48 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Did any Toronto-area folks catch Patrick Brown on CFRB (ok, NewsTalk 1010) talking about the hydro file this morning?
    I heard it…he was weak. Discouragingly weak. Pathetically weak. I could never vote for Wynne or Horvath, but I’m not sure I can muster the energy to get to a poll to vote for this loser. Why the F is the CPO so devoid of quality politicians? Someone, please…HELP!

  2. I know the polls have been showing “super majority”, but any more public shitshows like the one he had this morning and those numbers will look very, very different…..

  3. Northern Ontario needs to become it’s own province and let the centre of the universe(tm) sink on it’s own.

  4. RN, Brown is indeed pathetic beyond reason. He is a liberal only slightly saner fiscally. The next provincial election I am staying home. I held my nose and voted to Eves then Tory then Whothat? Enough. No more. Not in my name. Let the mother****er burn. I will donate to Randy Hillier but that is all I will do. I got enough. Period, full stop.

  5. Why would anyone vote for Wynne and Horvath in a suit? There’s no reason to vote for Brown: he bring nothing different to the table. One can’t even say the reason would be because he dresses manly and likes women….

  6. They should say: We will do everything to terminate and end these fraudulent contracts; we will stop buying electricity from swindlemills and subsidy farms and finally, crack the whip on OPG and Hydro One.
    Yes, yes, we can’t do that we are told because they have signed contracts. But that’s only half of it; the provincial government could make their lives so hard, and change laws, that they will give up, accept a cheap buyout or get tied up in courst and red tape for so long the shysters won’t alive the process.

  7. You have two choices…1) Move 2) Run for Office yourself.
    Patrick Brown is good at organizing old timer hockey tournaments, and taking credit for Go-Train service in Barrie. That’s it.
    no hope for OntariOWE

  8. Never in the history of Ontario have we had a worse government. Staying at home and allowing that government to be returned to power is not an option for me. The arrogant Liberals need to get hammered out of Office or we will never know what hit us if they return to Office. It’s that critical. It’s not about liking Brown’s policies, it’s about surviving. I do not trust a Liberal in power with a majority, their stock and trade being all knowing about what’s good for us and legislating us to death. In the end we find out that happens to be what’s good for them to remain in power.

  9. the liberals will never cancel the green energy contracts since most of the beneficiaries of the deals are back room liberals

  10. Like many, I cannot see myself voting for Brown. He needs to be replaced. Ontarians were very foolish not to vote for Hudak last time — not the most charismatic, but very capable. Ontarians have brought this ruin on themselves. I think Brown will sink during the election. I suspect Liberals will bring in a new face.

  11. If you don’t turn out to vote against the Liberals you get a share of the credit for increasing Premier Wynne’s pension entitlement by another four years.
    If the alternative candidates aren’t good enough for you, be one or join a party to help choose better ones.
    It’s democracy. Use it or lose it.

  12. Never fear, Brown will show a predictable rise in popularity when he suggests that Ontario save money by using roadside chain gangs.
    Solution:-Run anyone but Brown. Go to a smaller town, find the person with the most common sense who is respected by the folks there….plunk him/her into the leadership of the PC’s and go for it.
    Platform….easy… “We cannot continue to ruin our kids’ futures and destroy our economy with suicidal power generation nonsense. It all will end day one when we are elected. We have to stop spending foolishly and we must encourage business,industry and all other job growth”…end of platform.
    Respond “not a priority” to ANY other issues raised.
    When the press start questioning changes,refer them to the rule of holes and “common sense” and move on.
    Do not allow the potential leader to deviate from this.

  13. I have a sister and brother in Ontario and they are sick about it. The sad part of it is Brown is a PC liberal in disguise and not much better than Wynne or Horvath. He likes carbon taxes and 24 different bathrooms and IQ80 and PM Butts will have their way with him.
    Now, this Reader Tips has turned into an Ontario election thread. Hopefully Kate and Lance are magnanimous and do not erase all this.

  14. Liz J…Once again you have a real grasp on the situation. It is indeed a matter of survival.

  15. Go to President Donald Trump’s twitter feed.
    Sounds like he is a little perturbed about President Obama WIRETAPPING his phones DURING THE ELECTION.
    Hopefully he is going to counter attack the Democrat attempt to drive him out of office.

  16. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the PC’s will oust Wynne bigly, but Brown won’t win his seat.
    We can always dream…

    I think Trump needs to start expelling Mexican diplomats for interfering in US internal affairs.

  18. They could of had Monty McNaughton ( MPP Lambton-Kent Middlesex) but he was too politically incorrect to their liking. Christian family man with a whale of a lot of common sense.

  19. Bring back Harris!
    Or get Vic Fedeli!
    Brown does well in the polls now because the usual Lib voters would vote for him to get rid of Wynne.
    He is not a conservative. Please remember the Federal PC party got wiped out by real conservatives (Reform Party).
    Don’t assume the Ontario PC party is conservative.

  20. “Sounds like he is a little perturbed about President Obama WIRETAPPING his phones DURING THE ELECTION.”
    Trump better get Jeff off his little butt…. Grand Jury for Loretta Lynch & Bill Clinton… NOW

  21. Ontarians are just stupid enough to vote out Wynne and elect the NDP.

  22. Oh, Shiny Pony!
    Zakaria Amara is a convicted terrorist, serving a life sentence for his role in a plot to murder scores of Canadians. And now, thanks to a Trudeau government bill passed through the Senate this week, Amara will soon be given the privilege of Canadian citizenship.
    Under the Harper government, Amara had his Canadian citizenship revoked and was set to be deported the moment he was released from prison.

  23. Oh, Shiny Pony!
    Zakaria Amara is a convicted terrorist, serving a life sentence for his role in a plot to murder scores of Canadians. And now, thanks to a Trudeau government bill passed through the Senate this week, Amara will soon be given the privilege of Canadian citizenship.
    Under the Harper government, Amara had his Canadian citizenship revoked and was set to be deported the moment he was released from prison.

  24. Brown? disappointed in Brown? you people STILL don’t get it. you constantly look to the politicians for solutions and fixes when it’s THEM who are causing the problems in the first place. and that’s because of *their* infatuation with ideology. anybody out there know a politician, government, or party that EVER played devil’s advocate with their policies and legislation? hmmm? constantly fixing one ‘problem’ by creating hundreds more. look at *any* news source for countless examples.
    the real solution is to LISTEN TO THE CONSTITUENTS. at the very lease actually stfu and listen for a change. they might have some sharp ideas on ways to achieve the most good for the most citizens. but nooooo, that’s a ‘sign of weakness’. it’s why proportionate voting is kicked to the curb; ‘duh… can’t git nuthin dun when ya gots to listen to all dem whiners’.
    as far as Hudak missing the bus, he was correctly perceived as taking his marching orders from hard right wing think tanks.
    and that’s why he ‘tanked’ in the election, take you pick from pages of citations:

  25. Trump called out the Demmedia for bias. They all objected, no you’re supposed to be polite like Ronnie Reagan and Stephen Harper, not trash back.
    Trump offered the Demmedia a truce, let me do my job and tell the truth, everything will be OK.
    The Demmedia declines, launches total war while projecting their own sins on Trump, expecting him to disprove their “arguments.”
    Donald Trump, whom the Demmedia will never understand Trump has always been on war footing with his enemy, trashes them right back with allegations of Obama bugging Trump Tower. There must be a bloody mess over at CNN with heads exploding throughout the building.
    Trump will win this war because, unlike Stephen Harper (and Brian Mulroney before him) he knowst statist quo mediocracy loathes “right wingers.”
    Common sense is not only a superpower, it is considered “extremist” by the radical left, nasty to the core, which has hijacked a once great party.
    Limbaugh is right, the author below is right. This is a civil war, an insurgency, a quasi-seditious plot, for now approaching the limit from the “legal” side.
    IOW Demmedia tactics remain unchanged from the last election, damn the voters. Let that be their political epitaph, “the Russians did it, not the voters!”

  26. I just spent 5 days in NW Ontario. They are buried in socialism. Devorced from reality. The Thunder Bay paper had 13 jobs listed – 12 were government or government agencies. They think government is the answer. So sure go ahead and become another have not province.

  27. wow.
    Lordy be. this is precisely the strategy we need to rescue Ontario, and that is exactly what this election is about. *rescuing* the province from the politicians.
    If I can muster enough cooperation and participation I am going to wallpaper my riding with a plea to evict the Lieberal incumbent. As idiotic as it appears, and regardless of the shortcomings, The PCs under Brown can act as a battering ram to get Wyynedfarm out of office and enough of that group for a change in government. What do you do with a battering ram once it’s done the job? You put it down until you need it again (in 4 years) Then, depending on minority or majority, do it again. sadly that is what elections are in this 150 yr old nation, a process of punishing the incompetents over and over.

  28. In ON/Canada conservatives are the boogie man. A straw man to be attacked and blamed for ever wrong. No different than Europe.
    Canadians are as liberal as anything in the EU.

  29. Yep escaped from Blunder Bay many years back.
    Used to be 5 paper mills there, many working grain elevators, an iron ore shipping port…

  30. The Democrats have a problem with Russia, it was Hillary that pushed the reset agenda & then betrayed them hoping to gain control of the Crimean…The mental midgets had forgotten all the Russian Blood spent to capture Crimean from the Turks & the their Black sea access..It will take WWIII to change that fact, it is a non-negotiation fact..
    So why are Obama & Hillary demonizing Russia? (It is not the Election of Trump)… Why do they want the American Public to reject the credibility (Words) of Putin. The top three possibilities
    !.The Snipers in Kiev were CIA operatives & proof exists in Moscow ?
    2. Putin has V & A evidence of Hillary & Staff playing hide the wiener, in Moscow?
    3. Putin has evidence of Obama’s betrayal & Collusion with Brussels EU/UN ?

  31. I realize that you are, for the most part, ignorant of history. I am always amused by those who, having discovered the internet, deign to call themselves “history buffs”
    The problem with most “history buffs” is too often they insert their personal prejudices into history.
    Try reading a little actual historical research, before shatting up the place with your ignorant postings.

  32. Yes, I mentioned on another site the Dems might not be so keen on an investigation into the “Russian connection” which would reveal their culpability.
    The Russians might just have their revenge on the Dems too, they seem quite miffed with them.

  33. “The mental midgets had forgotten all the Russian Blood spent to capture Crimean …”
    The mental midgets who fellate Pootin forget three decades of ethnic clenching and genocide that made the Siberian Mongols a majority in Crimea.
    Other mental midgets forget that Podesta Group continues being a chief US lobbyist for Pootin’s energy and banking sector.
    Yet other mental midgets ignore the simple facts about russia, russia has no friends, only enemies and vassals.

  34. Liberals are trivializing Canadian citizenship. Their plan is to make it meaningless.

  35. Re. ”The next provincial election I am staying home. I held my nose and voted to Eves then Tory then What? Enough. ”
    Please Colonialista, don’t do that. You are of sound mind and soul, and perhaps a tad angry right now. The Wynne Liberals are the worst case scenario. Any vote to offset that is better than an another Liberal government. I beg of you to vote!!

  36. `To everybody here that has an axe to grind about politicians you can all be thankful that Lil Tater Head will once more be out of the country, as he takes a spin down to NY to see a Canadian play on Broadway.
    We should all be thankful that he enjoys these foreign trips so much, as it keeps him from his seat in the House, thus there is less damage committed. Inquiring minds would like to know if he has spent three weeks in a row attending to business in Ottawa. Just think if he was giving us his undivided attention Canada would soon look like Ontari-owe,…. Oh! What’s that, we. are.. looking… like… Oh, forget about it!!!!!

  37. Obama’s kook proxies continue to fan flames…
    WASHINGTON – The Obama administration’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made an impassioned video plea for more marching, blood and death on the streets – a video that was later posted on the Facebook page of Senate Democrats as “words of inspiration.”
    Without offering any specifics, Lynch goes on to say that “our rights” are “being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back.”
