!!.
    But, it sounds more impressive when you use the big numbers.

  21. Pretty simple. Agw is a fraud. Not hard to prove that. If Kenney can’t win that debate or even start it he’s just another Liberal hack.

  22. Thanks! You’re right. Ural mentioned conductive cooling. What is the conductor? Human flesh, wool, copper, aluminium, brass or glycol?? Wind chill was conceived to give people a rough idea as to what they should be wearing at different levels of wind speed and temperatures.. When I was a teen, I operated a snow plow in -40°F without a cab on the tractor. I wore a wool toque and an ordinary parka over cotton overalls. Today, I would die in an hour if I tried that. I’m sure some of the Inuit from Northern Canada can take -40 quite easily. Not all countries adhere to wind chill, as not all countries adhere to humidex.
    Conductive cooling (or heat transfer) is used (for example) to calculate the rate of (say) BTUs per minute that a radiator of a given size and material using a specific coolant would absorb from an engine operating at a given horsepower-hour rating at various temperatures. Quite different from wind chill.
    What makes wind chill virtually impossible to calculate are the huge amounts of variables, namely the fact all humans have a different level of tolerance to heat or cold. Sadly, windchill is now mistaken for actual temperature, thanks to the infinite wisdom of our climatologists.

  23. This is all about sick leftist government drones who want you to walk into their plush offices in Edmonton, clutching to your Exxon hat with both hands, head and eyes down, and grovel in front of their desks, begging for the last morsel of bread so that they can get a feeling of power. Time for action guys and gals!! Time for action!! And bye the bye Alberta, let’s be a little more cautious next time we vote!!

  24. I was visiting my father in B. C. on that election day, having voted in the advanced poll. He couldn’t understand why I might have been displeased at the results. His attitude is “there’s nothing you can do about it”.
    My thought was: “Oh my god–does Alberta know what it’s just done to itself?”

  25. So I blew a tire on my Jeep out in the countryside tonight. Trying to change the tire and then realizing that one lacks the adapter for the 5-sided anti-theft lug nut, in minus 27 weather, yay.
    I’m moving to the Caribbean.

  26. Snagglepuss >
    “A vehicle engine may cool off much quicker, or exposed skin will freeze quicker, but it does not get colder than minus 30 degrees!!.”
    All true, although it does take more energy to “maintain” temperatures from reaching minus -30 when cooled more quickly with wind-chill.

  27. Hear hear, Germany is well on the way to carbon-tax meat, eggs and dairy. An increase from currently 7% to 19% of tax on animal produce to try to catch their global warming goal…. and to get the funding needed for “alternative” energy. Creating another luxury affordable only for the rich… I still can’t figure out how tax money can possibly influence global temperature. Also, doesn’t anyone see that the quickest and cheapest solution would be the massive reduction in human beings on this planet? Er I guess the dead don’t pay taxes… that’s why.

  28. Martjin – are you thinking about Fort MacKay (north of Fort MacMurray) or Fort McLeod, south of Calgary? The recharging station pictures were from southern AB.

  29. Well Jason I appreciate the effort but, until I see one of you nutless politicians call this globall warming scam, the scam that it is, I think as usual, you are trying to score some cheap political points. I have yet to hear you or Harper or any of your cabinet or any conservative tell the electorate that you would throw the grifters thieves and purveyors of globull warming bullshoot out with the garbage they are. Until now we have seen total agreement on taxing the people for a new god, and you know you will pass the collection plate like all the other slimey politicians given the chance. Alberta needs a Trump style man, a man that insults and calls out the crooked media, the sychophants, the globalists and any other limp wristed money grabbing politician thief that would drive the hard working contributors and producers into the ground with carbon taxes, so they can reward with trinkets and little cheques the non producers and union people that voted them in. So far sir, your not that man.

  30. Thanks Oz but I have been voting for the Wildrose Party since they were known as the Wildrose Alliance.
    My MLA is Wildrose, is yours?
    Regardless, we have a matter of a split vote that could give the NDP another victory to attend to.

  31. “Bolsheviks. I’ll walk when Rachel does. Until then KMA.”
    Same here!!! The commie beoytch has a driver and black(hummmm) Crown Lincoln that she uses for everything. And you don’t have to guess who the heck is paying HER effing carbon tax!

  32. Well thank heavens there is another person who has remembered the 60’s and 70’s accurately! I paid attention in Grade 6 Geography and Earth goes through approx. 30 year cycles of heating and cooling. I was born in 1952 and the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s were horrifically cold. And then Earth entered a heating cycle for the 80’s, 90’s and 2000 to 2010. We are now in another 30 year cycle of cooling.

  33. Whew! I’m sure glad I live in N. County San Diego where it’s simply raining (yup, the drought is over) and it’s a balmy 65°F.
    Time for another Bloody Mary before breakfast. Heh.
    (BTW, I have a great recipe, if anyone is interested. My one big secret, among a few? Crush a few fresh basil leaves into the glass before you add anything else.)

  34. Can the carbon tax. Then suck it up Alberta and introduce a sales tax (which should have been done many years ago). Incredible how you’ve pissed away your oil wealth.

  35. No no, I’m sure this cooling is solely caused by paying our carbon taxes. Who exactly is in charge of the temp regulator?

  36. “C. S. Lewis and his fellow travellers”? Boy, the acid’s kicking in unusually hard this morning, isn’t it?
    In the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party, the “Progressive” actually refers to the Progressive Party, which developed out of the United Farmers movement after World War I. Alberta being almost entirely rural at the time, the UFA had no trouble taking power here, but in Manitoba, they thought it expedient to ally with urban interests, notably the civil service and the teachers, and it worked impressively well for them there. John Bracken, the Progressive premier of Manitoba, became one of the most admired politicians in the country and when the federal Conservatives recruited him to lead them, he insisted that they merge with his party rather than make him leave it, and so we got the PCs we all know and love today. C. S. Lewis had nothing ot do with it.
    Interestingly, a substantial chunk of the Manitoba Progressive Party didn’t see the Conservative as suitable allies, and threw in with the Liberals instead. Federally they just joined the Liberal party, but provincially they formed a new Liberal Progressive party which produced another conspicuously successful administration in the 50’s

  37. So, Jason, let’s see the list of PC Party and NDP government overreach you promise to undo. A good start – call it a clear statement of where you stand – would be to boot the “progressive” out of your party name.
