52 Replies to “Sapphire”

  1. I might add that there are other important resons for her to remain, as she is pillar of quiet stability in a world otherwise increasingly prone to unreason and diviseveness.

  2. Woodporter: i wish there was a “Like” button here. You are, of course, 100% correct. That is a very important, and very successful part of her work. Something that the anti-monarchy people tend to forget.

  3. Indeed. What a wonderful example of service and leadership this woman has been to her nation and the world. She’s a gem but I do fear for the monarchy and Britain after she’s gone.

  4. No button so I shall type: “LIKE”
    She is the only British monarch I remember.
    She has been there for 96% of my life.
    You go girl!!

  5. From the Royal Anthem:
    Thy choicest gifts in store
    On her be pleased to pour
    Long may she reign
    May she defend thy laws
    And give us ever cause
    To sing with heart and voice:
    God save the Queen!

  6. God save the Queen !! Please, God … let her outlive her pathetic dullard of a boy. So the English won’t PAY massive $$$$ to FREEZE while Chuck’s wind towers sit idle.

  7. For most Canadians, she is the only head of state we have ever known. Perhaps we take her for granted because of this. I wonder if it will shake us up when she finally passes on.

  8. Once you strip away the power, authority, and relevance, it takes a lot longer for them to die.
    While the monarchy makes good pageantry, and I enjoy the pageantry, it does seem rather useless.
    Just the opinion of another uninformed ‘murican.

  9. Nice set of sapphires, brings out the eyes with a little pop; but likely out of my budget range.
    She herself has done a credible job auguring ‘for civilization’.
    Looking remarkably well kept for a nonagenarian; we should all be so fortunate.
    Kind of reminds me of a great aunt who clocked in at 96; and grandmother who made it to 92;
    all sharp as a whip right to the end.
    She provides a nice contrast to the shrill “femi-Nazis” shouting themselves obliviously hoarse at every opportunity.
    We should keep her on and squeak a few more years out of Her Majesty; so I’m afraid no retirement plan!
    Well maybe “Freedom 105” 🙂
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  10. “I enjoy the pageantry, it does seem rather useless”
    Another ‘murican here. Imagine her a-hole son having access to all that pageantry to push his agenda.
    Personally I’m hoping she has another 65 years left in her.

  11. “Imagine her a-hole son having access to all that pageantry to push his agenda.”
    He’s free to give advice to the Prime Minister but otherwise is supposed to STFU.

  12. “Just the opinion of another uninformed ‘murican.”
    That’s okay. I’ll stick with Liz II, you Yanks can continue to pay homage to Mickey.

  13. Perhaps you should swear loyalty to the people of Canada, rather than unquestioned fealty to a foreign plutocrat.

  14. I used to think that QE2 was a good queen, but the second Elizabethan era will go down in history as the time that Britain went from a first world power to a third world dump. Not much of a legacy there.

  15. Well, congratulations to Her Majesty on a remarkable reign to date and a remarkable life to date. As Christopher Plummer said, on the occasion of her visit to Canada during her Golden Jubilee celebrations, from the main stage of the Festival here in Stratford, “Ma’am, may you never close.”
    Her single most important act in respect of this country to date, of course, was her travelling to Ottawa to give Royal Assent to the 1982 Constitution, which imbued the process that led to it, if not the product itself, with a dignity and legitimacy that it could never otherwise have had. She’s always been good at that kind of thing.
    As for the succession, four of the last five princes of Wales have all been difficult in their time, the exception being King George V, whose ascension to the Throne followed the short reign of his father, King Edward VII (Edward VII, George IV and Edward VIII all had short reigns following the long reigns of their respective parents, as will Charles, in all likelihood). Charles is not the worst of the lot by any means and he has a strong sense of duty about him, if not the humility of his mother. The Monarchy survived the others, and I believe it will survive him as well.

  16. When you sign up for the Canadian Armed Forces as per the Queens Regulations and Orders the discipline is as follows:
    (1) An officer or non-commissioned member who is a Canadian citizen or a British subject shall, on enrolment, take the following oath or solemn affirmation:
    “I ……… (full name), do swear (or for a solemn affirmation, “solemnly affirm”) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”
    Secondly, it is an asinine proposition to hold Her Majesty personally morally responsible to account for the entire history of the Crown before she sat on the throne and all that is ostensibly done fictionally in her corporate name.
    There is a marked difference between an individual person and their corporate title in law.
    A sharper mind should be able to distinguish an obvious subtlety…rather than engaging in simple political axe grinding.
    In medieval Europe, an oath of fealty (German: Lehnseid) was a fundamental element of the feudal system in the Holy Roman Empire. The rights conferred on the vassal were so similar to actual possession that it was described as beneficial ownership (dominium utile), whereas the rights of the lord were referred to as direct ownership (dominium directum).
    Evidently, you are ‘offended’ by oaths which guided society and civilization for some good number of centuries. Then be offended, I really don’t care.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  17. God Bless and Keep Her Majesty. Long may she continue to reign in good health!
    +2 to Woodporter (1 for each comment)

  18. Think of the number of wedding rings that could be made for her Muslim citizens child brides from that bling.

  19. The Sovereign doesn’t get to make any of the decisions that caused the decline of Great Britain. They are made by the democratically elected government.

  20. Canadians don’t swear loyalty to a foreigner. The oath is to the Queen (/King) of Canada.

  21. The democratically elected governments deliberately went against the wishes of the people when they decided that Britain would become the worlds dumping ground. No party has ever ran on a policy of replacing the natives with aliens and all parties did it. If the governments are going to be traitorous scum and the Queen is not going to stand up for her people against them, she serves no purpose.

  22. We have the best system of government in the world, it has served us well. God bless our Queen.

  23. She’s been there for a good part of my life but I remember in school singing God Save The King every morning. When he died we were told to war black armbands the next day.
    God Save The Queen!!
    ( capcha- Leading Fahrt)

  24. In the days of old, I believe Queen Elizabeth II would be considered a righteous queen, who has looked after and allowed her citizens to remain free and prosperous.
    I honour my Queen, for her throne has been established by God, and she has acknowledge Him as the source of her strength and longevity as heir to that Title bestowed upon her. She has walked with a great deal of humility and dignity, not seeming to hold grudges or seek revenge, but gracious and courteous to the people of her kingdom, regardless of how she was received or treated. This is a testament to her graciousness and exemplary character.
    I have been blessed and honoured to have had the privilege of being a Royal Subject, God has shone His face on her with a long life of peace and prosperity.
    Long live Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

  25. Kate, my comment didn’t make it and I promise I didn’t say anything bad, or use a curse word.

  26. “…the Queen is not going to stand up for her people against them, she serves no purpose.
    The Sovereign has more purpose than you seem to understand.

  27. Historically the purpose of a king was to protect his people. The citizens paid their taxes to the king, and served their king, and in exchange the king provided law, order and protection from foreign invaders. The current monarch has fallen down badly on her side of that bargain.

  28. This is the anniversary of the Queen’s accession because it was also the day his late majesty King George VI passed from this world, and thus would not be a day his daughter would celebrate. Remember him too on this occasion.

  29. All brought to you by the disquieted politics of dyspeptic ENVY accomplishing precisely nothing.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  30. Yes long live the queen. That way hopefully she will outlive her son. BTW it is said that charles is so unpopular that even his plants won’t talk to him. He said he wished he was his mistress’ sanitary pad. Everyone in the Realms wishes he was too.

  31. Well said and I agree. I do believe that she stood up for her subjects when she basically came out for Brexit.
    minuteman, she has no control over what refuse is allowed to immigrate, nor has she any control over how the country’s finances are handled.
    I do believe there is an ugly Bolo @ 10:00 PM.
    Long may she reign.

  32. I don’t believe in perpetual appointments, nor do I believe in perpetual entitlement. We should have been on our own after Sept 02-1945, the end of WWII.
    If we need a King and Queen, we can make our own.
    It’s time we grew up!!

  33. Can you even imagine “being alone” with the likes of Justin Trudeau heading the Republic of Canada?

  34. Come now, the British Empire has vaulted from one glorious victory to another under her reign.
    How else could we have scored that glorious victory over Eastasia?

  35. When that great lady goes, it will be worse than Elvis/SRV combined for this ‘Murican.
