And Just Like That

Trump to reverse Obama-era environmental rules in executive orders

The orders will instruct the Department of the Interior to lift a ban on new coal mining leases on federal lands and will instruct the Environmental Protection Agency to make changes to greenhouse gas emissions curbs on electric utilities, according to the report on Monday.

Caveat: Report is based on “unnamed sources” at the Washington Post. Probably Bannon, laughing uproariously into the phone.

11 Replies to “And Just Like That”

  1. Bannon is definitely my favorite member of the admin. Formerly of Breitbart of course which means he’s was probably tight with the late great Andrew and so he KNOWS WE’RE IN A WAR WITH THE LEFT AND IS ACTING ACCORDINGLY. He hates the media with a passion which is always a plus. And his gruff appearance drives the progs nuts.

  2. The addage goes something like this:
    When you have them down with your foot on their throat and they have not yet surrendered, its not time to let them catch their breath, its time to increase the pressure.
    The fact that they still continue to refuse to accept the outcome of the election says more pressure is required.
    Carry on Mr Trump.

  3. I’m sure someone will take Trump to court because Gaia wasn’t given due process, as is her constitutional right.
    Like the 9th Circus ruling on Trump’s EO, no need to quote the law on that or any jurisprudence beyond their shorthand politics bias.

  4. Indeed … a good start. The operable words being:
    U.S. President Donald Trump will reverse a handful of Obama-era environmental regulations in executive orders that could be signed as early as this week …”
    The WORST possible outcome of the Trump Admin. would be if he accomplishes nothing but superficial, symbolic, changes. Otherwise known as the GOPe’s business model. Toss the angry hoards a meaningless bone … just enough to assure your reelection for the 12th consecutive term … but accomplishing exactly NOTHING.

  5. Kenji, The Democrat demonstrators at Republican Town Halls are lighting a flame under the Congressional slackers. Mitch Mc will be history if he continues to play games…
    The little Piss-ants better not slow walk Trumps agenda, or he won’t
    campaign for them in 18… They need to get busy and show results
    CNN & the demonstrators are doing Trump’s chores, and they are to stupid to understand how. Louder.. More ..More

  6. George Soros has to be rubbing his blood-stained, pilfering hands together in glee with these new announcements.
    ” They suggested that once the existing coal industry ownership was wiped out by Obama’s regulatory onslaught, a new politically correct ownership would rehabilitate coal by contributing to Democrats.
    The leftists aren’t interested in destroying the coal industry. They just want to steal it.”
    The man loves money and power more than anything else…except himself.
