32 Replies to “Turtle Swamp”

  1. That’s It!!!!! I am moving to Montana. This is the first adult, realistic clarity I have seen in decades from ANY country. I want to be a part of it.

  2. And tonight, when all is still and the moon shines on the Gatineau Hills, if you listen carefully you will hear the sound of a wee puckering arsehole drifting across la Riviere Ottawa from 24 Sussex Drive.
    “But Thophie! How am I thuppothed to rethpond to that! Cuddle me Thophie…thpank me later!”

  3. Who from America speaks for American Jews… and secretly controls the UN… Look no farther than the Ann Frank Progressive (socialist/Communist) Jewish organization formed in Germany from pre WWI & WWII… The Hate is deep…
    Bebe & Trump need to call these fools out…. 71% of American Jews voted for Hillary… Why?

  4. When I visited San Miguel last November the trauma of Trump being elected was evident as I watched people moan and groan over the awfulness of having Trump for president. For me it was a mystery then why the Jewish people I talked to, one from New York and the other from California, were so in love with Obama and Hilary when neither of them supported Jews or Israel. Were they just so comfortable that the despair of other Americans wasn’t an issue? “I think Obama has done a good job,” they said to me…Okay, what does that mean? It’s like Canadians saying Turdeau is doing a good job … spending… and welcoming refugees. Being a polite Canadian and worse-a Canadian Trumpet, I thought I had better be quiet for the time being and not throw salt on their wounds. However, I am going to wear my “Make American Great” hat on the ferry I take home and watch the lefties on board go apoplectic. They’re nuts anyway. Trump is so refreshing..

  5. We have been waiting for this for SO long! Looks like the OIC is going to get a rough ride for the next while.

  6. And the US Jews probably contributed 71% (or more) of the total funding the Democrats raised. It’s an enigma wrapped in a riddle…
    Israel has a friend in the Trump administration. Harper was true to Israel but was unable to accomplish much. Trump can and I predict will. He could start by withholding funds from the UN.

  7. That was the most cogent and well delivered bitch-slapping of the UN Sec Council I have ever seen. Well done!

  8. some of the biggest BDS supporters in the USA are Jews, and many liberal Jews are not Israel supporters. Falk how was one of the biggest anti Israeli type in the UN, is a Jew. I’v know about this bullshit since I worked for a small Jewish own company. In that people in here are unaware of this, shows just how sheltered of a life they live
    BTW: BC’er, don’t git yer pinko panties in a bunch over these post

  9. So why bother with ((them))? Seriously if they’d be happier with in resolutions condemning Israel and lectures from the sec state then let them have it. Cut them loose like we should cut Quebec loose as a constituency.

  10. I am more aware then you know…. The Jewish problems is not monolithic… The original 12 tribes were split and 10 of those tribes were lost (Ten lost tribes) leaving 2 tribes.. The European Jews claim they are a “thirteenth Tribe” that are NOT connected to the original 12 Tribes. In America we have all three tribes & they do not agree on the role of Israel… The UN is full of Jews from the Thirteenth tribe, anti-Israel Socialists
    CNN has opened a can of worms, knowingly or stupidity…What is to Know?

  11. the long term hope I hold out now about Trump, that he redeem the present and future crassness, misogyny, ineptness and naivety with some sweeping massive move to support Israel.
    a Reaganesque coup de gras against that tiny democracy’s legions of enemies.
    I once sent a letter to the Israeli embassy offering to perform some under cover covert mission of their choice, citing among other things, my education, firearms experience, parachute, scuba experience etc. they didn’t get back to me.

  12. I have Jewish relatives that truly hate staunch Israel supporting Harper and have/will vote for the anti-Israel Hezbollah loving Liberals and NDP’s. None of them support the Conservatives – they won’t even talk about it. I can’t explain it except that it seems the large threat to the existence of Israel doesn’t seem to matter much here and progressive free-lunch agendas fill their heads.

  13. There will never be peace in the Middle East.
    Why, Because it is in the Genes of every Islamic that lives there to ensure that Israel is Annihilated….as it has ever been. This hatred of Israel is taught from birth…
    Kudos to the US for finally taking a stand on the United (Islamic) Nations….
    Wonderful to see…I’d be real curious as to what the gist of the conversation was between our Pansy in Chief and D. Trump….

  14. Damned Right — It’s about fvckin time.
    I want to be hearing more press briefings from Nikki Haley

  15. Exactly! Well said Nikki Haley and well delivered. Now cut off the funding to that gang of theocratic thugs, thieves, and pantywaists from Europe.
    What scar said.

  16. A tip of the hat to Steakman. No peace, not now or ever in the middle east. The palestinian’s total reason for living is to kill Jews. Why? Because their non-friends of the arab world have told them to. The arabs don’t want them back in their countries. If you gave the palestinians a completely finished country with paved streets, a clean water system, schools for their children and all the things that Israel is, in 10 days, the shit would be 2 feet deep in the streets.
    At one time I had some sympathy for the palestinians. No more. Look up sympathy in the dictionary. It’s on the same page as shit and syphilis.

  17. If Vladdie Putin is such as Shit-Hot Democratic Leader and for Peace then why is Putin and his Ambassador not sponsoring this sort of “We Stand with Israel” position for peace and stability?(I mean SH!T!, Putin has only been running Russia since 1998, right?)
    Oh Wait! I just remembered that Putin’s Russia is locked SOLID with Syria(HizbAllah’s main sponsor) and Iran(from which Russia is getting MUCHO GRANDE Billions of American $$$Dollars delivered on Pallets by U.S. Air Force Express to Iran by Barack Hussein Obama in the last weeks of his Presidency) which is purchasing 6 new nuclear reactor facilities from Putin’s Russia so that Iran can develop the nuclear weapons that it needs to IRRADIATE Israel by Ballistic Fission Express.
    Both Syria and Iran have a very clear policy that they want to destroy Israel with missiles.(Syria through it’s HizbAllah proxy which now has millions of conventional missiles a la North Korea and Iran directly with nuclear warheads)

  18. It was delightful to see America made great again on the world stage.
    Old folks often hang on to the culture they identify with from youth, which in years past was the collectivist nature of a ‘resurrected’ Israel circa 1948-1967.
    Israel today is more akin to California, in being tomorrow living beside yesterday’s mistakes.

  19. “in being tomorrow living beside yesterday’s mistakes.”
    Mistakes? You just don’t understand Israel. They aren’t “tomorrow living” either.
    Israelis speak a language called Hebrew.
    It has neither past nor future tense, but it does have a sense of time.
    Hebrew expresses the eternal NOW.
    Don’t understand? You are in the majority.

  20. Finally some truthful talk about what actually occurs at a SC meeting, just as long suspected. And Liberals are so desperate for Canada to be included in this they will spend millions, kiss up to some of the most repugnant regimes and autocrats on earth. All so Canada can be back again; why exactly is this in our interest?

  21. The ambassador’s comments were about the legitimacy of the state of Israel, not Jews in general, notwithstanding the connection with anti-Semitism.
    That point seems to have been missed, or not fully considered by some posters.

  22. I think 2018 mid-terms will attract many more Jews to the Repubs…other than the globalist communists who’d rather see Israel burn than breath life into individual freedom and democracy.
