
That bomb threat? Yeah, it’s what everyone thought. Another in a long string of false-flags. Course, being obvious bait, the media was trumpeting “Council of Conservative Citizens of Canada” all over the place. That’s the narrative the media would like to believe about conservatives. Fake but true.
Hisham Saadi – PhD student at Concordia of Lebanese decent who may or may not be a citizen.

19 Replies to “Concordia”

  1. Hopefully before the trial he will legally change his name to something like Marc LePine so the media can continue to site him as an example of white conservative hatred.

  2. Some of this crap needs to get the attention it deserves. Ignore it, don’t take any bait.

  3. PhD student? Expel him from Concordia and in red letters on any future transcript write “expelled – convicted of terrorist acts against the Concordia U. and its students.” Then give him a 10 year sentence and if he’s not a citizen deport him but if he returns he gets to spend 10 years in jail.

  4. When I see stories like this one over and over again I want to grab the last fifteen Canadian Ministers of Immigration and throw a rope around their necks and hang them until they are dead

  5. reply to James, great post the MSM continues to call that terrorist Marc Lepine so as not to offend muslims

  6. Diversity is our strength!
    We didn’t have enough Canadian terrorists so we had to import more because, Diversity!
    If you have a whole lot of law abiding decent folks you need bring in criminal murderers to diversify your population.

  7. I always am skeptical of “threats” attributed to the very hard-core “Alt-Right.” The reason for that skepticism is that these folks tend to be very, very paranoid of what the government is doing to monitor their activities. They believe their internet is hacked, their communications are being monitored, and that there are government spies in their midst. And with that level of paranoia (whether justified or not) can you imagine that they would engage in something that could easily be traced back to them? Whether you agree with their agenda or not, these people are, for the most part, NOT nearly as stupid as our media and Progressive Elites would like us to believe.

  8. ?
    I’m confoosed. Concordia is an *academic* institution and remember, *academia* is a blight according to the hard right.
    the enemy of my enemy doesn’t apply here?

  9. The original story reporting the bomb threat mentioned that the letter specifically threatened Muslim students.
    This new story did not state that fact.

  10. Hisham Saadi – Ph.D. student in Economics originally from Lebanon. In other words a future Trudeau cabinet minister.
    Right from the beginning this story appeared to be a hoax. The threat letter, which not surprisingly seems to have disappeared from the internet and the news stories, conveniently checked off all the right boxes: shady far right wing organization which had a name similar to an American group, threat against Muslims during Islamic Awareness week on campus, references to Trump, etc.

  11. PhD candidate ? Wow ! He is the prototypical Obama “Dreamer”. Obama filled America with this kind of “student”…. “student” of destruction and death.

  12. It has been really hard to find right wing hate groups in Canada, so much so that they have been invented when needed to blame things on. The Canadian Jewish Congress sponsored the creation of the Canadian Nazi Party back in the 1960s and CSIS sponsored the creation of the Heritage Front back in the 1980s. Today’s tactic simply seems to invent straw-man right wing racist organizations as there are no real ones.

  13. You know how we stop M103? Write the queen. Seriously. This is completely against Canadian values as set out in the constitution. The queen should instruct the governor general to tell the PM that he will not give royal assent to such a bill.
    captcha: preventa queens

  14. Alt-right?
    Isn’t that short hand for alternative to right.
    Which in my version of reality is that the alternative to rightwing is the leftwing.
    So this being the case what the media is identifying as alt-right hate groups are actually leftwing hate groups.
    Ok we’re good.
    Dude was part of a left wing anti-American hate group.

  15. Hey, what happened to the mosque shooter? Haven’t heard about him for a while.
