Well, that’ll confuse BDS.

Israel loosens laws on marijuana use.

Under the new system, first-time personal users who are caught and confess will be fined 1,000 shekels (£220; $270), with this doubling on the second occasion.
Probation will apply the third time and only a fourth case would lead to criminal charges.
Israel is one of the world leaders in research into medical use of marijuana.

Related: I’m thinking a suppository would not be an ideal investment opportunity.

10 Replies to “Well, that’ll confuse BDS.”

  1. Even if pot becomes legal it’ll be interesting to see all the pot heads get those high paying critical services jobs that they dreamed about but could never get due to the annoying drug tests.
    Heh, they’re still going to need another new law to force employers to hire them. Good luck with that.

  2. Good to see people starting to acknowledge that smoking weed is carcinogenic just like tobacco. It might actually start to get out among the low info / high weed consumption crowd.

  3. Passing joints around just puts other people’s saliva in your mouth. When you’re have a pot party, insist that everyone uses a suppository. Make sure no one tries to pass the suppository to the next person. Stupid people might do that. Ask me how I know.

  4. Rectally is actually a lot more preferred because of the volume of absorption
    …and that puts a whole new twist on “blowing smoke up your ass”.

  5. Surely this is a Palestinian plot ? Blowing up Joos, stabbing Joos, shooting Joos … was taking too long. So … after observing the damage done to America, from 8-years of a Choom-gang President … the Palestinians have changed tactics. Now they will destroy Israel from within. Now they will help every Israeli get really, really, baked. Wasted … all the time. The next war won’t be a 7-day war … it’ll be over in 2-days. As the Palestinian soldiers flood into Israel through their tunnels … Israelis will answer the knock on their door by saying … hey maaaan … Dave’s not here man. And start laughing uncontrollably … as their throats are slit. Seems as though … EVERYONES culture is degenerating.

  6. OK … so distill that particular compound from DOPE to treat little children’s epilepsy … just don’t allow the general population to TOKE and DRIVE … or TOKE and WORK … or TOKE and collect their unemployment check, food stamps, Obamakkare, etc. … I suspect you are in the latter category … you know ?

  7. Fiscal conservatives don’t spend money on “wars on drugs.”
    As a matter of fact, in the USA, all federal drug legislation is unconstitutional, as is all federal involvement with gun regs, education, and so on.
    It seems that many here prefer the Turkish or Phillipino way of doing things.

  8. Sooooo? smoking marijuana will damage a person’s Lungs. Duh!
    Eating Marijuana will affect a person’s gastronomy system?
    Best way is to insert marijuana rectally. Actually this may be the preferred method for a specifically protected class of people. However; why am I thinking of the Very Special Coffee processing system the Jack Nicholson Character preferred in the Film “The Bucket List”.
    Certainly brought forth a Belly Busting Laugh from Morgan Freeman’s Character. Cheers;
