25 Replies to “Dave Rubin: Why I Left the Left”

  1. The general problem with most people in the world, is they never think things through to their logical conclusion. As the video pointed out; if the government can make Catholics pay for abortion, then they can make anyone pay for or do anything. It’s all well and good, while you or your friends control everything. But one day, your enemies get to take over all the power and influence you built for your purposes, and use it for their ends instead of yours.
    That is why the only thing you ever vote for, is to take away from government. If there is no one who is going to limit government or make it smaller, then you are the ne plus ultra of enabler moron when you still go out and vote for bigger government. But keep lying to yourself. The lesser of two evils maybe helps you sleep at night as you screw the future away.
    Never stop to think how voting for your guy unquestionably has never made anything better. Keep voting for the brave new world at half speed ahead rather than full.

  2. Well said Kevin as was Mr. Rubin’s video clip.
    We are moving toward a Soviet style society at a breathtaking pace.

  3. Absolutely. That is where one-world/globalist government is headed, and our own PM seems ok with that. Trump is about the only factor slowing things down, but I am not sure he will succeed in thwarting the globalists forever.

  4. One World Government is like leading lambs to slaughter, do you really want to give up your rights, freedom of speech, freedom of thought heck all our freedoms if so follow the lambs to slaughter. You loose all your rights to any thought and become slaves!!

  5. “… good, while you or your friends control everything. But one day, your enemies get to take over …”
    Chances are that long before your enemies get to take over, some of your friends are going to decide you aren’t conforming enough and that’s when you will find the government power being used against you.

  6. Ask Harry Reid.
    He was pissed with the Republicans meddling with ever appointment obama made and lowered the bar for approval from 60 to 50 (for all appointments below supreme court).
    Now the Dems are filibustering attempting to stop Trump appointments. They can’t muster 51 Senate votes let alone 60.
    What goes around….

  7. I wonder if the loud, obnoxious, heterophobic wing of the gay community recognizes that the most effective Ambassadors for gay-acceptance are conservative (even if they STILL THINK they’re “liberal”) gays. More GOOD is being done by Peter Thiel, Milo Yianopolous, and Dave Rubin than ALL the GLAAD haters, and “Pride” parades combined.
    Now is the time for the homo’s to grow a pair, and PROVE that gay “marriage” IS about their LOVE … and not about their HATE for straight Christians. Now is the time for the gays to apologize for FORCING a baker to bake a cake and then using the power of the government to rain TERROR on this poor couple in the form of a $ 100,000.00+ fine. There is -0- “love” in such acts. I find it ironic that the gays HATE and DERIDE so-called gay-aversion therapy which attempts to FORCE people to be hetero. Yet they CHEER using government power and punishment to FORCE a cis-gendered, hetero-normative, Christian baker to make a gay wedding cake.
    How about leaving your bondage tricks in the bedroom, and leave the rest of us alone ?

  8. Yep, forcing the Sisters of the Poor to pay for abortion services, is the new TOTALITARIANISM.
    The REGRESSIVES aren’t about freedom, they’re about a new form of COMPULSION.
    They don’t give a damn about your conscience, beliefs etc; the chief criteria is to exact
    your frog marched consent to kill freedom.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  9. Liberals aren’t liberals anymore. Who’da thunk it? Seriously, nice presentation, well worth sharing. Is he the next Milo, cued for rioting?
    After all, that was clearly explained, what has happened to liberalism, which probably has been progressive since 1900 or so.
    Leaving people be is dangerous to progressives who in their (fatal) conceit are sure liberalism can be made more just via with their totalitarian zeal.
    Lack of control of the government at any level is of no consequence. Progressive thought controls the news media, the entertainment industry, the education industry, and for now the bureaucracy and courts; and perhaps the fascist rioters. They give themselves legitimacy through that.
    But they’re so wrong. As they wail, Trump woos the unions, and the chess game goes on while they comfort themselves they’re so much more enlightened than the orange buffoon, who’s won at everything he’s ever tried; but unless he has a perfect season, he’s a failure in their eyes.
    And the people notice it. This travel ban XO fight is a good indicator. Not really a big deal for Trump, but no doubt entices him to get his SC nominee in.
    Notwithstanding CNN, ABC & NBC polls, which were so accurate last election, stating Americans want more refugees. Maybe they’re right this time.
    More on the theme: “Our Regressive Progressives.” The needs to be stated and re-stated:
    “Of course people who do not submit to the party line on things like climate change also know full well the ugly reprisals that come their way. The same with those who may differ on anything to do with the shibboleth of evolution and the like. Any dissenter will immediately be punished.”
    All this in the name of progress! It sounds like regress to me. And it is. We are being dragged back to the dark ages where independent thought and genuine freedom of expression are not exactly smiled upon. Indeed, we are being taken back to the really dark days of official narratives and ruling ideologies, with no independent thought allowed.”
    This was the hallmark of more recent tyrannies of course, especially the Marxian variety. In today’s climate of hyper political correctness, coupled with a culture of offense, wherein anyone who feels offended by anything can now press charges (and usually win), free speech is disappearing fast.”
    As George Orwell warned, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” But that is the mark of a truly progressive society. The kind of society our left trendy progressives are creating is anything but that.”
    We have regressed to a new tyranny, a new Group Think, and a new grey ideological straight jacket.”

  10. yes, the repubs should approved those obungles appointees, who were lockstep in faults narratives, that’s how one destroys a democracy.

  11. Slightly off topic, but with some relevancy… I am tired of the labels that have defined the culture war for the past 50 years. Left and Right are holdovers from the French Revolution, and are closely related to Conservative and Liberal. Progressive means nothing…. progressing towards what? Totalitarian groupthink?
    Many of you have accurately shown that the term “Liberal” does not mean liberal, and should also be abandoned.
    As a Conservative, I would prefer the more accurate term “Realist”. I don’t care what the other side chooses to call themselves.

  12. “The threads of freedom will become the chains of bondage if they are not held in the checks and balances of honour and respect and dignity of all people.”
    The PC Gestapo have been unleashed on the masses, cheered on by the MSM. How about Mr. Rubin review his former ideas, writings and commentaries and apologize for his hateful and abusive rants which have been the seeds of the progressive/repressives?
    When MSM Progs actually recant and use their platforms to dismantle what they have sown into, I will begin to have some respect for their new enlightened declarations. When they were planting seeds of rebellion and anti-Christian rhetoric, they were indeed sowing into their own destruction. “Seed the wind, reap the whirlwind” has hardly been truer.

  13. “The general problem with most people in the world, is they never think things through to their logical conclusion.”
    Possibly quite true. And the ones who do, keep their mouths shut and their heads down. And that’s a general problem too.

  14. What’s this “used to” talk? The left were always regressive. This guy just finally realized it. See Soviet Russia for example.

  15. While the Progressive (sic) Left teach of the HORRORS wreaked by the Catholic Inquisition … they have constructed multiple Inquisitions of their own. A Gender Inquisition, A Sexuality Inquisition, A climate-change(sic)Inquisition, A Xenophobe Inquisition, ad nauseum.
    There’s only one primary difference … The Catholic Inquisition occurred during the Dark Ages of the 12 Century … as opposed to the Progressive Inquisition here in 2017
    ” … a period of supposed cultural and economic deterioration … ” A succinct description of the Obama years.

  16. first timer, Your comment is completely relevant. But labels do matter. I found the following book very useful.
    The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left.
    by Yuval Levin

    The “debate” very much invokes the French Revolution, and I’d say it’s still applicable today.
    The crux is that one side recognizes that existing institutions, cultures, laws, sit on a foundation that worked for previous generations, and that the good aspects of these institutions should be “conserved” by ensuring that only incremental changes are made in the name of improvement. The other side feels that the best way to “progress” is to continuously dismantle existing institutions, and start over using a set of basic principles defining how the world should be.
    During the last 40 years I’d say that the only reason the debate has remained civilized is because the progressives have been winning.

  17. Plus Christians need to get off their high horse because they attacked Constantinople and Jerusalem in the 12th century. Let’s not forget that either.

  18. +2 ‘james the deplorable disciple of kek’ (Two thumbs up!)
    The Progressives were always like that. James Rubin just eventually found enlightenment.
    The name ‘Progressives’ comes from the Karl Marx axiom that there are five fixed stages of cultural development that inevitably progress from one stage to the next. Thus the believers were called Progressives because of their belief in this Marxist declaration. Many Progressives are not aware of the origin of their label, just thinking they are for ‘Progress’ in a range of areas: philosophy, sexual identity, recycling, science, technology, etc, instead of its core Marxist origin.
    As the Marxist progression is inevitable, from the third stage we are in, Capitalism, to Socialism and finally to Communism, then the die-hard Progressives not only don’t care about the destruction of society but they revel in the thought, as they believe that this will break the logjam caused by Capitalism and allow society to inevitable progress to the next stage, Socialism.

  19. Sorry – instead of “James Rubin just eventually found enlightenment.”, that should have been “Dave Rubin just eventually found enlightenment.”
