43 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. Does Andrew Coyne have locks and a door on his house? Why?
    If yes to the above, how is this different from having controls on who and what can come into our country?

  2. I’ve given up on Coyne; I find I just don’t have the patience to read or listen to anything he says these days.

  3. And how many people are in Leavenworth right now because they tried to bring Kinder Eggs into the US?

  4. Yeah I’m tired of all their snotty questions about my time away from Canada, and do I have any fruit, vegetables, or alcohol.
    From now on my trip back will be on the Can-Am snow trail.

  5. The good news is that Canada will be getting more Somali islamists, I mean refugees. Slip of the tongue.

  6. Further to my last, I get the feeling Coyne is transmogrifying into a National Post version of the Globe’s Jeffrey Simpson.
    Just what we need: more eye-glazing political tedium.

  7. Good will and welfare of the US must have run out.
    Canada is the place free ride for all.
    No work required.

  8. 5500 mile Open Border – or – Wall – Turdeau and the rest of Canada’s mentally ill will continue stuffing Canada with as many useless Third World squatters as they can manage. By land, sea, and air.
    The only serious “policing” conducted in Canada is of middle/ working class taxpayers. A citizen control force that has been militarizing for decades with the lame excuse of protecting us from ourselves.

  9. The days are numbered for the N Post. Coyne is just making himself acceptable for consideration by the CBC.

  10. I worked overseas in Siberia (Oilfield) in the 90’s. Every time we came home, our Border Security guys would play 50 questions, tear open our duffel bags, and generally harass us. While this happened, I would watch people from god-knows where BREEZE through customs, literally dragging cardboard boxes tied with ropes behind them. It was surreal and disturbing. We were treated like criminals and they went through without batting an eye. Things aren’t going to change any time soon.

  11. It would be refreshing if the media actually did their job regarding these refugees and provided the following information to the public:
    1. Who are they?
    We don’t need names; stats on nationality, sex and age would be fine.
    2. What is their legal status in the US?
    3. Why are they crossing the border?
    I don’t mean lame “to escape Trump” excuses. I mean what is the actual basis for their flight, i.e. do they have a credible reason for fearing US authorities and thus seeking refuge from the USA, i.e., US government political repression and/or threats to their personal safety? Being in the US illegally isn’t a credible reason.

  12. Five or ten years ago a Canadian customs person asked the cigarettes/liquor question. They don’t ask the drugs/firearms question. I said no liquor and less than a pack of cigarettes. Then she asked how many. I pulled out my pack and answered 8. I am not sure what that was about but it seemed real important to her. Apparently the only purpose of border guards are to stop honest people.

  13. This onslaught of migrants could be greatly reduced by the border authorities leasing a fleet of buses and swiftly transporting them back across the border to the US. Canada has an agreement with US it is a safe destination for refugees period; if people wish to make a claim they can do so from US via proper channels.
    Declaring refugee status because you don’t like the democratically elected President is absurd; a simple policy declaration could end this, but Jr has already blurted out that all migrants are welcome, thus ensuring we get a stream of illegal crossing the border. All that is required is a government prepared to enforce our border security; this government is unprepared to do it.

  14. To paraphrase Scott Baio’s comment on Trump’s wall…
    “If illegal immigrants traditionally voted Conservative, we would already have a 200′ high wall along our borders”.

  15. I read that article in the print edition of the Post this morning, (it’s provided in our lunch room). I was struck at the shattering stupidity of this line: “The migration of peoples is one of the great motive forces of human history; when large numbers of people are determined to pick up and move somewhere, there isn’t a force in the world that can stop them.”
    Actually, history is full of counter-examples; but only those nations that were willing to respond vigorously to migrations have continued to survive as nations.

  16. The darkness in the heart of “journalists” who think their job is to fake the news with their opinions, as just intemperately opined by CNN’s Mika.
    That is the threat to democracy, progressive political shorthand via the mediocracy, used to dishonor dissent; Lenin would have been so proud.
    Trump turns the tables and they whine about their lost control of the political culture of the country which they unwittingly handed over to Trump:
    “Once asked by an aide to respond to a letter to the editor from one of his critics, Vladimir Lenin refused, saying: “Why should we bother to reply to Kautsky? He would reply to us, and we would have to reply to his reply. There’s no end to that. It will be quite enough for us to announce that Kautsky is a traitor to the working class, and everyone will understand everything.”
    That has been the modus operandi of the left for decades. It doesn’t respond to arguments with arguments but with stigmatizing names designed to end debate. As the communications arm of the left, the media conforms perfectly to Lenin’s method. Instead of rebutting the arguments of conservatives, it has found it easier to brand them as “enemies” of science, women, minorities, the poor, and so on.”
    Whenever editors say that they refuse to acknowledge “two sides” on such matters as “marriage equality” or Darwinism or climate change, they are paying homage to Lenin’s devious politics by shorthand. They pay homage to it whenever they substitute their opinions of the news for actual reporting of the news.”
    But that demagogic shorthand only works as long as Republican politicians defer to it. Donald Trump has blown up that absurd arrangement and is beating the media at its own game. He labels reporters in the same way that they label him. He upends their dishonest framing of debates by treating them as what they are, liberal partisans.”
    Reporters are thrown by a president who questions them as aggressively as they question him. And they resent that he refuses to accept as “facts” what is nothing more than their biased interpretation of the facts. Everything they accuse Trump of is on display in their own coverage.”
    Contrary to the whining of Jake Tapper at CNN, last week’s press conference was not a distraction from his governance but an essential component of it. He recognizes that his agenda can only move forward if the people tune out the media’s distortions of it. Were Trump to take the media’s advice, he couldn’t govern. The more he neutralizes the media, the more successful he will be.”
    Touché mon ami, touché.

  17. “Canada has an agreement with US it is a safe destination for refugees…”
    Yes, you can really sense our Dear Leader and his children’s crusade, er, government have been caught like deer in the headlights over this one.
    As a party, I’m sure the Liberals would just love to scream their heads off at the Trump administration like all the other demented loons. But as a government, they know they can’t afford any missteps in the Canadian-US relationship.
    Suck it up, buttercups!

  18. If you think Canada is in a pickle…remember Trump controls WHERE immigrants are settled. California & Wash State have the ideal matching characteristics ..Hello! gated communities

  19. Isn’t Andrew Coyne the brother of the mother of Pierre Trudeau’s bastard child? That would explain a lot.

  20. No, they ask the firearms/ammunition question all the time. I cross multiple times per week for work and always get asked it if/when I’ve gone grocery shopping… which is all the time.

  21. “Canada has an agreement with US it is a safe destination for refugees…”
    ….also Turdeau has an agreement with the Liberal left that Canada is a global wealth redistribution center for the benefit of the squatters of the world.

  22. No he isn’t, this has been discussed before, His 1st cousin Deborah had a child with Trudeau Sr. Andrew is a 2nd cousin to this girl but no relation to either Trudeau whatsoever. Blood relations matter but who one’s cousin mates with is beyond one’s control. I’m no fan of Coyne, but he is not related to Jr, actually claimed to vote NDP last time round.

  23. Kate, your tweet has given me a thought.
    If people thought that Motion 103 would somehow ban their beer, would that get them out into the streets?
    What if beer was declared haram by this influx of unvetted snow-walkers?

  24. “When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me. I said, ‘What do you need?'”
    – Stephen Wright

  25. Wanna smuggle in a bit of ganga, ya just put it ……………….., they never look there.
    Friends of mine said they looked in that spot, must’ve seen it, didn’t wanna deal with it.
    That’s how it should be ??
    If Canada ain’t our friend, we’re in trouble.

  26. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. Bring back Grey Wolves along the border. Cougars do a great job as well. Yes, you can train the wolves as fence dogs. A large speaker system with the wolves howling can be had for the price of a CD with a loop in it. Sends chills through your bones.

  27. Should be loading them up by the busload and dropping them off at 24 Sussex Drive. He’s the tit that invited them.

  28. Once the mexican illegals get wind of this you are going to need traffic control to keep them in line. June is going to be a stampede, write it down.
    Captchia gave me Herpes Avenue. How fitting is that?

  29. There are all sorts of things a competent Canadian government could do to stop the illegal migrants; it only requires Trump style leadership, and balls.

  30. THAT’s your response? Hahahahahaha
    I suspected you wouldn’t recognise a principle if one were placed in front of you. Thanks for proving it.
