16 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. It will not take too many girls or women being displaced on the podium — or being hurt during competition — before people realize what should have been blindingly obvious at the start, which is that treating transgenders as females just isn’t going to work.
    This particular case presents a bit of a twist, but it’s the same damn theme.

  2. This is seriously a case of a person who wants to have her cake and eat it too. Identify as male to get the hormones, but then go up against women have normal female hormones. Of course this “trans-whatsit” will win. Just like the transgender boys “who are really girls” who use the advantage of their testosterone to take out normal girls.

  3. Excuse me, but I am still hung up on the fact that my 82 yr old sister-in-law is sharing a hospital room with a male. She’s having a problem because he passes gas and smells up the room making it very unpleasant for her. She’s in the hospital because she’s having breathing problems, btw.
    Okay, here’s what I’m wondering. (It’s 1 a.m. and I can’t sleep.) It’s possible men have a tendency to pass gas more often than a lady would so here it is, since someone mentioned transgender: If a woman had to share a room with a transgendered female who is, of course, actually a male, would that mean that the trans would be as obnoxious as this smelly male is? Like, would a transgendered female know that a lady doesn’t pass gas?

  4. Dear Heart, people are gassy according to their diet. More carbohydrates, more gas.
    I am truly sorry for your sister’s distress.
    May I recommend this:
    sorry the HTML is so long I’m very tired tonight.
    This product is endorsed by the Asthma Association of Canada.
    It literally sucks the bad stuff out of the air in a room and it works wonders.
    It can be bought at the Real Canadian Superstore or it’s affiliates. Look in the section that sells mops and such.
    I won’t go into details, but I have used this product under extreme circumstances and recommended it under extreme circumstances and it works better than I ever expected or hoped.
    Please do try it and I hope you will be as happy with the result as I have been.
    It will only take one for a hospital room. I have a 2200 sq’ft home(undeveloped basement would add another 1K sq/ft) and 4 do the whole house.

  5. The big yucks are waiting for the first guy entering one of Kate’s dog show as a french poodle.

  6. Bout the only way I’d ever watch figure skating is if it gets weird, but my real yucks are saved for the first guy that enters a dog show as a french poodle.

  7. Exactly!
    This is all part of the radical left’s agenda of no genders and no borders.
    Sick society.

  8. Bout the only way I’d ever watch figure skating is if it gets weird
    I used to enjoy watching figure skating until that business between Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan happened more than 20 years ago. (Talk about weird!) After that, I didn’t see the point in continuing with it.

  9. In the eyes of the “intellectual” your arguments are completely irrelevant.
    Men that want to be women are people too.
    Is the world confused?….Why.
    Little bit by every little bit you will submit to the most idiotic ideas with the help of political/news manufacturers complex.
    If not, the ministry of truth will help and so will the justice industry.
    They will make you understand if they have to kill you.
    Happened before, millions of times.

  10. give it another 20 years min or 50 max; marriages within huge groups all married to each other, marriages involving inanimate objects (standup comedy will have a field day with that one), marriages to the dead, comic book heroes, pets, oneself, geographic locations, distant stars, shucksamighty, ANYTHING GOES in the NWO eh?
    all part of the age of the end times. throw out common sense, decency, tried-and-true regulations (a fav. tactic of the hard right Reaganists), chuck it all.
    it’s coming. 1984 for real. Mao’s ‘cultural revolution’ on a global scale, leaving no corner unaffected, no refuge from the madness. then, a couple generations of this *everything* falls apart because the enviro whackoes found a way to topple the hydro grid.

  11. Anyone who believes that these contemporary VOMITORIUMS of cultural degeneration are not leading to a historic FALL of our Western Empire are fooling themselves. As much as they are fooling themselves about their “gender”.

  12. Yes. Men tend to have bigger gut and eat more than women, but diet matters, too, as Oz says. (Two men the same size may produce quite different amounts of gas.) His diet may be the main reason the fellow in hospital with your sister is causing her this problem, but it’s possible a woman could also be unpleasant company.

  13. The reason we even know about this situation is political. One side of politics is making hay out of it, holding it up as an example of how Fair and Tolerant they are.
    The other side, just as bad, holding it up as an example of The End Of The World!!! we’re all going to die!
    This is a girl, cheating. That’s all it is. She’s found a way to take illegal performance enhancing drugs, beef way the hell up, and win at wrestling.
    The other girls, very wisely, are refusing to compete against a cheater. Forfeit the match is better than getting an injury.
    Thing to remember, as soon as the political wind shifts, the Lefties will chuck this girl under the bus in a heartbeat.
    The ultimate solution of course is for parents to stop putting up with this type of political theater. When the law steps in to enable cheating, everybody pulls their kids out. Job done.

  14. Thank you, Oz. I’ll look into that
    My sis-in-law had a heart attack last evening so is in ICU at the moment.
    When no one answered her ring for help, the man asked if she was in distress and when she said yes, he began yelling and kept up until nurses arrived.

  15. Thanks again for the link to that product, Oz. I have bronchial asthma and have difficulty so will buy a container for myself as well. She would know of it because her son was a rep of one company many yrs ago so I’ll remind my brother once she’s out of ICU.
    The man will, I’m sure, have another roommate by then, I hope.
