28 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. It should read, “Democracy dies when our side lost the election and now we have to change from defensive dark cover to hysterical opposition”.

  2. Yeah, everyone remembers when the WAPO shed a lot of light on the Obama admin when they blamed a terrorist attack on a Youtube video. IIRC, they won a Pulitzer for that coverage, er right?

  3. Let me correct that for them…
    Where Democracy Goes to Die in Darkness

  4. Now Hillary having questions fed to her ahead of debates and keeping it quiet, or the DNC doing everything it could to shaft Bernie – THAT was true democracy, right? I mean, that’s what the WaPo wanted us all to vote for to keep “democracy” shining bright.

  5. Someone should remind the Washington Post that newspapers die from declining readership.

  6. The darkness in the heart of “journalists” who think their job is to fake the news with their opinions, as just intemperately opined by CNN’s Mika.
    That is the threat to democracy, progressive political shorthand via the mediocracy, used to dishonor dissent; Lenin would have been so proud.
    Trump turns the tables and they whine about their lost control of the political culture of the country which they unwittingly handed over to Trump:
    “Once asked by an aide to respond to a letter to the editor from one of his critics, Vladimir Lenin refused, saying: “Why should we bother to reply to Kautsky? He would reply to us, and we would have to reply to his reply. There’s no end to that. It will be quite enough for us to announce that Kautsky is a traitor to the working class, and everyone will understand everything.”
    That has been the modus operandi of the left for decades. It doesn’t respond to arguments with arguments but with stigmatizing names designed to end debate. As the communications arm of the left, the media conforms perfectly to Lenin’s method. Instead of rebutting the arguments of conservatives, it has found it easier to brand them as “enemies” of science, women, minorities, the poor, and so on.”
    Whenever editors say that they refuse to acknowledge “two sides” on such matters as “marriage equality” or Darwinism or climate change, they are paying homage to Lenin’s devious politics by shorthand.”
    They pay homage to it whenever they substitute their opinions of the news for actual reporting of the news.”
    But that demagogic shorthand only works as long as Republican politicians defer to it. Donald Trump has blown up that absurd arrangement and is beating the media at its own game. He labels reporters in the same way that they label him. He upends their dishonest framing of debates by treating them as what they are, liberal partisans.”
    Reporters are thrown by a president who questions them as aggressively as they question him. And they resent that he refuses to accept as “facts” what is nothing more than their biased interpretation of the facts. Everything they accuse Trump of is on display in their own coverage.”
    Contrary to the whining of Jake Tapper at CNN, last week’s press conference was not a distraction from his governance but an essential component of it. He recognizes that his agenda can only move forward if the people tune out the media’s distortions of it. Were Trump to take the media’s advice, he couldn’t govern. The more he neutralizes the media, the more successful he will be.”
    Touché mon ami, touché.

  7. Democracy tells the little people what to think.
    “During a lively discussion centered on fears that President Trump is ‘trying to undermine the media,’ MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski let slip the awesome unspoken truth that the media’s ‘job’ is to ‘actually control exactly what people think.’ ”
    This is similar to Ben Rhodes, master story-teller, saying that the Obama administration controls the media.

  8. Something died in the dark, but it certainly wasn’t democracy.
    Trump lifted the rock a little.

  9. My personal heading ? “Democracy dodged a bullet” … dodged a bullet of the DARKNESS of HER hidden server. Thank GOD ! The PEOPLE didn’t go quietly to the showers set-up by the msm.

  10. Wait until the gates of Mordor open and hordes of swamp draining 2018 voting deplorables get rid of another 10 Democrat senators. WaPO if they were actually trying to reflect the past year would be much more correct by saying “Democracy Dies in Lies”

  11. Wait until the gates of Mordor open and hordes of swamp draining 2018 voting deplorables get rid of another 10 Democrat senators. WaPO if they were actually trying to reflect the past year would be much more correct by saying “Democracy Dies in Lies”

  12. “Democracy dies in darkness” is not their slogan, it’s their plan to knife democracy repeatedly in the back in a dark alley of lies.
    And they are half way through.

  13. I dunno. Seems to sum up the Washington Post pretty well. I am kind of surprised they are admitting to keeping people in the dark with this slogan right under the name of their paper, but whatever. Liberals aren’t known for brains.

  14. I am certainly not above a misteak every once in a great while, but there seems to be a typo in your info. I think it’s correctly spelled “Washington Pos”.

  15. I hover over all offerings on the Drudge page.
    If the source is showing WaPo or NYT, no thanks, moving on.

  16. You very adequately describe how the left operates. These methods of brainwashing the people and demonizing opponents of the left have worked well for decades.
    WaPo has it backwards. They are fostering the darkness and the people saw some light.
    Captcha: bologna site, in reference to WaPo.
