Today’s Word Is ‘Projection’

Immediately after the rioting and thuggery by leftists at UC Berkeley, Laurie Penny was letting her followers know just how brave she is for mixing with conservatives and college Republicans, i.e., the people under attack, of whom she’s “fucking terrified.”

No, seriously.

29 Replies to “Today’s Word Is ‘Projection’”

  1. Not brave but incredibly stupid intellectual midgets…
    Ben Shapiro On Milo Yiannopoulos Berkeley Riot
    Ben calls out the Berkley rioters with aplomb
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. yep, there ain’t no cure for stupid. I wonder just how stupid the populace has to get before society just disintegrates?

  3. Without the cultural support of leftist media, leftist celebrities and leftist learning institutions, these morally confused ignoramuses wouldn’t even exist. Being too close-minded to probably ever realize it, she has been brainwashed then drafted into an ideological army of intolerance and hate.
    This is what her tweet said to me…. “Don’t ever open up your mind to new information or ideas, instead, embrace the hate”.

  4. Don’t forget the financial support from George Soros that enables organizations that want to tear down the free enterprise society and liberal democracy. Too bad he and his “charities” can not be dismantled.

  5. It has been interesting to say the least watching the meltdown on the part of the leftist/Democrats since November. What I would like to know and I expect I’m not alone in this but the big question that will be coming in the near future is this, “At what point does freedom of speech cross over into Sedition?” I would think that elected officials that are calling for protests to challenge the outcome of the election could be construed as seditious under the definition. At what point are these ‘protesters’ going to be charged under either the riot act or as seditious participants?

  6. I’ve never ever though about hitting a woman, until now.
    I’d love to go into a ring with this little puke, 5 minutes, no rules, bare knuckle.

  7. Real fascists are Black Bloc and Antifa.
    The ‘it’s OK to punch a Nazi’ is an open-ended invitation to violence, but as somebody said about a possible escalation, ‘our side has the guns.’

  8. And Saturday’s word was “psycho”:

    Yusra Khogali and Alexandria Williams, both co-founders of Black Lives Matter – Toronto (BLM TO) – the self proclaimed “coalition of Black Torontonians resisting anti-Black racism, state-sponsored violence and police brutality”, lead the protest on Saturday, February 4, 2017 against the policy of US President Donald Trump that took place in front of the American Consulate in Toronto.
    In her short speech at the beginning of the rally, Yusra Khogali portrayed (click HERE) Canada as a country that was founded on genocide, racism and slavery implying that these policies are being implemented by the current federal government. She accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of being a “liar”, “hypocrite”, “white supremacist” and “terrorist”, advising the cheering crowd not be fooled by Trudeau’s “ liberal bullshit.”

  9. Why are they given any notice, they need publicity to screech out their screed, they should be ignored.
    If Canada is that bad what’s stopping them from going elsewhere? What constitutes hate speech in their world?

  10. That part of the institutional left known as academia has existed for a couple of generations in an echo chamber where opposing ideology has been essentially purged from those halls. Hysterical opposition to the type of conversation that should have gone on in the lecture theatres and tutorials betrays intellectual insecurity and fear of loss of the status quo of tenure and comfort (safe zones). Post election, the shock of discovery of the reality where at least half the nation opposes what they have devoted their academic careers of indoctrination to perpetuate has tipped them over into mindless and irrational flailing.

  11. From obscenity screeching female professors at steet and campus protests threatening violence and to “nasty” obscentiy screeching female celebrities at the women’s march in D.C., from Hugh Mongus’s insane female tormentor to insane feministas like Laurie Penny, from indignantly over the top emotional female students at Harvard screaming obscenities about safe spaces to indignantly emotional female students walking around campus with a mattress on their backs, from political female fools like Clinton in the U.S. to political female fools in Germany like Merckle (and a few female political fools in Canada who have been frequently identified here). I could go on and on with examples. Now we hear from from a BLM moron named Yusra Khogali ….. (well, at least she didn’t grab the microphone from Bernie Sanders and take over the rally).
    It just could be that the moslems have it right in certain areas.

  12. Laurie Penny is a deplorable use of skin that is allow to instigate war on the Right thinkers in this world especially getting involved with the mindless cloud and snow flake people of this world, as she is one!!
    Love Ben Shapiro and Milo keep up the good work!

  13. Speaking of an intellectual mismatch … the UC Berkeley Milo-RIOT accomplished the following:
    1. Milo is now MORE POPULAR, and well-known, and has been given an even BIGGER soapbox from which to speak.
    2. The general public has been even MORE galvanized in their disgust for the hardcore leftist Democretin Party.
    3. George Soros funding-laundering through multiple “Civil Rights” Org.’s has been further exposed to the public. The money PAID for these RIOTS has been traced to its source … George Soros (and his creepy little boy).
    Yeah … the RIOTERS have reaped the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they intended. Just as egg-throwing, Mexican Flag waving crowds ensured Trumps election … this RIOT will result in massive cuts of Federal Funding, and a return to civility on college campuses.

  14. NME666 >
    Ha ha, I’m still happily married to my first & only wife you dyslexic retard, how often did you beat your ex who dumped you like a used tampon?
    Course I’m joking, no doubt she beat your beta male butt before dumping you. Ya like all the other beta trolls that post here. Jealous loooooser.

  15. “George Soros funding-laundering through multiple “Civil Rights” Org.’s has been further exposed to the public.”
    If the DOJ goes after him on Racketeering (They have probable cause). Everyone involved with him is going to share in the pain.. Trump should offer to deliver Georgie to Putin.. in a CIA-UPS surprise bag
    MSNBC Meet the (Slime) Press was on a roll over Trumps comment re USA VS Putin.. Demonizing Trump.. It was an unlikely Democrat Sen Cory Booker (NJ) that pissed all over Tod (the weasel) by reminding him of the words of MLK….Slither sucker.. NBC has Producers who are 12 year dolts

  16. there ain’t no cure for stupid.
    Yes there is. It’s terminal and permanent and works every time.

  17. there ain’t no cure for stupid.
    Yes there is. It’s terminal and permanent and works every time.

  18. There should a Nobel Prize for stupidest human (or group).
    The left would have received the prize every year since roughly the 1960s.

  19. John Galt >
    “I would prefer to see Ronda Rousey take care of her.”
    Canadian Friend >
    “The left would have received the (Stupid) prize every year since roughly the 1960s.”
    They’re always parroting the line “pot doesn’t affect me”, and yet the results.
