Russian Hacking: No New Proof yet the Narrative Continues

Search for “Russian hacking” and you’ll see a multitude of talking heads yammering on about the “terrible” Russians. Yet what precisely is the proof? According to this new article in Wired magazine, there’s nothing:

In terms of proving the core claim that Russia hacked American political targets, though, Friday’s report is sure to leave any skeptic not privy to classified briefings briefings unconvinced: It fails to include even the already public evidence visible to the cybersecurity community over the last six months, which drew a thick dotted line from the DNC hack to the Kremlin. A hacker calling himself Guccifer 2.0, for instance, in June claimed to be a lone Romanian hacker responsible for the breach. But the stolen DNC files he published on the web–and also said he’d leaked to WikiLeaks–contained telltale Russian-language error messages. A piece of malware known as X-Agent was used in both the DNC hack and previous attacks long believed to be Russian intelligence operations. And an analysis of the URL shortening service used by the hacker who stole the Gmail password of Clinton staffer John Podesta shows that the same account was used to target more than 5,000 other Gmail accounts, including Russia-focused journalists and authors, and the spouses of American military officials.

Related: John Batchelor and Stephen F. Cohen have an ongoing discussion about all things Russian. Here’s a transcript of the latest segment.
Update: Well worth a watch:

h/t Alan

85 Replies to “Russian Hacking: No New Proof yet the Narrative Continues”

  1. The purpose of this fake news about hacking is to leave an image in the impressionable minds of democrat voters that the ERussians stole the election and Trump is illegitimate; thus removing the Democrat leadership from blame.
    Hey, even if Russian interference is true (which it isn’t) here is a good post by someone at Breitbart
    If foreign interference is the Dems greatest threat to democracy….
    Why was Obama involved in the Israel election?
    Why was Obama involved in the Brexit vote?
    Why was Obama involved in the Elections in Ukraine?
    Why was Obama supporting Merkel in her 2013 election?
    Why was Obama funding Golos election monitor in Russia election?
    Russia did NOT write the DNC or Podesta email, fruit-loop Dems did!!!

  2. Apparently the Democrats wouldn’t let the FBI touch their computers to investigate hacking – probably too much illegal activity on them. John McAfee, noted anti-virus programmer, said on Larry King “If it looks like the Russians, it isn’t.”
    There’s going to have to be some serious pruning at the FBI and CIA to depoliticize the place. Protecting Clinton and attempting to delegitimize Trump’s win are disgraceful.
    It goes without saying that Julian Assange is a lot more trustworthy than the CIA. Assange has never been caught lying. The CIA are always lying.

  3. the problem that no one seems to address is that IF and I sincerely doubt it was the Russians released the Democrat’s crap it is no different than had the NYT released crap that belonged to the Republicans. Information about wrong doing is simply information regardless of source.

  4. The FBI never inspected the DNC computers for evidence of hacking … they hired an “outside agency” to do so … read: DNC friendly subcontractor. So the FBI doesn’t even have any direct, unbiased, evidence of hacking … think: HER private server and IT staff.
    The swamp is DEEP, FILTHY, STINKY, and MUDDY. Drain it and muck it out. Now, even the FBI, NSA, and CIA need a cleaning

  5. “It goes without saying that Julian Assange is a lot more trustworthy than the CIA. Assange has never been caught lying.”
    Assange is a dissembling fantasist.

  6. Pretty much every lefty narrative of the past 10 years has been utter and contemptible disinformation campaign, and proven so, then abandoned and a new lie concocted to divert our attention from the previous lie.
    – this Putin-Trump narrative is different however, in that it signals an unconstitutional soft coup is forming against a democratically elected government/president – we see corruptible elements within the intel community engaged with the conspirators (neo-cons, dixiecrats, Clintonistas and Chicago Alinskyites) – the purpose being to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and force a re-election.
    This is the embodiment of the venal left’s mindset that when they lose elections it’s because the electorate were “fooled” and need to re-vote til they get it right.
    I swear if we do not defeat these people in the marketplace of ideas we will certainly be facing across urban battlefields.

  7. What kind of a proof? It’s a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it’s because it’s proven.

  8. The thing that really, really ticks me off is that many details of the Top Secret briefing to Trump, as well as to congressional intel-committee members, were leaked to the press well before those folks had their briefings.
    In a sane world, that would be scandal of major significance, but our current administration doesn’t seem to care. As for Trump, he was at least circumspect about what was included in his briefing, whether he agreed with its findings or not.
    This is just further evidence that the swamp of Washington DC politics needs badly to be drained. When Party politics is more important than national security, there is definitely a problem that needs to be solved.

  9. You left out Canada and Ontario
    “Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have quietly been getting regular advice from Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, Barack Obama’s deputy campaign manager in the last U.S. presidential campaign. (Adam Radwanski, Globe and Mail, Dec. 27, 2014)

  10. “Assange is a dissembling fantasist”
    … and exactly how does that disprove the assertion that he is “a lot more trustworthy than the CIA.”?

  11. McAfee essentially said that if the hacking was done by the Russians,they’d leave NO signs,and that’s the conclusion anyone with the ability to reason would come to.
    McAfee said it’s a kid somewhere using the Darknet,which is a lot more plausible than the Russians suddenly being infected with rank amateurism.
    I guess we have to endure this BS for 12 more days,and undoubtedly beyond, but after the 20th, we might see some heads roll and the truth come out,for once.

  12. To the best of my knowledge, Assange ONLY said HE didn’t get it from the Russians…. which I assume is true but note that it provides nothing toward identifying it’s actual source. Hence, “dissembling”.
    If he said something more, let me know.

  13. “If it looks like the Russians,”
    It means that Hillary Clinton will get a full preventive blanket pardon for her email crimes.
    Obama knows that many of those emails involve him, gave himself a medal, now he gives himself a pardon.

  14. Exactly!
    And the next swamp to drain is the Glowbull Warming/Climate Change Disinformation campaign of the past 20 years.
    Looking forward to the direct attack, and reversal, of this fraudulent propaganda and garbage, all designed to lighten our wallets for big government, and to turn western society “more european”.

  15. Harper was a big enemy of the Russians. How much money did they give the Liebels to see him defeated? Better yet how much did Obama give them to see Harper defeated?

  16. Thank you, Joe. The point should not be the source of the info. The emails contained information about attempts to undermine Bernie, give Clinton questions ahead of time, and so on. The source does not matter – part of why she lost is the revealing of her despicable activities. The Russian thing is a red herring to divert attention from the CONTENT and CONDUCT revealed in those emails, which should remain the real item in American’s minds. Given the DNC CONDUCT, the country really dodged a bullet in that election, regardless of the source of the information. If a news reporter had hacked a Republican account and revealed actual wrongdoing, they would be hailed as a hero. I almost feel like we need a new slogan, to parallel “It’s the Economy, Stupid.” How about “It’s what’s IN the emails, Stupid.”
    It’s not the source – it’s what the emails showed about Hillary & company. Whoever released them did us all a big favour!

  17. Yes. And whoever did this “hack” of the election that the Democrats are trying to attribute to the Russians, it was neither the election nor the U.S. Government they hacked. They hacked the Democratic Party’s systems, and a network privately owned by an election candidate, Hillary Clinton, which she had operated illegally while Secretary of State. They snooped into whatever American systems they could, just as the CIA and the NSA do to foreign systems (including ours) if and when they can.

  18. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean he isn’t more trustworthy than the CIA. And unfortunately, I’m not talking about how trustworthy the CIA is for you or for me, it’s not their business to tell us the truth. I mean how worthy of the U.S. Government’s trust the CIA is. Which it isn’t.

  19. McAfee essentially said that if the hacking was done by the Russians,they’d leave NO signs,and that’s the conclusion anyone with the ability to reason would come to.
    Exactly!! They’d leave no signs or a false trail to someone else, anything else is partisan propaganda.
    “The Russians” and “the communists” have been universal bogeymen for “the West” since the end of ww2. Some people still fall for that sort of propaganda.

  20. You’re right, the CIA’s business is lies and deception to presumably catch the lies and deceptions of their enemies.

  21. Proof ?
    The reason the FBI subcontracted the forensic investigation of the DNC computers ? Plausible deniability. The FBI will claim that THEY were not responsible for the fabricated evidence if this fraud ever came to light. The FBI can claim they didn’t act with political bias. The ol’ plausible deniability … inotherwords … business as usual for the swamp creatures

  22. Exactly, with a great followup by Bill Elder and Don Morris. The Alinsky/Soros bunch thought they had the election in the bag and could continue remaking the US into a socialist rat’s nest like Cuba and Venezuela. Then Trump came along and spoiled their gig.
    Btw, my view is the Alinksy/Soros crowd have won Canada.

  23. I’m not much of Assange fan, but I do think he’s a bit smarter than a fool like you. Why would he identify his source, and loose it. If Seth Rich, or some one like him, leaked the info, their life may wind up on the line….oh wait, I think that train has already left the station. Now go look up disassemble .

  24. I’ve been reading the comments here for years. NME666 is a parody id like Progressive Pat right? In case it isn’t, you might want to pretend it is, you “disassembling” “looser”.

  25. “… and exactly how does that disprove the assertion that he is ‘a lot more trustworthy than the CIA.’?”
    Who was trying to disprove anything? (Your words, by the way.)
    I merely pointed out the obvious: whatever you might think about the CIA, Julian Assange is hardly a credible reference.

  26. “NME666 is a parody id like Progressive Pat right?”
    NME666 is the price you pay for visiting SDA.

  27. Oh, and an RT video? RT? Really?
    Relying on RT News for a balanced view of “Russian hacking” is like relying on CNN for a balanced view of “Donald Trump”.

  28. Fake News.
    We have always been at war with Oceana… I mean Eastiana.. I mean you stupid taxpayers.

  29. It doesn’t matter if the source was ISIS … that was John McAfee speaking … got it … understand? The God Father of internet security. He’s been saying the same thing over and over again in all manner of media.
    Truth is truth is truth … no matter where it comes from.

  30. The funny thing is, that no one is sayng anything about the hack of Victoria Nuland, which was admitted by the Russians; and which damaged US-Russian relations.
    The trouble with much of this discussion is that Obama, Hillary, and the DNC lie and smear reflexively and relentlessly. That is what they DO. They have no other tactic. How can one believe someone who ALWAYS lies?

  31. The military -industrial complex wants war. When govts are bankrupt, they distract the peeps by going to war. But, first they must sell it to the public by using propaganda or,failing, a false flag disaster.
    This is the continuation of the big sell, nothing more. Hitlery clearly supported a war. Her defeat will not stop the effort, even though Trump is wisely trying to avoid it.

  32. Haven’t heard a single alphabet news anchor asking on air for a fact-check on the supposed Russian hacking…They (fact checks) were all the rage just a few short months ago. Peculiar days indeed.

  33. NME666 seems a bit loose when it comes to stringing together his thoughts but I don’t see the pattern you describe. He puts a bit of variety in the joint. Also notice that he doesn’t bother with defending and countering so he’s got that going for him. (probably doesn’t give a damn about this comment either)

  34. What’s interesting is that the information is not denied, so this is all a distraction “nothing to see here, look! A Russian squirrel”

  35. John Podesta, DNC, CNN, MSNBC: “Mommy! Vlad tattled! Vladdie’s a tattletale! Vladdie’s a tattletale! Whaaaaa!”

  36. believe me the hack is real, it is not some hoax or something, a friend who is also a hacker explained a lot to me, the weakness of the system and how the Russians were able to make the hack, i didn’t really understand most of the explanation though. For more information you can mail him at HOMICIDEHACK AT G MAIL DOT COM

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