36 Replies to “Le Pen”

  1. Its going to be an interesting summer in Europe, the Nederlands as well were Gert Wilders has been on the cusp of power for a long time. For lots of reasons the Nederlands may be the more decisive and influential in the long term.

  2. Yes, and Merkel shortly to follow. The greater question to ask is how the current pack of leaders ever expected the voters to not object to the invading hords, cries of racism notwithstanding.

  3. No offence intended,Kate, but you don’t have a very good track record picking winning politicians. McCain,Romney,Harper, Dewey,Landon, Stanfield,Turner, etc.,are among your loser’s row.
    Mine isn’t much better, but I did pick Obama twice.
    I’ll pick Emmanuel Macron in April, and the Leafs to win the Stanley Cup……………..someday.

  4. I would vote for her. Interesting chess move. She likely knew the duke of dickness would not meet with her if she didn’t cover her head. She is sending a signal.

  5. Kinda puts Wynne’s picture of her in a corner in perspective. One has a spine, one caves. Ontario elected a caver.

  6. Especially since she’s not even slightly right. Mostly she’s a socialist who is anti immigration. It’s just part of the disinformation effort to equate conservatives and racism. And border security with racism for that matter

  7. It’s hard to predict if the French will do the right thing. There are not many historical examples to follow, at least not examples for “doing the right thing”.
    I’m not sure the majority of French understand that they are again under enemy occupation, only now it’s WW-III and no one is coming to their aid.

  8. The media overvoice intones that “she is predicted to win the first round, but lose the second.” Yeah, sure. Just like the media knew who would win the US election. People are starting to realize that they don’t have to go along with the talking heads, that their common sense thoughts are, in fact, shared by a lot of people. Enough to win a Brexit vote, or a US election.

  9. Because she is a fascist and leftists refuse to recognize to fascism as a left wing ideology.

  10. well, now I know she’s not a fascist, seeing as you say she is.
    European “right wing” is slightly less left than our liberals. My “right wing” European cousins hate Trump:-)))

  11. Marine Le Pen is for traditional marriage and against abortion and not for the elitist EU. Hey the trifecta of political incorrectness!
    And now all the little Swedish women and our Canada’s own Kathleen Wynne just got their shawl head coverings handed to them.
    Hey FREXIT!
    That ought to push over the Soros applecart…”Alla youse politicians, are belongs to me!”
    Have a “Trump-tastic” day!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’
    CAPTCHA hilarity: BEAVER RD

  12. Yes all that is true, she is also most certainly a national socialist. This is not an exaggeration.

  13. That is because you are not very smart. Hardly a revelation, I know.
    Yes Le Pen is a national socialist. She is still probably a preferable alternative to international socialists of Sarkozy or the ruling communists. Fascists being preferable isn’t unprecedented in European history. Franco and Salazar were better than alternatives as well.

  14. ‘Ontario elected a caver.’…. Mark @ 6:55 pm
    ‘Ontario elected a cadaver’
    …no, make that Ontario exhumed a cadaver.
    There now…that looks about right!

  15. LePen will work with Trump for a Britain-U.S. style trade deal. Methinks she’ll be much more pro-market French job generating than people are giving her credit for. Just like Trump essentially won on putting the U.S. first job creation I believe LePen will win for the same reason. Kate will be proven correct.
    Keep in mind that the mainstream media is painting LePen as a high heeled Hitler for the same fear mongering reason the media traded Hitler’s moustache for a toupee’ in the U.S. Those characterizations aren’t worth a cup of warm piss and most people are wise to that.

  16. You have to consider where those who make those kinds of remarks are on the political spectrum themselves. You see, during the Nazi years, the Nazis were considered “right wing”, but that is only when compared to the communists. In fact, the Nazis were left wing….there was little daylight between the Nazis and the communists….the main difference being simply that the Nazis permitted private ownership even though they regulated and controlled every aspect of the economy. The communists didn’t allow for private ownership. But both were top down, left wing and totalitarian ideologies.

  17. If the US had anything remotely sensible, Trump would have lost.
    Yeah, right, only if Trump had lost would the system be remotely sensible.
    If the US had France’s run-off electoral system
    You mean if only the top two candidates were on the ballot?
    Johnson of the Libertarian party siphoned off 3.27% of the popular vote, and Stein of the Green party only 1.06%. If the former were to go to Trump and latter to Clinton, Trump may very well have won the popular vote. It won’t have made any difference in the electoral vote, except possibly even more in Trump’s favor.
    Oh, you mean if it were only dependent on the popular vote. I think that is too well hashed to reopen. But the history of the US versus Germany and France’s popular vote has amply demonstrated that its is the much more “sensible” electoral system.
    I said, Europe, not Great Britain. Whether you realize it or not, in fact Great Britain has an Electoral College system Each voter in each constituency casts one vote for the elector for that constituency. That elector is known as Member of Parliament. The one with the plurality from each constituency, not necessarily majority, becomes the elector, i.e. MP. The elected electors then meet to vote for the Prime Minister, which is the closest thing to the US president, in all except ceremonially. There, no one ever, ever even goes back to find out exactly how many popular vote each MP got, and what is the sum of those popular votes for the MP who voted for the PM, and whether the losing candidate ever amassed more popular votes than the MP. In short, everyone only cares about the electors, i.e., MP, and no one at all cares for the “popular vote” for the PM.

  18. Journalistic laziness. No one can report on her without saying “far right”. She’s European; there’s a real good chance she’s a statist dirigiste, if anyone would take the time to check it out.

  19. I could only like it better if she had suggested that if the mufti doesn’t want to see her without a headscarf he could wear a blindfold.

  20. True, but I read an essay a couple of months ago that notes that in the German tradition, the party of the aristocratic “we know better than you do, so behave or else” is the party of the right.
    There was no Magna Carta in Germany. The traditionalists are autocrats who believe that, because they are right, standards of behaviour and laws do not apply to them.
    Because we’re talking in English we know this to be nonsense. And only a pro-German bigot would claim that the German standards should apply to everyone (which would be a nationalistic thing to do, wouldn’t it?). Which brings us back to the Soviet Communists being mad at their fellow travellers (known as the National Socialist Workers Party, or some other communist-wannebe thing like that) for breaking the socialist hegemony and attacking the Soviet Union despite a non-aggression treaty.
    You’re right that those who most publicly broadcast that that the Nazis were right-wing were Communists. The fact that they weren’t the only ones doesn’t mean much. Anyone whose culture is based on equality before the law can only view the Nazis as being far left.
    Because they were.

  21. Marine Le Pen Front National Interview on Brexit & Collapse of EU ¦ English Subs (09Feb17)
    Marine Le Pen in her own words; rather than the caricature of the left-o-cracies press opinions of her…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  22. I so much agree with your general political views. Yes, Le Pen is a fascist and National Socialist.
    She is a Chauvinist in the best French traditional sense, but France never quite made the leap from medieval economics(early fascism) to free market, so socialism is the modern French economic tradition.
    There is a reason why France still has a peasant class, and that reason is there is no easy upward economic mobility because of fascist socialist cultural tendency.
    LIBERTE, EGALITE, FRATERNITE is a great notion.
    Unfortunately, without the economic battery of a free economic system to power these ideas they are just trite slogans, clouds without water, signifying nothing.
    Regulations, make no mistake, regulations are the garrote that strangles the national Babe of Economic Vigor in the cradle and puts the spur to fascism while mimicking to pay homage to a national culture which is stolen from the nest by Elite Cuckoos and replaced with their parasitic offspring.
    True culture is grass roots. It bubbles up from the people, the citizenry, as they live and thrive.
    It springs from the soil, the land, and the blood of the people.
    It has a fecund welcoming among the people which needs no subsidy, apologetic, or protection.
    It brooks no rival to it’s sons and daughters and is proud of it’s history and heritage. That is true culture.
    Le Pen is for that. But she and her party are socialists and socialism is but the precursor to One World Government which wants to end French culture, as it also wants to end all national cultures and identities.
    So Le Pen will bring about regulation which will protect French culture and make rival cultures feel not just less welcome, but unwelcome.
    (Good on Le Pen for doing this but the problem is intrinsically with current French culture and economics itself, it is a stopgap fix, not a solution, it is a spit and duct tape live-by-the-seat-of-your-pants not allowing the natural power of culture and free market economics to empower the French to make LIBERTE, EGALITE, FRATERNITE a living cultural reality instead of just a trite slogan which it has been since Napoleon’s day)
    I am a Canadian. My ancestors were immigrants, but also much more. When my ancestors came to Canada there was no safety net, no welfare state, not even much of any sign of the industrial revolution which came a century later.
    My ancestors were PIONEERS.
    They came here and built Canada, not because they were able to exploit the masses back in the old country to get over here like so many new immigrants today, but because as lower class hard working European peasants they saw that the lack of regulation that was already strangling the Olde World didn’t exist yet in the New World and that lesser regulation let them be all they could be and build a better future for themselves and their children.
    It was wide open, pass or fail, and failing meant dying, but at least they could die serving their God and living a life of hope.
    p.s. I read somewhere on SDA earlier today about someone saying that people lived longer these days? This is false. That meme is based on statistics. Statistically, there is a much lower rate of child and infant mortality.
    Less child and infant mortality statistically raises the mean average age of death.
    People are not living longer, they are just not dying so early in as large numbers.

  23. Very thoughtful post Oz. I agree that Le Pen is preferable to the alternatives. But again just like it was the case with other recent high profile elections I remain cautious and reserved in my support.

  24. A “far-right” Le Pen refuses to wear a headscarf to appease Muslim male-female inequality but the ultra-feminist Swedish gov. delegation of women parades meekly in Islam-conform headscarves at visit to Rouhani in Iran… what a topsy-turvy world we live in.

  25. Communism is better than Sharia.
    Fascism is better than Communism.
    Capitalism is better than Fascism.
    Free markets are better than Capitalism.
    People that call LePen a fascist should read a bit of Mussolini’s work. She’s more of a nationalist socialist, but doesn’t even come close to a classical fascist.

  26. The Main Stream Media is finally being played and the fun part is they don’t realize it yet:
    -Le Pen, like Trump and Brexit were, is being helped and promoted by Breitbart news. This Beirut visit by Le Pen with the head covering theatric was pure Steve Bannon orchestration to force the MSM into talking about it.
    -When talking about Islamic terrorism, Trump’s referral of a Tucker Carlson (FOX News) report when he just stated “Did you see what happened last night in Sweden?” at the Florida rally was not a “very bad way of communicating” that he watches FOX all the time, it was to bring to light the Swedish Muslim immigration problem and how the Swedish Government has all but forced auto censoring on it’s own people. The MSM fell into the trap…And just Monday night pass, the Swedish Muzzies confirmed Trump was right by torching and breaking stuff right in Stockholm in which the MSM had to also reluctantly report on. The Documentary about Sweden migrant problem that Tucker Carlson’s guest was promoting also got a huge promo boost – All free and deliciously delivered by the enemy itself.
    – When Trump declared that “The media is the enemy of Americans” it was not a mistake or overstatement…It was a Steve Bannon call. A brilliant “coup” and it was perfect timing too.
    I predict others like Kevin O’Leary will be “helped” by Bannon. Canada is a pitiful place where the MSM still rules.
    Like the late Andrew Breitbart said in his call to war on the “cultural complex”, it is with the MSM that the battle must be directly taken to.
    The Alt-Right “Movement” is spreading fast and worldwide (In Democratic Western Nations) and entities like Breitbart have become retaliation against Globalists like George Soros…
    …And We are winning!

  27. Not going to happen. There will be a runoff where one libtard (aka socialist or republican as they are called in France) will withdraw to get the other libtard elected.

  28. It’s now time for all the leftists and SJW’s to tell us that anyone who opposes Le Pen is a misogynist who doesn’t want a woman to become president – just like they did with Hillary Clinton.
