Cold, Canuck Hands

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, July 2013: “While I am very proud of the heroic response of our members and employees (many of whom were personally impacted) in helping the community stay safe during this disaster, I am quite concerned by the sharp criticism that has arisen in the media with respect to the gun seizures from evacuated homes”

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, February 2017: … referenced the Mounties’ decision to give rifles to more frontline officers as he expressed fears Monday about the increasing militarization of Canadian police forces.

Well, at least he’s consistent.

(h/t James)

25 Replies to “Cold, Canuck Hands”

  1. Commissioner Bob has all the credibility of a rasslin’ promoter, probably less, (and no offence to Stu Hart.)
    Whatever happened to Paulson’s alleged investigation into High River,and who exactly were the homeowners that allegedly thanked the RCMP for breaking into their homes and stealing their guns and ammo?
    And just a follow up: how many guns were seized,how many were returned to their lawful owners,and were the owners ever compensated for the half million bucks worth of ammo the RCMP allegedly destroyed?
    And the damage to the kicked-in doors,did the RCMP pay for the deductible on the homeowners insurance claims,which could easily be $500?
    All these questions,but our msm,who have just asked the federal government for a $400 million fund to save their worthless asses, has never reported any news on any of this.

  2. My respect for the RCMP was already down because of the barn burning in Quebec and other incidents and High River too it to now lows. Now during the last years of the Harper government the RCMP tried to reclassify some rifles as prohibited and Harper said no. They waited until Harper got voted out and now are up to their old tricks of arbitrarily prohibiting firearms. This should be a political decision and I guess in a way it is as the RCMP have become a political police force. My respect has not returned from High River levels.
    grok nails it.

  3. It’s pretty clear to me that the High River affair represents another Conservative government failure.

  4. The RCMP said they did what they did because of public safety. The town was under total lock down; no one goes in, and no one comes out. The only people who had access were cops. Helicopters with infrared were flying overhead. You couldn’t hide even if you wanted to. Doors got kicked in, properly stored weapons were seized, and homes outside the flood plain were vandalized, some more than once. High River has 17,000 residents. How could the RCMP ransack the entire town in one (1) night unless they had a list of all gun owners? Where did they get this list from? The RCMP used a natural disaster as an excuse to violate legitimate constitutional and property rights, and Paulsen’s safety and security lies made things worse. RCMP conduct was disgraceful; the higher up you go, the less you can trust them. Heads must roll over this.

  5. The RCMP’s “patrol carbine” is the same rifle that is referred to as my “assault rifle.”
    Funny how Global’s video shows a lot of shotguns.

  6. What do you have to do in Canada to warrant the death penalty? Then why do police have guns?

  7. Might as well just fold them into the Army as so many European, South American, and Asian police forces already do.
    In fact POLICE forces are actually a very new concept and these forces were part of the Army just a hundred or two years ago.
    It’s all very regressive.
    American gun grabbers pretend that 2nd Amenders are lunatics for claiming that they need assault rifles to prevent government tyranny.

  8. The rcmp is a poorly trained political police force. They should not be allowed to do municipal policing. No major city in Canada has the rcmp policing it. Canada needs a new federal policing option one that doesn’t involve the rcmp.
    They need to be sent to the dust bin of history. Roll them out when we need a photo op – they are at their highest and best use dressed in their reds standing beside a politican.

  9. My current image of the average Canadian is personified by PM boy-Trudeau. The dudes totally harmless, if not wimpy. Isn’t that the model Canadian ? Why would any Canadian NEED a gun ? They shouldn’t even have them for Bear attacks. If the Bear attacks … just start talking to it in a really soothing Timothy Treadwell voice … that’s all you need to become ONE with the bear (or at least its scat). Canada is a nation of go-along-to-get-along milquetoasts … eh ? No guns needed Mount-me’s !

  10. “What do you have to do in Canada to warrant the death penalty?”
    That’s easy – just being conceived. If you are conceived and not wanted you can be executed without trial.
    On another point the RCMP’s first priority is to protect the government from you. Their second priority to is investigate crimes, not prevent crimes or protect you. Safety concerns for the individual are down the list. Part of the problem is the ‘soft on crime’ mindset of too many Canadians.

  11. It is most regrettable that our previous Conservative government did not punish the RCMP for the Hogh River gun grab.

  12. The High River mass break and enter was and is in the spirit of C68 and other legislation, storage and other clauses. Punishing the RCMP is/was pointless, (whatever punishing the RCMP means) the Conservatives never addressed the real issues. If you are even suspected of owning a firearm, the police can kick down your door for an inspection. Mr. Harper did not rewrite the legislation.

  13. Hey Kenji, I’ve got three words for you, and they rhyme with “Jo Duck Herself”. Try saying that to me on skates with your helmet off – show you what a typical Canadian’s like, Yank!

  14. When you hear this kind of diarrhea drivel you know what’s happening: his term as Commissioner is coming to an end and he’s either sucking for an extension or a plum political appointment.

  15. He’s spouting this kinder/gentler diarrhea for one reason: his term as Commissioner is coming to an end and he’s either sucking for an extension, or, a plum political appointment.

  16. “Canada is a nation of go-along-to-get-along milquetoasts … ”
    Pretty much. Were it not so, the Legislatures in Toronto and Edmonton would be under siege.

  17. Commissioner Paulson is all over the map; I lost faith in him when he began publicly stating there were racists in the RCMP in order to try and curry favour with native leaders (and the government*).
    With that action, he essentially sent a message to every member of the force: you’re expendable and no, I don’t have your back. Leadership indeed.
    * I agree with Jamie MacMaster that Paulson has his eye on plum post-career options and is likely to throw any RCMP officer under the bus in pursuit of personal ambition.

  18. By:Thomas Fleming | March 24, 2014
    Everyone has heard the expression: “An Englishman’s home is his castle.” The most memorable expression of this proverb was given by the elder William Pitt, the future Lord Chatham:
    “The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail, its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storms may enter, the rain may enter,—but the King of England cannot enter; all his forces dare not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement.”
    Pitt made these remarks in the course of a debate in the House of Commons on March 27, 1763.
    How far we have fallen in Canada, the police are not our friends, especially us folks that hunt and target shoot.
    High River door kickers should have lost their jobs and pensions.
