21 Replies to “CNN Stung”

  1. This could be good. I hope it’s damning proof against those who are still in denial that CNN is unbalanced, to put it mildly.

  2. Wow.
    American Conservatives actually fight back against their Fake Media.
    Who knew?
    Must have something to do with Canuckstanians being descendants of the knee-bending Loyalists.

  3. Griffiths can’t even get his own aphorism right. It’s “Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable”, and many people have pointed out over the years that that’s outright activism, not objective journalism.

  4. The 10K reward is priceless.. I know that ALL NBC production meetings were recorded, but only the Exe producer & Corp Law keep copies… This reward will result in multiple copies going forward….Everything in a Broadcast facility is MONITORED…Not hard to find access

  5. Seems pretty tame to me,too. But this game is being played on a third level, as inside CNN and the networks, everyone begins looking at their co-workers as possible spies…

  6. The thing is, it’s going to be pretty difficult to outdo the Donna Brazile bombshell. If Veritas can’t outdo this then they’re preaching to the choir and will reach no new audience.
    We already know they’re corrupt but how will others be convinced?

  7. The 10K reward is the same amount given to a winner of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” weekly show. I imagine the submissions will be just as crazy: stupid but obedient DNC pet tricks, tipsy debate question handling CNN staffers, paid rioter sucker punched Republicans, an interesting original Kenyan birth certificate…

  8. Looks like a nice DDOS attack going on with the leak site. Progs and Clintons cant let the truth get out

  9. Sure there will be some wacky submissions but they’re not going to dish out 10k unless it’s worth it.

  10. Just to understand the level of Monitoring.. In ~ 1985 NBC was producing a fashion show in Studio 8H (SNL)…
    On the Production deck the conversation got around to whether the Models worn underwear, and the quick change required. The Director decided to find out… The Change room security Cameras were recorded as a stealth operation. NO they don’t… But the tape was not destroyed and word got out.. The Director was fired & Corp law paid damages….
    Lots of possibilities in the kit/stash of the production crew

  11. Who in his or her right mind would trust the media to be able to distinguish correctly between “comfortable” and the “afflicted”. From what I read, they mix up them pretty good most of the time.

  12. I did not write that it was the iPhone.
    Wrote ‘This is what journalism looks like as opposed to “journalists”‘

  13. CNN the Very Fake News rag should merge with the National Inquirer selling Alien abduction & Bigfoot stories to overweight ghetto queens.
    They might even have a future.

  14. They’re going to need a Get Smart “Dome of Silence” in every CNN Very Fake news office – Good thing Soros has plenty of evil capitalist money to spread around to buy some.

  15. Heh.
    I think it was the ‘Cone of Silence’.
    Remember when Max would say, “I DEMAND the cone of silence’
