38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Trudeau Makes Announcement On U.S. Refugees Heading North
    by A. DeSimone/ February 22, 2017/
    According to Canada’s leader, the country will gladly accept all those refugees fleeing the United States who are in fear of deportation.
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday: “One of the reasons why Canada remains an open country is Canadians trust our immigration system and the integrity of our borders and the help we provide people who are looking for safety.”
    Prime Minister Trudeau also promised to ensure the safety of his own people.
    As reported in Reuters, Trudeau stated: “We will continue to strike that balance between a rigorous system and accepting people who need help.”
    Since President Trump took office, the number of refugees racing for the Canadian border has doubled; the prime minister’s decision to accept them will be a costly one for the nation.
    On Tuesday, the Canadian government said it would accept 400 refugees from Yazidi, and it plans to take in another 800 at an estimated cost to Canada of 28 million dollars.

    That’s $23,333 per refugee. It would be much more cost effective to spend that money on child care so Canadian moms could work and have more children.

  2. A new poll finds that more Canadians distrust their government than trust it for the first time in 17 years, following a series of ethics scandals surrounding liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
    The poll, part of a global survey known as the Edelman Trust Barometer, also found a profound distrust of the nation’s major institutions and elites, with nearly three in four Canadians responding that they trust leaked information more than they would trust information deliberately published by a corporation or institution.
    The Edelman poll finds that 43 percent of Canadians trust their government, with 57 percent saying they do not trust it. 80 percent of Canadians said they felt “the elites who run our institutions are out of touch with regular people.” To compare, in the United States, a nation often more distrustful than Canada of its elected officials, 52 percent said they trusted the government. This is up from 44 percent under President Barack Obama in 2015.
    This is the first time in 17 years, since the tenure of Liberal Party Prime Minister Jean Chretien, that the poll found a plurality of Canadians distrusted their government

  3. Neil Macdonald of the CBC would like journalists to be licensed like doctors.
    Because all this fake news and ALEX JONES!!!!
    I will opine at this time that while Alex Jones is a blowhard, and he certainly makes mountains out of molehills, I haven’t seen him -lie- about much, if anything. The same cannot be said about the CBC.
    Case in point, Neil Macdonald saying government licensing of journalists would be a -good- thing for Canada. That’s as great a lie as any.

  4. If a couple President Trump supporters get caught crossing the border that would bring an end to the border crossers.

  5. This is where M-103 leads…
    A Danish man who posed a video of himself setting fire to the Quran on Facebook has been charged with blasphemy in the first such prosecution for 46 years.
    The last was in 1971, when two Denmark Radio producers were acquitted after airing a song mocking Christianity.

  6. I received this in an email this morning. Original source unknown.
    “Which side of the fence?
    If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
    If a Conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
    If a Liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
    If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
    If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
    If a Conservative is gay he quietly leads his life.
    If a Liberal is gay he demands legislated respect.
    If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
    If a Liberal is down-and-out he wonders who is going to take care of him.
    If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
    A Liberal demands that those they don’t like be shut down.
    If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
    A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
    If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
    If a Liberal decides he needs health care, he demands that the rest of us pay for his.
    If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
    A Liberal will delete it because he’s “offended.”

  7. AGW Kills.
    “Parts of Scotland have been warned to expect blizzard-like conditions.”
    “Woman killed by Storm Doris ‘weather bomb’ as gusts hit 100mph and blizzard-like snow batters Britain”
    “Snow up to the eaves at Lake Tahoe – See photos”
    ““We’ve had so much snow to the point where it’s getting hard to measure.””

  8. A couple of minor changes
    If a Conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
    If a Liberal doesn’t like guns, he deosn’t want you to buy one.
    If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
    If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he doesn’t want you to eat meat.
    If a Conservative is gay he quietly leads his life.
    If a Liberal is gay he wants you to be.
    If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
    If a Liberal is down-and-out he wants you to be down-and-out.

  9. “On Tuesday, the Canadian government said it would accept 400 refugees from Yazidi [sic], and it plans to take in another 800 at an estimated cost to Canada of 28 million dollars.”
    I think we should take in Yazidis. Further, they and Arab Christians ought to be a priority since they are both threatened by violence and repression from the Muslim majority in the Middle East.
    Also, there are probably less than a million Yazidis in the world, with maybe 700,000 of those in Iraq. So there’s little possibility of Canada ever being “flooded” with Yazidi refugees.

  10. yazidis are non violent like christians. i have no problem with them. its only islam . thats it. maybe watch sieks too they are imerialistic as well. but genrally are pro western civilization.

  11. Only if we could also de-license those caught presenting one-sided biased news. That would eliminate a lot of the folks at the CBC, and many print journalists. Doug Saunders, Michael Harris (who used to be good before he went off the deep end with his Harper hatred) and Stephen Maher come to mind.
    Actually, I am not sure what McDonald would expect to accomplish with such a move. If you are not licensed, are you still able to publically present your views? Does he expect licensing will improve the quality of writing? Maybe he thinks this will turn around the demise of newspapers — not likely.

  12. As always, Trudeau takes a position that he thinks makes him look good without thinking carefully about the implications. I am not sure what if any attention is being paid to the plight of refugees several years down the line when they continue to struggle to get jobs because of an overall lack of skills. In recent years, immigrants stay at the bottom of the economic ladder for roughly 20 years before they can make inroads into mainstream society (not all, but on balance), and of course where they come from makes a huge difference. The Chinese and Indians do quite well. So if the stats regarding immigrants suggest long-term poverty that would clearly be those from less advanced cultures who are languishing for even longer than 20 years.
    What do you suppose a young kid from Somalia does when he cannot find a job and when he notices that he is sitting at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder with little hope for improving his circumstances? Well, the obvious route out of relentless poverty is to join a gang, and there are plenty of opportunities for this. Recently, we heard about the Edmonton guy who had been beaten to death by Somalian gang members. ( This just came out in the news last week when they were arresting the perps — one tried to get on a plane back to Africa.) Some get involved in peddling drugs, thefts, other types of crime, but another BIG draw is ISIS. ISIS is very aware of the plight of refugees, many of whom are in menial jobs and struggling without success to move forward. I wonder how much our PM knows about the struggles refugees face after a few years when hope and optimism have worn a bit thin?

  13. Got it back to this:
    The Difference Between a Liberal and a Conservative. Ain’t this the truth?
    Sodahead ^ | 10/23/09 | unknown
    Posted on 2009-10-23, 12:01:45 AM by American Dream 246
    Maybe time for a revival.

  14. Robert and Ken. On your theme, allow me to channel Margaret Thatcher for your ideological and nostalgic pleasure:
    “Thatcher: Socialists would rather have the poor poorer provided the rich were less rich.”
    An obvious socialist asked how she could defend policies that resulted in the gap between richest 10% and poorest 10% widening substantially. The poor were relatively less better off than the rich. How could she justify that?”
    Her devastating response:
    All levels of income are better off than they were in 1979. But what the honorable member is saying is that he would rather the poor were poorer provided the rich were less rich. That way you will never create the wealth for better social services as we have. And what a policy. Yes. He would rather have the poor poorer provided the rich were less rich. That is the Liberal (British Socialists) policy. Yes it came out. He didn’t intend it to but it did.”
    When pressed she outs the equal misery socialists, air diagraming their solutions for the “gap,” ie. everybody poorer, saying she’s hit a nerve:
    “I think the honorable gentlemen knows that I have the same contempt for his Socialist policies as the people of East Europe who have experienced it (rest of sentence drowned out by cheers). I think I must have hit the right nail on the head when I pointed out that the logic of those policies are they’d rather have the poor poorer.”
    Even the hardcore socialist had to laugh at her brilliant response.

  15. Trump haters wallow in their denial, so convinced of their fake news caricature of Trump that they must declare a cold civil war to save the party, er, the constitution, er the nation. The writers spells out nicely what many already understand, Obama’s statism cold coup failed; the Dems now respond with doubled down identity politics, the sure road to continued defeat. As Napoleon would say, let them.
    They comfort themselves in the forlorn hope of GOP revolt, assuming Obama’s personal popularity, and nasty partisanship, has moved America left:
    “For the last eight years the nation underwent what was sometimes called fundamental transformation. I call it the deconstruction of America, a process that actually began over a hundred years ago, but was rapidly accelerated by the mass influx of leftist socialists into all levels of government during the Obama administration. It had even progressed – digressed, actually – to the point where the Republican establishment had essentially signed on to it.”
    But right out the gate, after his election, Donald Trump began dismantling the framework of the systemic deconstruction of our Constitutional system. Meanwhile, as the Left protests the existence of a non-Leftist government, they are showing us that they consider the Constitutional process optional.”
    As long as their Party gets elected, our Constitutional system is commendable.”
    But put them out of power in a major way and the goal becomes shutting down the Constitutional process and imposing their will on the rest of us.”
    Making Trump unable to govern is their goal.”
    The Left is freaking out because they’ve lost control in their effort to make this a nation run by a Party and not a Constitution. We see now, in their opposition to everything Trump, that if things aren’t run according to the Left-Democrat platform then they cannot support the government at all.”

  16. PET Cemetery Report.
    “… Lammers told me. “I was quite politically correct. But now I no longer am.””
    “If the Liberal government drops the migrant ball, Canadians will lose patience quickly
    Kelly McParland: It will become a national crisis only if Trudeau fails to learn from Germany and devote resources to deal with the influx of refugees from the U.S.” (NP)
    “Why the Dutch Turned Against Immigrants”
    “Soon after she moved into her new neighborhood, Ijburg, on the eastern outskirts of Amsterdam, in 2005, Xandra Lammers started a blog about it. Ijburg is a curious place, an architectural wonder, built in the middle of a lake on reclaimed land and partly on water. She still keeps the blog alive, but curiosity has given way to frustration: It’s all about the unpleasantness of living next to Muslim immigrants.
    “I used to vote Labor,” Lammers told me. “I was quite politically correct. But now I no longer am.” She is a determined supporter of Geert Wilders and his anti-immigrant, anti-Islam party, PVV, the front-runner in the Netherlands’ March 2015 election.”

  17. Mohammed Kills.
    “Geert Wilders suspends election campaign over alleged security leak
    Dutch far-right leader stops campaigning in public for March polls after a member of his security team is arrested”
    “Wilders, current frontrunner for the Netherlands’ general elections, to be held on 15 March, said on Twitter: “Very alarming news. The PVV is suspending its public activities until all facts in connection with the corruption investigation are known.”
    Dutch media reported this week that a member of the far-right politician’s police security team had been arrested on suspicion of leaking details of his whereabouts to a Dutch-Moroccan criminal gang.”
    “Jihad Report
    January, 2017
    Attacks 201
    Killed 1412
    Injured 1679
    Suicide Blasts 40
    Countries 30”

  18. “Project moving forward
    The $3.7 billion pipeline is slated to stretch through four states — from North Dakota into South Dakota, winding through Iowa and ending in southern Illinois. It is expected to move 470,000 barrels of crude oil a day across the Midwest.”
    “Dakota Access Pipeline protest site is cleared”
    “Cannon Ball, North Dakota (CNN)A Standing Rock protest camp near the Dakota Access Pipeline has been cleared a day after a deadline to leave the area expired, authorities said Thursday.
    Early Thursday, officials entered the closed Oceti Sakowin camp after the arrest of 10 people following Wednesday’s deadline. At least 23 people holding out in the camp were arrested Thursday, according to the North Dakota Joint Information Center.”

  19. Socialism’s natural end result.
    “Socialist Crackup”
    “EU Debacle”
    “BRITAIN’S former man in Brussels has revealed EU member states are panicking over how they will fill funding gaps once Britain leaves the union.”
    “Yet even as the country becomes increasingly unlivable, the socialist government is more entrenched than it has been in years. A sense of hopelessness has settled over what was once among the richest nations in South America, a belief that nothing will really change.”

  20. YES, we should be selecting Christian refugees who will integrate and assimilate into Canadian society, not more muslimes who want to turn Canada into the shítholes they escaped from.

  21. LindaL is quite correct. Unemployed muslime men are much more likely to become gang members than try to get education and become useful productive citizens. Immigrants charged with violent crimes should be deported immediately.

  22. The ‘good news’ is that most of these illegal migrants will flock to the lieberal ‘sanctuary cities’ and the stupid lieberals who voted these governments into power will have to deal with the problems they created in their own back yards. Karma is a bítch.

  23. Anthony Robinson
    [1] Massive Trump mistakes;
    Wants to send all Chinese students back to China.
    Direct costs;..12 Billion$. USA can not afford this loss
    Indirect costs;,,, Housing, rental and services business.
    Small business closings in university towns.
    Education is a foolproof USA income generator. export product.
    [2] Trump USA economy damage.
    Wants to Export all unregistered folks back to their home country.
    This would devastate farm labour and the fruit growers.
    Unregistered folks spend their money in the USA economy. They do not hoard wealth in offshore accounts as the Trumps do.
    [3]…Your common sense should tell you that Trump’s intent to hire TEN THOUSAND border police is a terrible waste of our tax dollars. The USA economy can not afford all these money losing policies. This mistaken policy will destroy thousands of small business all across the USA.
    Trump is like a teenage boy who means well but without thinking ahead will destroy America before he learns the job. Remove him or at least surround him with wise governors who will not allow DESTRUCTiVE policies to go ahead.
    Anyone who goes bankrupt in the casino business with all the winning cards can not be trusted with running the USA. TonyGuitar

  24. “Steve Bannon lifted his mask of death at CPAC. It wasn’t a pretty sight
    Richard Wolffe” (grauniad)
    “Bannon Details Trump Agenda: Deconstruction of the Administrative State”
    “White House chief strategist Steve Bannon detailed President Donald Trump’s agenda during an appearance at CPAC, thrilling the audience of conservatives who wanted to hear more about what Trump would do as president.
    Bannon broke the agenda down into three categories. pointing to economic nationalism, national sovereignty, and the deconstruction of the administrative state.
    Part of restoring American sovereignty, Bannon explained, was fixing and improving intelligence, the defense department, and homeland security.
    Economic nationalism would focus on restoring American prominence in trade and commerce — “rethinking” how to reconstruct trade deals around the world to favor America first, he said.”

  25. Canada needs NO MORE Muslim refugees or illegal migrants. Muslim immigration is a failed experiment. Too many of them don’t want to integrate into Canadian culture and instead want to change Canada to be like the shítholes they escaped from.
    All future refugees must come from religious cultures that Muslims persecute.
    We’ve had too much of Muslim cultural values like misogyny, pedophilia, violent xenophobic extremism, and systematic oppression of women, and anyone who isn’t Muslim. So called ‘moderate’ Muslims don’t speak out against these criminals, and instead play like they’re the victims of ‘islamophobia’.
    We’ve had enough NO MORE

  26. In answer to TonyGuitar:
    Most Chinese students will return to their homeland anyway, but they’ll be taking the fabulous technical skills learned in advanced western universities with them. Along with a tremendous amount of processes and technologies that are proprietary and privately owned. The Chinese gov’t will steal anything they can.
    I haven’t seen evidence of “all unregistered folks” (call them what they really are: illegal border crossers, not ‘folks’) being deported. Under both Obama and Trump it has been felons deported, not agri business workers. As for the money being spent locally, meh. I live on Vancouver Island and have witnessed more than a dozen men lined up at the Western Union kiosk in our Wal-Mart. When I inquired of the clerk, she said they were all migrant farm workers sending remittances home to their families. They are all good, hard-working family men, I’ll give you that. But they spend as little as they possibly can locally, in order to send more money home. That’s all money leaving Canada to support people in another country. If that’s happening on Vancouver Island, imagine the extent of it in real agricultural areas.
    So paying the salaries of 10K border agents is a “waste of money” but paying wages – often under the table – that return little if anything in taxes, is a terrible waste. Never mind that the result may be considerably less crime requiring fewer police, lawyers, judges, courts, jails and parole officers. Never mind that regular folks may feel somewhat safer with fewer people involved in criminal activity. And don’t give me that usual canard that I’m accusing all ILLEGAL immigrants of being so inclined. I’m not. But if you think open borders don’t invite the criminal minded to abuse them, you’re not a serious person.

  27. Sorry Guff; You lose this round.
    You said:
    Most Chinese students will return to their homeland anyway,
    Those students who train here also learn about freedom. They long to migrate to Canada and the USA. They make the best citizens who value freedom more than we do. Ask any police department about the rate of China immigrants and crime. The LOWEST of numbers.
    Fact: The real estate boom in Vancouver and Toronto is largely fueled by Chinese who become loyal to Canada.
    You said:
    migrant farm workers sending remittances home to their families. They are all good, hard-working family men, I’ll give you that. But they spend as little as they possibly can locally, in order to send more money home. That’s all money leaving Canada to support people in another country.
    True!! but near sighted. Sending money home is a time honoured tradition. There are following steps however. These good people are the same as our ancestors and make up the majority of all loyal Canadian citizens. It is a fact that Canada’s well being demands an inflow new citizens.
    Open or closed borders make no difference to the flow of organized crime. Organized crime are simply corporations that have all the legal tricks and wealth to do just as any corporation internationally. TG

  28. Hey Tony,you don’t get to decide ‘who loses’ in a forum like this. If that was the case, every contributor would be a ‘winner’.
    To your points.
    Chinese students may learn about freedom, but on returning they don’t get to practice it. Asian kids tend to be pretty sharp, understanding what it takes to get ahead. Some of them will be entrepreneurial in their homeland while realizing they have to go along to get along with their communist overlords. Nothing gets done in China without greasing wheels, so a degree of corruption is likely unavoidable.
    The Chinese who have financed the Vancouver (and now Toronto) housing booms aren’t committing violent crime, but much of the incredible amounts of money buying up all that expensive real estate is still dirty money spirited out of China to the detriment of the greater mainland Chinese community. You can say “fact” while describing them as “loyal Canadians” but that doesn’t make it true. They don’t stay and build a life in a new country – at least not yet – but buy properties that remain unoccupied stores of wealth while driving younger Canadian’s out of the market.
    The remittances of our forefathers were not the same as now. They were largely legal immigrants supporting their families ‘back home’ with every intention of having their families join them to make a life in Canada. An investment in future Canadians who would follow their lead. Those lining up at Western Union sending money to Mexico are temporary foreign workers who may entertain dreams of moving here but under their contracts have no means of doing so. The money they send home is simply gone from our economy and won’t be coming back.
    I do concur that Canada requires substantial numbers of immigrants. But the right kind who benefit Canada, rather than the wrong type whereby Canada largely benefits them.
    In closing, if open or closed borders don’t make a difference, then why have borders at all? I’m guessing the doors on your house aren’t there just to keep the breeze out – or do your doors not have locks on them?
