Party Of Soros

It’s about time;

Claiming people are being paid to riot, Republican state senators [in Arizona] voted Wednesday to give police new power to arrest anyone who is involved in a peaceful demonstration that may turn bad — even before anything actually happened.
SB1142 expands the state’s racketeering laws, now aimed at organized crime, to also include rioting. And it redefines what constitutes rioting to include actions that result in damage to the property of others.
But the real heart of the legislation is what Democrats say is the guilt by association — and giving the government the right to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of everyone who planned a protest and everyone who participated.
[…] The 17-13 party-line vote sends the bill to the House.

These aren’t “protests” — this is the left advancing its political agenda through the threat of mob violence, and governments have been far too slow to react. But then again — as key actors in government and media view these mobs as ideological fellow travellers (they share the same donors) they’ve been content to stand down, and allow the intimidation tactics work to their perceived political advantage.

40 Replies to “Party Of Soros”

  1. “and allow the intimidation tactics work to their perceived political advantage.”
    Perceived is the operative as these twits and twats actually think that what they do endears others to them. I think they are scaring away many of their own.
    These alleged protesters need a boot to the throat where ever they surface. They are working for nefarious elements of the left … and must be stopped.

  2. 3-2-1……….and some 88 year old grandmother is arrested and has her life savings stolen for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    Another great entrant in the ever present, ongoing contest of Who Is More Completely Stone Stupid- The Left Or The Right?

  3. “…arrest anyone who is involved in a peaceful demonstration that may turn bad — even before anything actually happened.”
    So the police will now have discretion to arrest someone even if they didn’t break the law. Sounds like the Minority Report movie.
    It’s all fine as long as it’s the left protesting their issue. We don’t like them so they should be silenced.
    But what if it’s a prolife rally with signs and shouting? And what if you have cops that are abortionists?
    We love free speech, freedom of association et al as long it’s our freedom that’s protected and not our adversary.
    These are the same as the Obama tactics.

  4. Don’t like – no, not at all.
    This gives the police sweeping powers to arrest, harass, intimidate ANYBODY – “Well, he might riot!” – and history has proven time-and-again, that this week’s flavour is next week’s banned flavour.
    If they want to go after Soros, then go after Soros; not the hapless peon’s (literally, “pee-on’s”) he’s gulling with twenty bucks this week.

  5. Yeah, I’m a strong conservative, and a freedom and democracy supporter, and much as I like to see these radicals/Progressive Intelligentsia mercilessly pounded, I think there’s enough law in place right now.
    The moment a demonstration gets out of control (violence/property damage), someone has to “read the riot act”, that is, define it as a riot, and then everyone must disperse or be arrested and prosecuted. One of the problems for years has been the tendency to make mass arrests at riots and then release everyone without charges. That’s stupid.

  6. To those above… make this argument to the mom and pop shop owners that watch their buisnesses destroyed and looted and nothing is done their insurance goes through the roof…not to mention the right has nothing to worry about as the right does not destroy other peoples property through violence and mob attacks.
    I understand the worry but so we should just let these anarchists and lefties just keep destroying private and public property everytime they lose? I dont like the bill very much either but what? what do we do? people going to a trump rally just gotta take one for the team to show support? people getting cars burnt, people getting the crap beat outta them? Thats all well and good? and spare me that it is assault and vandalism becasue not one person has been charged and held accountable for this stupid mob violence from coast to coast. they just come destroy and leave..a few cops arrest a few for optics but they let them go. meanwhile the city workers and local shop owners are eleft to clean up the mess these idiots leave behind.
    Again i dont like the bill and would be totally against it if the cops came out in force and upheld the laws after the first garbage can was thrown or the first person was assaulted or what have you if the cops showed brute force and took control arrested and beaten yes beaten these idiots into submission try this stuff in russia there will be a rush of fresh organs for sale on the black market. but the cops just stand down and let it all happen. its totally crazy.
    No different than the vancouver riots either thuggery is thuggery and no civil society should tolerate it.

  7. “To those above… make this argument to the mom and pop shop owners that watch their buisnesses destroyed and looted and nothing is done…”
    Paul, that is an actual riot where something did happen. Those people should be prosecuted.
    You don’t prosecute someone because the police think they may do a bad one.

  8. Read the riot act in whatever form it takes to be visible and anyone not leaving is responsible for the damages. You get much better compliance through money than any other penalty. I don’t understand why the US doesn’t have a witholding tax of 50 % on illegal immigrant wages and deny a tax deduction of the wages with a net effect of close to 100% taxation.

  9. I can’t see this law withstanding a court challenge.
    Enforce the law as it now stands. You loot, you destroy, you assault, you go to jail.

  10. It should be as simple as…
    No face covering allowed; if your face is covered then you are fair game to be shot by police.
    No looting, consequences same as above.
    No arson or open flame; ditto
    Destruction of property; again the same.
    Assault of others; minimum 5-10 years/incarceration.
    When and if things start to get out of control then a 15 minute warning to vacate the area before the SHTF.
    Those found guilty of rioting, looting etc. should suffer civil forfeiture of property, future wages as restitution or public works programs ’till assessed debt is paid off.

  11. I read somewhere … that it is ILLEGAL to wear masks or cover your identity at a “permitted” protest. Or maybe that is just a D.C. law (I recall hearing this during the D.C. Pussy riot). If it is NOT a law, then it should be … and police should overwhelm the Anarchist mobs with superior numbers and tactics. ENOUGH of the LIES that the Black clad so-called Anarchists arrive at these protests … uninvited. That is FAKE news and a FAKE narrative.

  12. Just a few weeks ago. Protestors blocked the entire North bound I-5 freeway in the city of Bellingham WA. Which caused a 5 car piled up.
    One person was seriously hurt.
    I was the “only” medical person able to reach this accident because of the miles long back up.
    Not a single one of these loons went to jail.
    I may not like the way the law is written, but I dang well support it.
    Until something is done about these often violent protestors, they will become much more brazen in their actions!

  13. Smitherenzes i agree.
    but its a fine line right? if cops stand by and let these people do this stuff the innoccent are handcuffed unless they take action themselves and then they are in realtrouble.
    So cops can only react they should not assume but the instand a garbage can is tossed or what have you they should completely dominate the scene arrest the idiot who did it and make an example of him or her rough em up a bit take em away….but they dont do anything thats what is driving these stupid bills.
    So this bill i dont like but what do you do? the crap these idiots cost the general public in insurance rates and actual damage is insane and i would love to hit them in the poket book …ie guy smashes a window …he has to pay fully for the wind replacemnt and clean up costs out of poket. do that enough times i think it will stop pretty quick.

  14. Smitherenzes i agree.
    but its a fine line right? if cops stand by and let these people do this stuff the innoccent are handcuffed unless they take action themselves and then they are in realtrouble.
    So cops can only react they should not assume but the instand a garbage can is tossed or what have you they should completely dominate the scene arrest the idiot who did it and make an example of him or her rough em up a bit take em away….but they dont do anything thats what is driving these stupid bills.
    So this bill i dont like but what do you do? the crap these idiots cost the general public in insurance rates and actual damage is insane and i would love to hit them in the poket book …ie guy smashes a window …he has to pay fully for the wind replacemnt and clean up costs out of poket. do that enough times i think it will stop pretty quick.

  15. Racketeering laws target the leaders & Organizers (those individuals that riot are charged under existing law) If you look carefully the Media never show the leaders….That would suggest collusion
    All rights are reserved for the Individual… Media events are racketeering if organized by groups like Soros and they, the leaders, must be held responsible…

  16. Not much for the fine art of law writing but it seems to me that
    Rico laws could be used against the rioters.
    I thought covering your face in public weas against the law?
    Is that wrong?

  17. So the two conundra (as I see them) are:
    1) this new law gives (excessive) power to the police that they’ll happily turn against us, once the Dem’s get back in; and,
    2) What use new laws when they won’t enforce the old ones?

  18. Going after the innocent is easy work for the police. Going into a mob and arresting those engaged in unlawful activities is tough, dangerous and scary work, particularly in plain view of anyone with a mobile device. I like the idea of shooting looters, but a nation of leftists, lawyers, and litigation has killed that once totally and historically acceptable option. Rather than further eroding free speech rights, how about a private solution of allowing the shopkeepers to contract out the Hells Angles or reasonable facsimile to provide security, allowing the police to stay away from the difficult work. The protesters would then get the deterrence that befits them.

  19. PS … Black History Month is almost over. And not ONCE has President Trump invited Black Lives Matter into the Oval Office for a micro-brew summit. Ohhhhh mammmaaaa … Trump is such a “racist” … will blare the CNN Headline.

  20. Some CNN knob argued that when people are justifiably upset about President Trump, then it’s his fault when they riot.
    Though the pay and bussing to the site don’t hurt either.
    Maybe the police and public are justifiably upset with the rioters’ attempts to overturn elections, so it’s their fault they get a billy club across the yap.
    Just saying, taking their “logic” further.

  21. Paul go back to beating yer dog, issues like this are waaaaaay above your brain scale. I fully agree with those who are against this. Being able to seize assets or planners and financier under the RICO act is good, but arresting for ‘possible” future action, not so good

  22. There is a problem with handing over more power to government. All the power that has slowly accumulated in the hands of government is why we are in the place, we’re in today.
    But this time will be different, right? Surely when we trade personal liberty for security, it will work the way we want.

  23. Not particularly hard to tell if someone is showing up to riot vs showing up to protest. A backpack with rocks, chains, gas bombs, and a sign with a sharpened end, might be evidence of intent.

  24. This is exactly how Hitler got it done. All the people against him passed all kinds of rules and regulations. Things they thought would hinder his rise and influence.
    Then he won an election. Then he had control of all the tools the smart and reasonable people had constructed with the best of intentions.
    Good intentions pave the road to somewhere…

  25. This is exactly how Hitler got it done. ~ Kevin
    Uh oh, you used the H-word. Godwin’s Law. Beyond that, I don’t understand your comment; I can’t see why police arresting people wearing masks and using baseball bats to destroy property has any connection to H. Wasn’t H the guy providing the masks and bats?

  26. Reading the other thread, about the Dane being persecuted for blasphemy… rules like this are how section 13 worms it’s way into your constitution.
    Do you think we could organise a libertarian long March through the institutions? Is it even possible to get back anything that has been lost at this point?

  27. Castle Laws, Stand your ground, and concealed/ open carry – and you will see more civility in the Liberal Urban Ghetto’s that ban any sort of defence against leftist controlled attacks.
    There is no need for more laws, only the enforcement of existing laws and the freedom for law abiding citizens to defend themselves and their property.

  28. I remember well the Watts riots in 1965. I’m an L.A. native and was 13 at the time. The CA National  Guard set up multiple WWII era .30 cal, sandbagged machine-gun nests (I saw them on the local nightly news and in photos in the L.A.  Times) at intersections to keep the blacks from spreading out further than they already had. About  *4,000* National Guard troops had to be called in to restore some semblance of order. They came in on special trains and truck convoys from all over the state. And loaded for bear, M-1 Garands, BARs,  Tomsons’ subs.  (Those 4000 were only the grunts. Not the logistical support which was 4X more.)
    I recall my dad getting the trusty ol’ 22 rifle out and loading it, and we lived in the hills just East of the Griffith Park Observatory, for God’s sake. All our neighbors did likewise.  Watts was a good 20 miles to the South of us. That’s how scared we were.
    From Wikipedia:
    “Those actively participating in the riots started physical fights with police, blocked firefighters of the Los Angeles Fire Department from their safety duties, or beat *white* motorists (emphasis mine: remember Reginald Denny anyone? From the Rodney King riots?  He never recovered full use of his limbs nor his brain).
    Arson and looting were largely confined to *white-owned* stores and businesses that were said to have caused resentment in the neighborhood due to perceived unfairness.”
    Those were just their first targets. After that they burned and looted everything in sight.
    Finally Chief Parker issued orders that looters and arsonists would be shot on sight.
    *That* and the NGs stopped the riots cold.
    Years later, while in college I was throwing weekly papers from the back of a truck to make extra money.  We covered some areas of Watts and a lot of South Central, including the area around USC (BTW, the Watts Towers are hideous monstrosities). There were still blocks and blocks that looked like Dresden.
    Whenever it happens, wherever it is: Contain it, keep it local, shoot on site (and sight), protect the whites, but let it burn. Pain is the only thing they understand.
    Then do the *only* thing  that tyrant Lincoln did right:
    Off to Liberia, one-way ticket.

  29. Yup typical poly ticks, lacking the spine to enforce the law as written, they write more laws.
    which they will lack the spine to enforce on actual law breakers and murderous thugs, choosing much softer and law abiding victims to test their “improved theft/new law” on.
    I have to agree with the critics, these RINO’s are fools, eventually the evil party will thank them for these statutes.
    I thought paying people to assault others and destroy their property was a major criminal offence, one so heinous that prevention of such behaviour is so often used as justification for governments very existence.
    What part of “The Riot Act” do these morons not comprehend?
    Perhaps these effete elites need to understand,they are in breach of contract with a law abiding citizenry.
    The best thing they can do for their State is resign from politics and get a productive occupation.

  30. YES!! Good suggestions. The underlying problem is the intellectually spayed and neutered ‘leaders’ who won’t enforce existing laws like Trump does.

  31. It would be interesting to see if the bill actually says what the Capital Times says it does. On the face of it this is not good if people are arrested “if it may turn bad”.
    Strengthen riot act laws by holding organizers accountable,etc, use existing laws to actually arrest and charge people and make them liable for damages and jail time, and use federal and state laws to go after those that paid for the rioters. Get Soros using the laws similar to those they got Al Capone with.

  32. let’s hope granny isn’t carrying a sign. you intimate that old people are not capable of evil, check out Soros.
