Heckuva Job, Barry*


British Islamic State fighter who carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq this week is a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was paid £1 million compensation by the government.
Jamal al-Harith, a Muslim convert born Ronald Fiddler who detonated a car bomb at an Iraqi army base near Mosul, was released from the US detention camp in 2004 and successfully claimed compensation after saying British agents knew or were complicit in his mistreatment.

And of course, there’s this.

He was freed following intense lobbying by Tony Blair’s Labour government.

(*Update: Heckuva job, Kate… “2004”.)

20 Replies to “Heckuva Job, Barry*”

  1. Not that I am Barry’s sympathizer (far from it), but if the guy was released in 2004, it would be on W’s watch.

  2. Just think what Canada’s own little Omar Khadr is going to do with the millions he’s going to bleed out of the Canadian taxpayer before he takes of back to Afghanistan.

  3. Ronald Fiddler? As in Fiddler on the Roof? Seriously?
    “His brother, Leon Jameson, told The Times Al-Harith had “wasted his life.”
    Jameson, Fiddler, what’s in a name anyway? Mommy was a whore.
    Bottom line, never release prisoners until the war is over. How many of ours have they released again?
    My guess is that they killed all of our captured boys, and they prolly died hard. Not just tortured, but raped too.

  4. On the other hand, it wouldn’t surprise me if Potato Head used that incident to justify reducing the vetting of all those “refugees”.

  5. Proof that the Third World views the First as a “Big Bank” run by imbeciles and cuckolds deserving to be robbed and destroyed.
    This is the majority worldview.

  6. No,Our Little Omar has learned his lesson,and will probably work to get his law degree and will do far more damage to us infidels through the Courts than he could ever do as a jihad combatant.
    Anyone ever hear if Omar got a settlement from Canadian taxpayers?

  7. Why hasn’t there been an accidental but fortuitous car accident or drone strike? People shouldn’t get away with such stuff.

  8. a bonafied terrorist.
    ok, there should have been sufficient evidence to take it to trial and keep him locked up somewhere.
    so why not go thru the motions or whatever, to do just that?
    howcum so many of the gitmo guests languished for years without charge?
    well he’s a terrorist we gotta throw away the key. ok, see above; conduct a TRIAL and present the evidence.
    when that trick wears out it becomes, well he’s a POW. well gooooolly, is the ‘war’ not over? oh. it’s NEVER over. isn’t that kinda unprecedented requiring exceptional handling?
    and still no legal counsel because well, they’se ain’t citoyens so there. so then it sets the precedent for Mercuns to sashay anywhere in the world, grab anyone they want on foreign soil, and lock them up for over a decade.
    bullies. Dems & Repubs both doing it. ’tis the Mercun way eh? bully bully bully all in the interests of defending ‘democrapsy’.

  9. Obama’s ENABLING of Islamic Terrorism is untraceable. Valerie Jarrett is much smarter than Bush. Valerie’s $ hundreds of millions were delivered in unmarked bills. Cash. Untraceable cash. We will NEVER be able to “follow the Obama money” that pays for the destruction of Westerners.
    I swear that I am living in some sort of alternate Universe where an American President was allowed to do this without so much as a whimper from Congress.

  10. soooo you saying they aren’t really terrorists? or just the lucky few who for reasons of propaganda were not given the blindfold?
    all this to avoid the really nasty business of actually allowing the suspects access to professional legal counsel.
    personally I don’t give a rodent’s tush about these consummately evil types, but it’s gonna be real important real soon to eschew the urge for extrajudicial vigilantism. because then dear right winger, you BECOME the enemy.

  11. “Legal counsel”? Is this guaranteed to terrorists under the Geneva Conventions?
    “Extrajudicial vigilantism”, eh? Such cute hyperbole LOL
    No more Kadrs…….shoot, shovel, and shut-up. Marinate in pig’s blood and offal, and bury deep.

  12. I thought POWs stayed in prison camps until the war was over.
    Sure it’s their job to escape, but unless Colonel Clink is running Guantanamo, they were released so no need to escape.
    Oh right, we’re “not at war with Islam.” The actual problem is “Trump’s Muslim ban.”
    But we are at war with radical jihadism/militant Islamism, which is most certainly at war with us.
