More Pavilions At Volkfest

It could never happen here.

A Danish man who posed a video of himself setting fire to the Quran on Facebook has been charged with blasphemy in the first such prosecution for 46 years.
The 42-year-old suspect put the clip, entitled “Consider your neighbour: it stinks when it burns” to a group called “YES TO FREEDOM – NO TO ISLAM” in December 2015.
Jan Reckendorff, from the public prosecutor’s office in Viborg, said: “It is the prosecution’s view that circumstances involving the burning of holy books such as the Bible and the Quran can in some cases be a violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of religion.
“It is our opinion that the circumstances of this case mean it should be prosecuted so the courts now have an opportunity to take a position on the matter.”

That was a joke, of course. It’s already happened here.

30 Replies to “More Pavilions At Volkfest”

  1. Euro-leftists showing Islam the respect it doesn’t deserve. Not only is it one’s right to ceremoniously dispose of one’s own property as one sees fit but in the case of the Quran, as anyone concerned about western civilization, it is more a duty to do so.

  2. Gotta call bullshit on the Levant case. Someone complained, he was interviewed, and the commission decided to do nothing. Yes, the complaint was scurilous and an attack on press rights, but the commission employee did her job by screaning the complaint and throwing it out. Hardly a police state moment.

  3. Had it been anyone but Ezra, without the means and ability to make a public spectacle of the charges, the Commission would have likely trampled on them, continuing with their high success rate of “guilty” findings.

  4. Hey Buddy wanna bet there will be more of “a police state moment” if anyone dares publish Mohammed cartoons in Canada after M-103 gets approved? Incidentally did you volunteer to help with any of Ezra’s legal costs for the over 2 year long ordeal? I did. I doubt if you were so accused that your attitude would be so dismissive. Clearly a scurrilous action but the process in Canada made it permanently scarring. Creeping Sharia.

  5. I think he won his case because of the negative publicity against HRC’s. Ezra deliberately shone a light on them and they would have looked extremely foolish had he been prosecuted. Their usual modus operandi is to decree people guilty. It should also be printed out that Ezra spent a lot if for time and effort defending himself. Did he get any compensation for this? I don’t think so. The HRC process can be quite abusive.

  6. “did her job … Hardly a police state moment.”
    There mere fact that a goon working for HRC has the power to arbitrarily police you and ruin your life at her whim automatically makes Canada a police state.
    Read Ezra’s book.

  7. Not only did NOBODY get “questioned” about the BLATENT BLASHPHEMY of “Piss Christ” … they were GIVEN a Federal Government AWARD for making it.
    Christo-BASHING is celebrated “Art”
    Muhammad cartoons are … HATE SPEECH
    I vote that the government BUTT-OUT of ALL Free Speech … including FUNDING for any point of view expressed through … someone’s twisted interpretation of “Art”.
    The government should ONLY restrict VIOLENCE which ensues from the FREE EXPRESSION of opinion. PERIOD. Which means locking-up (or worse) a great number of Muslims. And letting “controversial filmmakers” go FREE.

  8. That Ezra Levant was forced to show up anywhere is a problem.
    This entire process was financially and emotionally draining for him. That he extricated himself from it was due to his forceful and eloquent defense.
    This is why blasphemy laws, Motion 103s, Section 13s, human rights tribunals, ect need to be dissolved and no one should entertain their existence. No government or special-interest group should be able to quash people’s opinions.

  9. what wuzzit, 100K big smackers that Ezra pissed away because of hurt feelings. I hope they nail you for some of your words, then lets see you dismiss it so easily.
    Muslims aren’t the only problem here in kanada, a$$holes like you are also a problem

  10. Russell Johnson >
    “Someone complained, he was interviewed, and the commission decided to do nothing”
    Bullshit – the process was the punishment, along with over 100K in legal fee’s and three years of time spent.
    You need a serious reality check as to what freedom of speech means, maybe one day you’ll get a “complaint” that you “hurt someone’s feelings” and see what that looks like in a “Progressive” society. Judging by the attitude of your post, that won’t take very long. Enjoy the “nothing” when it happens.
    “Hardly a police state moment.” – Wow!

  11. Ezra had to pay legal costs, his time, travel… In the case of the Star Chamber THE PROCESS IS THE PUNISHMENT.
    That is the essence of lawfare. It is what Mann have successfully done to many, and is trying to pull on Steyn.
    When the process itself becomes the punishment, you are close to the end game.

  12. Actually Ezra told them he was guilty of everything they accused him of, and more. He dared them to find him guilty.
    And they punted the complaint because they knew he would destroy them in a real court.
    It’s pretty bad when you get dragged into court by the kangaroos and they judge you not guilty after you have insisted you are guilty.

  13. Know that if you are called to jury, your sovereign right is to find as you want. Not as a judge decides.

  14. Then maybe they should put that idiot on trial who produced that art piece PISS CHRIST lets lock him up and throw away the key

  15. And let’s remember in Ezra’s “case” the “plaintiff” incurred zero costs.
    The complaint was scribbled out by hand I believe.
    I’m glad they’re no mechanical keys on my device: the double quote marks would be gone.
    Lorne Gunter wrote a wussy piece in the Toronto Sun recently about the risk of M103 morphing into something very different, as if to suggest that M103 is OK if it doesn’t morph. Idiot.
    As others have suggested there should simply be no such thing as “hate speech”.
    Hate is one human emotion and it is perfectly OK to hate as long as you don’t let it be too corrosive to your soul. People who say they don’t hate are lying virtue signallers armed with weaponized empathy. All people who carry anti-hate placards are haters, no exceptions.

  16. “Hate is one human emotion … ”
    Absolutely and a phobia is an irrational fear one cannot control, hence it cannot be regulated by the state. Unless fear of pisslam is not a phobia but a perfectly rational reaction to everything pisslam and hence prohibiting it amounts to tyranny.

  17. 1. By whatever legislative method is most feasible, Old Glory should be given legal protection against desecration.
    2012 Republican Party Platform
    2. “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be consequences — perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” Donald Trump

  18. I e-mailed every single MP, with links to each of the three most public and egregious instances of the state attempting to compel citizens to reform their political/religious views: Levant, Steyn and Boisson.
    I specifically pointed out that the “process is the punishment” and how the complainants had no skin in the game. The defendant’s reputations and financial lives could be ruined on the basis of a complaint, but if they process found them “not guilty” (as it did in each of the three instances) the complainant walked away with no consequence whatsoever.
    Several MP’s (primarily Liberal, but one NDP) responded but ignored the points I made regarding the power of the state and the dangers of commissions and tribunals. I followed up by saying the amended Conservative motion would achieve precisely the same objective without the divisiveness caused by singling out ‘Islamophobia’ as in M-103 – but they are determined to achieve political ends.
    M-103 is purely a political act, meant to signal:
    (a) that your political opponents are islamophobes and anti-immigrant.
    (b) your moral superiority to those who don’t agree with you.
    It is amazing how many MP’s either claim or believe that M-103 is ‘no big deal’ because it’s simply a motion and not (yet) a bill. Just wait until economic migrants are flooding over Emerson and Canadians complain in greater numbers: any objection will be used as a justification for M-103.

  19. Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems. If anything, he understated them.
    Riots and social unrest have become a part of everyday life. Police officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel are regularly attacked. Serious riots in 2013, involving many suburbs with large immigrant populations, lasted for almost a week. Gang violence is booming. Despite very strict firearm laws, gun violence is five times as common in Sweden, in total, as in the capital cities of our three Nordic neighbors combined.
    Anti-Semitism has risen. Jews in Malmö are threatened, harassed and assaulted in the streets. Many have left the city, becoming internal refugees in their country of birth.
    The number of sex crimes nearly doubled from 2014-15, according to surveys by the Swedish government body for crime statistics.
    Sweden took in about 275,000 asylum-seekers from 2014-16—more per capita than any other European country. Eighty percent of those who came in 2015 lacked passports and identification, but a majority come from Muslim nations. Islam has become Sweden’s second-largest religion.

  20. @ 2:21, exactly! We are well on the way and M-103 is another step in that direction. The lefties sure learned well from the Bolos and Nazis.

  21. Flag burners come to Canada. You can burn our flag and even wear a face mask at our citizenship ceremony.

  22. Really…is that a fact or just what your mind like your eyes which appear to be wide shut…see.?
    Might want to get out of mommy’s basement and take a real good look around dude…unless of course your some kind of Muslim Brotherhood troll spreading Bullshit and lies typical of your inbred nature.
