10 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. The best news of the week has been that southern Ont&Que will become ‘sanctuary cities’ for un-documented illegal migrants. The rest of Canada thanks you, while recognizing that you voted these Liiberal governments into power, so you should have to deal with the problems they cause.
    Keep your migrant criminals and rapeugees who come from a culture that condones misogyny, pedophilia, violent xenophobia, and bigoted oppression of women, homosexuals, and other religions. The rest of Canada doesn’t want them. Nor do we want the style of gvt you choose to elect.
    Go right ahead and believe that everything is wonderful in Sweden, and the Muslim controlled NO-GO zones are ‘fake-nerws’, and ignore the interviews on u-tube with Swedes who describe the actual events, Just don’t complain to us when it happens in Mississauga, we told-ya-so, but you knew better and ignored the warnings. Have a nice day.

  2. Start a go fund me I am sure we can get you and your furniture there safely. Then you are alone hopefully in a non existent muslim neighborhood. Wear a toque so you fit in Jacko.

  3. T distribution?
    That’s not one distribution but a family, and their shapes vary dramatically with the number of degrees of freedom.

  4. Yup, it will be like a dogshit magnet, all the toxic sludge will settle to the ‘bottom’ of Canada.
    All these rapugees and criminal migrants pushed across the border into ‘sanctuary cities’ are Trump’s joke on Canada and it’s globalist ‘yes-boy’ PM, for being so blatantly anti-America / anti-Trump / pro-Islam. CBC spouts TrumpHate and foolishly believes there will be no repercussions. Pay-back time has just started, enjoy the ride.
    Next step, the West separates and cuts off the welfare funding. Ain’t karma great?

  5. Islamist Extremists in Canada
    December 14, 1999 – Ahmed Ressam, known as the Millennium Bomber, was arrested upon entering the United States by a ferry from Victoria, British Columbia. He was smuggling explosives in his car from Canada as part of a plot to bomb the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on New Year’s Eve 1999, as part of the foiled 2000 millennium attack plots.
    April 2004 – A Canadian Muslim of Lebanese descent firebombs the library of the United Talmud Torahs Montreal Jewish school.
    2006 – In the 2006 Ontario terrorism plot, Canadian counter-terrorism forces arrested 18 terrorists (dubbed the “Toronto 18”) inspired by al-Qaeda. They were accused of planning to detonate truck bombs, to open fire in a crowded area, and to storm the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, the Canadian Parliament building, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) headquarters, and the parliamentary Peace Tower, to take hostages and to behead the Prime Minister and other leaders.
    August 2010 – Misbahuddin Ahmed of Ottawa was arrested (later convicted in July 2014) of knowingly facilitating a terrorist activity and participation in the activities of a terrorist group.
    2013 – Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser of Montreal and Toronto, respectively, charged as part of an alleged Al Qaeda plot to derail a New York to Toronto train on the Canadian side of the border. Alleged plot was not imminent. Canadian Muslims helped to foil the alleged plot. The suspects said they were arrested based on their appearance.
    2013 July 1 – Police announced the arrest of a Surrey man and woman on terrorism-related charges in a plot to detonate pressure cooker bombs outside the Legislature July 1. John Stewart Nuttall, whose lawyer described him as a convert to “Islam”, and neighbours told reporters the two lived simply and listened to Islamic recordings.
    October 20, 2014 – On October 20, 2014, two Canadian Forces members were hit by Martin Couture-Rouleau, a recent Muslim convert in what is known as the 2014 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu ramming attack. Warrant officer Patrice Vincent died of his injuries. Couture-Rouleau was eventually gunned down and killed.
    October 22, 2014 – Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a convert to Islam, fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a Canadian soldier on ceremonial sentry duty at the Canadian National War Memorial in Ottawa, and then forced his way into Canada’s parliament building, where he had a shootout with parliament security personnel. He was shot 31 times and died at the scene. Zehaf-Bibeau made a video prior to the attack in which he expressed his motives as being related “to Canada’s foreign policy and in respect of his religious beliefs.”
    August 10, 2016 – Aaron Driver was killed in Strathroy, Ontario, in a confrontation with police after detonating an explosive in the back seat of a taxi. The confrontation followed a tip from the FBI that Driver had made a “martyrdom video” and was planning an attack on an urban area

  6. Of course, there is no Paretto Distribution plushie.
    That being said, I call them cushions or pillows.
