How’s it Possible that Britain has the World’s Top Economy?

Southern California podcaster and pundit, Adam Carolla, has an ongoing meme about many politicians (and others) being either Stupid or Liars. With that in mind, how is it possible that post-Brexit, Britain has the strongest economy in the world? After all, for months we were told over & over & over & over again that the UK economy was going to be hurt or worse. The opposite happened. How is this possible?

7 Replies to “How’s it Possible that Britain has the World’s Top Economy?”

  1. Robert
    “strongest economy in the world” really? Fake news much, a head line about a mans opinion. For those that live and try to work in the UK it sure doesn’t feel anything remotely like the strongest economy, unless of course you are paid by the taxpayer and work for the government, though as a country it may well rank as one of the most indebted in the world and in reality its pretty much a basket case economy.
    As to Brexit, well the people of Britain if you haven’t noticed are still waiting ….. la la la the situation has changed not one iota from how it was prior to the referendum, in fact as far as the EU is concerned or anything business wise in the UK its business exactly as usual, nothing has changed so anything about any Brexit effect is purely hypothetical. So again it hasn’t happened and its just an opinion.
    Don’t get me wrong, I voted to leave, would love to have had article 50 invoked within 24hrs after the result, but as I’ve said before to much mocking, did you or anyone really think the self appointed were or are going to let that happen ?

  2. Unfortunately, an economy is not measured in a way that reflects the impact on individuals. The numbers are based on gross totals.
    In the US we were supposedly in a growth period in the middle 90’s and from my business point of view I could not see it. Yes, government workers always get paid and raises too. Even so, the growth period I was referring to finally did come to my area of the nation but it was definitely not as pronounced as it was elsewhere.
    A lot depends on whether the person who is looking at the situation has any confidence in their personal outlook in the overall economy. Our own personal universe may or may not be directly affected by national economic events. This makes any opinion regarding a national economy subject to one’s local experience.
    A lot has to be said about one’s “hope” for their personal economic outlook. It also matters a lot as to what or who your hope is placed. In 2008 a lot of people of the US placed their hope in the new president. They looked to him to improve the nation. That is a fool’s errand at best as no individual politician can actually have that kind of impact.
    The present election in the US gave people hope as they started believing in the nation as a whole. This was encouraged by the winning candidate who reinforced this all encompassing concept. The truth is that only the citizens of a nation can make their nation great.
    Conversely, a series of bad policies initiated by leadership can destroy a vibrant economy especially if these policies destroy the people’s confidence in their own efforts and expectations of economic growth. Tax policies and regulations can hinder if not vanquish expectations of a citizenry.
    I do hope for Britain that the people find sufficient reason to believe in their own greatness and that the leadership do not take any actions to limit that.

  3. The bottom line (however you choose to calculate it) is that all the predicted gloom and doom post-BREXIT has failed to materialize. More FAKE predictions from the ruling classes – intent on holding-down the average hard-working citizen. More FAKE news. Thankfully, it appears as though a majority of voters have begun thinking for themselves. No longer accepting the politically-approved narrative as gospel.
