12 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. 18 is the new 60. Since the advent of cellphones and gaming consoles, at least this generation has the strongest thumbs in history.

  2. Often, when I’m in my apartment’s gym, I see a few millennials, kids young enough to be my grandchildren. I don’t consider myself particularly athletic but I regularly outperform most of them. I can bench-press more than my body weight and do the equivalent of a 2-km run in 15 minutes with an elliptical cross-training machine.

  3. For the record, Chuck Grassley is eighty-three years old, and, as you can see from the video, he’s about the least pompous guy in the world. I’ve seen him walking through the Des Moines airport, with no entourage, stopping to talk with anybody who wants to talk with him.
    And, uh, Iowa has ninety-nine counties.

  4. The gyms I train at are full of millennials in incredible shape. Just my own personal observations, but I’m seeing far more health conscious 20 somethings now than 20 years ago, especially women.

  5. He even smoked the youth … wearing the wrong shoes, and in his shirt and tie. Kids … what would they have without arrogance ?

  6. In defense of the girl, there are few women even in good shape who can do a lot of push-ups. They just aren’t built for it.

  7. My grandson who captains the high school basketball team once asked me how many pull ups (chin ups) I could do.
    “Which arm,” was my reply

  8. To any of you who witnessed the gong show last night with Tucker Carlson interviewing Bill Nye – using his ignorance as evidence the CAGW “science is settled,” and the subsequent internet claims of a Nye beat down, assuming the validity of blithering nonsense about human activity ending an ice age and temperatures the same as 1750 without AGW – here’s what actually happened – a big cognitive dissonance “tell” from Nye:
    “Tucker then asked Nye a simple question about climate science. He asked how much of the warming is caused by human activity. Nye’s entire ego depended on knowing whether human activity is contributing to climate change in a big way, a medium way, or a small way. Tucker wanted some details. How much difference do humans make? After all, Nye had said this was settled science. Tucker just wanted to know what that settled science said.”
    Nye didn’t know. And by not knowing that simple answer about the percentage of human contribution to warming – the only issue that really mattered to the topic – he proved in public that his opinions on science are not based on facts or knowledge. Nye tried and tried to dodge the question, but Tucker was relentless. That was the trigger. Nye could plainly see, thanks to Tucker’s simple question, that his belief in science was just a belief, because he didn’t actually know the science. When your self-image and ego get annihilated on live television, you can’t simply admit you have been ridiculous all along. Your brain can’t let you do that to yourself. So instead, it concocts weird hallucinations to force-glue your observations into some sort of semi-coherent movie in which you are not totally and thoroughly wrong. That semi-coherent movie will look like a form of insanity to observers.”
    Look for Nye to go totally mental in the last minute of the clip, changing the topic to political leaks for no apparent reason. That’s your tell. His brain just sort of broke right in front of you.”
    People do and say dumb things all the time, and it isn’t always cognitive dissonance. That’s why you look for the trigger to make sure the “tell” was what you thought it was.”
    To be fair, spotting cognitive dissonance is more like bird-watching than science. Sometimes you misidentify a bird. But this example is like an ostrich sitting on your lap. Hard to miss.”

  9. Shamwow …
    I saw that last night and was (once-again) screaming at my TV screen. Nye OBVIOUSLY came on Carlson’s show to spout Global Warming talking points. There was -0- conversation taking place (like so many of Tucker’s guests). It was … question? … non sequitur response!? Rinse and repeat. Because there is NO SCIENCE behind Global Warming. Sorry, but that is MY personal judgement after reading myself blind on the subject … hardly cognitive dissonance. Temps MAY have risen … a tiny fractional amount … over an arbitrary timeframe … but what is the mechanism for THAT specific statistical anomaly ? Greenhouse effect ? Rubbish. The earth is not a bell jar sitting on a table, under a heat lamp … although some global warming goonies might think the earth is like a flat tabletop. I have yet to see any single definitive scientific PROOF of a direct and immediate connection between rising Co2 and global temps. I say IMMEDIATE, because that is the cherry-picked SHORT (post Industrial Revolution) timeframe selected by the Warmists.
    And speaking of “tells” … the ONLY “tell” I ever needed of the Warmist’s cognitive dissonance is when they changed “Warming” to Climate “change”. Thus freeing them to “believe” any and ALL deviations from “normal” temps were CAUSED by man. Is it warm ? Global Warming. Is it cold ? Climate Change. Is it wet ? Climate Change. CA drought ? Global Warming. CA monsoon rains and snow ? Climate Change. In fact … it is “Sudden anthropocentric catastrophic EXTREME Climate Change”. Again, RUBBISH.
    But NYE truly DID reveal himself at the very end of the “interview” when he swung completely off-topic and off his hinges by bringing-up Trump Admin. “leaks”. NYE revealed himself to be nothing more than a Political Hack … hardly a “scientist”. At the start of the interview, my elementary school teacher wifey wanted to know what I had “against” a fine science-educator like the famous Bill Nye ? By the time it was over … her mouth was agape at his buffoonery.
    Once again, Tucker proves himself to be the Televised version of Zombietime. Simply allowing the unhinged LEFT to reveal their true selves to widely-broadcast PUBLIC view. And his guests never disappoint. Nye was a CLASSIC, hardcore leftist apparatchik hyper-spittling their well-practiced idiocy for all to see yet unable to answer simple, reasonable, questions.
    Nye PROVED himself to be about 5% science-guy and 95% socialist-guy. Ironically … those are probably about the identical RATIOS of man-caused (5%) and nature-caused (95%) warming of the planet.

  10. At least the girl went out there. She tried, got beat, but she competed, which is more than can be said about anyone else. A truly pathetic lot.
