Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

In the nearly five years since CSA launched their attacks on PS Knight Co, the owner of this newsfeed, we have endured repeated and very aggressive legal moves by CSA to try to force us to divulge the names of whistleblowers testifying against them. There have been hours of questioning in legal Discovery on who our sources are, who inside CSA is “speaking up” and which end users inside CSA’s various monopolies have been talking off script. The CSA has spent a lot of money to enable reprisals against the whistleblowers who speak to us.
For our part, we have spent a lot of money to protect our sources because we know -and it’s been made very clear to us- what CSA wants to do to them.

8 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. There is definitely a bond villian vibe to the shenanigans the csa pull off. It would be glorious if they met the same fate.

  2. It will be hilarious if the -Liberals- are the ones who finally bring these dogs to heel. I doubt they will, because Liberals love this brown-bag stuff.
    But the CPC failure to do anything about it is a disgrace. CPC, look at Trump. That is how you do it. you don’t “work within the system.” You take a bat to the system and stomp on anything that falls out of it.

  3. Too bad there is no conservative party in Canada.
    Face it, we’re populated by socialists, and we will go the way of Sweden, but at least we have a vast, unpopulated north to run to.

  4. “But the CPC failure to do anything about it is a disgrace.”
    Amen. As was/is the MSM’s non coverage.

  5. Orwellian for sure.
    Kleptocracy in both name and nature.
    The old “Who watches the watchdogs?”
    The bureaus love these “Public Safety” institutions,absolute power, zero accountability and total politician cowardice.
    Just as all these lovely canadian None Government Agencies abound,totally funded with taxpayer money,yet zero accountability to law or ethical standards.
    This corrupt mess will end, when the streams of other peoples money run dry.
    Kleptocracy always ends in social collapse.
    Enjoy the decline.

  6. The CPC had the misfortune to have a government funded opposition that was answerable to no one. No I am not talking about the Lieberals or the NDP aka the No Down Payment party. The CBC is the organization in question, and no government of any stripe can last long without their co-operation and approval. Harper made a huge mistake by not eradicating that nest of serpents when he had the opportunity. I doubt that the cons will have that chance again before Justine is finished destroying Canada. Most of the Media in this country are Lieberal sympathizers, the ones that aren t beat the drum for the NDP. Only The Rebel Media have an interest in telling the truth.
