Renegade Regulator

It begins with a trickle…

“First we chased out their President of Standards, Bonnie Rose, who left CSA quite quickly, and right after nine-hours of negotiating with PS Knight.
Then, in late 2014, we forced out their CEO, Ash Sahi.

5 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. PS Knight guidebook way easy than electrical code for homeowner, being informed.
    That’s an enhancement of service the CSA doesn’t get?

  2. CSA is attempting to be the sole-source provider of electrical code, by muscling out the Knight family using the government of Canada to provide legal cover.
    The history of the dispute starts here:
    It is well worth your time to read everything at their site. I commend Gordon Knight for his years of thankless labour in rooting out and exposing the corrupt quasi-governmental agency CSA.

  3. It is heartening when, every now and then, a few folks decide not to do the Canadian thing: roll over and play dead.
