27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A Superbowl commercial gone viral. But please, do read in between the lines.
    Just ask yourself what would happen to the USA and Canada if anyone could come in here without respect for our borders, or without clearing customs.
    Of course 84 Lumber will make commercials such as this one. What better way to sell building supplies to contractors who employ illegals who in turn work for $4.00 an hour to frame their buildings. Wake up North America! And by the way guys, this commercial is not about fairness. It’s about hating Donald J. Trump.

  2. After the March of the knitted vaginas , I was trying to recall the March in little blue dresses during Clinton’s time

  3. That song brings back a lot of memories for me from more than half a lifetime ago. It got a lot of airplay on the radio at the time and its video was shown on the MTV-like shows that NBC and, for a short while, ABC ran on Friday nights.
    I know I’m getting old when songs like that from the mid-1980s are used as background music in stores nowadays.

  4. Just like in Europe, they pretend that the “refugees” are poor women and children. The case is different.

  5. In a democracy we don’t need to question why we get stupid governments, we elect them. We have more than our share at other levels as well. So look in the mirror if you voted for what we got.

  6. This is one of the main reasons why suffrage should have never happened. (There are a few valid points, but that is for another discussion…barely)N
    The cohesive fabric of a traditional family was torn, a voting block which was vested in making decisions which would continue with legislation that enabled the family unit to be the primary force to keep democratic goverenment small because households were the backbone of the society.
    Today’s voters vote against traditional family values, with the government being voted into the place of the “husband”.
    How about the goverenment go on strike, completely; no emergency staffing whatsoever!! See how dependant all those who believe they are making a living on their own are really doing. “Big Daddy” government would be have the “women and chidrenz” begging at their doors in less than 24 hrs.
    These protestors haven’t a clue how to make it in tough times coming ahead. The entertainment value will be more than the price of admission.

  7. Even the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial was less than truthful in that it suggested the man who invented the beer somehow just got off the boat and made his way to Missouri.
    Neither Anheuser nor Busch were poor German immigrants starting the Budweiser beer business from nothing; both came from middle-class families in the wine or beer business back in Europe (Busch’s family in Hesse were actually quite well-heeled). Busch served in the Union Army for a short period during the Civil War. While in the army, he learned that his father had died leaving him part of the estate.
    Also, it’s unlikely that either Anheuser or Busch really encountered constant, overwhelming anti-German racism in America: they ended up in St Louis precisely because it was a hub for German immigrants and therefore an excellent potential market for – beer.

  8. Anti-German racism was unheard of in 19th century America because German was the largest ethnic group. During the world wars, we Squareheads weren’t wildly popular. I can’t boycott Bud because when I swill back a brew, it’s usually discount beer.

  9. German came within one vote of becoming the official language with the original 13. Think about it.
    My grandparents on both sides were Germans from Russia. During WW11 their kids who spoke perfect English didn’t advertise they were square heads. Some were in the Canadian military.

  10. “RealDoll Creating Artificial Intelligence System, Robotic Sex Dolls”
    Men loved women. Women loved men. Men built civilization to impress and protect women. Women repaid us by getting spoiled and becoming feminist shrews. The first thing they did in the USA after getting the vote was take our booze away.
    Gentlemen, we can rebuild her. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world’s first robotic woman. RealDoll will be that woman. Wetter than she was before. Wetter, softer, sweeter.

  11. JJM;
    I found it interesting reading the Randolf Hearst biography that Germans were the largest minority in the USA prior to WW I. The size of that population and their votes are given as a partial reason why the USA did not join the War until 1917. The largest non English newspaper prior to WW I was German.

  12. AGW RIP.
    “U.S. Army Corps to Grant Dakota Access Oil Pipeline Easement”
    “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said in a court filing it will grant Energy Transfer Partners LP the easement it needs to finish the controversial Dakota Access oil pipeline.
    The company needs the easement to complete work under Lake Oahe, following President Donald Trump’s memorandum that advised expediting review of the project. Trump took office promising to favor oil and natural gas developments as well as support new infrastructure, which has included reviving TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline.”

  13. Yeah, for me too. I was in my first year of University when this song was on MTV. On another note, I think the song was chosen just for me. My wife of nearly 27 years was just diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago and the song is very apropos.. It should be all good though; we caught it early and are trusting and praying for the best.

  14. I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s situation. Best wishes for the both of you.

  15. AGW RIP.
    “B.C. Snowfall Records Topple”
    “Even more on the David Rose bombshell article: How NOAA Software Spins the AGW Game”
    “The disclosures by Dr. Bates concerning Karl’s ‘Pausebuster’ NOAA NCEI paper have created quite the climate kerfuffle, with Rep. Smith even renewing his NOAA email subpoena demands. Yet the Karl paper actually is fairly innocuous by comparison to other NOAA shenanigans. It barely removed the pause, and still shows the CMIP5 models running hot by comparison. Its importance was mainly political talking point pause-busting in the run up to Paris.
    Here is an example of something more egregious but less noticed. It is excerpted from much longer essay When Data Isn’t in ebook Blowing Smoke. It is not global, concerning only the continental United States (CONUS). But it is eye opening and irrefutable.”
