28 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Where would you begin on the subject of judge-made law and laws made up from whole cloth?
    Let’s list a couple of biggies. Non elected judges have brought us gay marriage, deferential court outcomes based on the racial background of the defendant, sentencing circles, new prostitution and euthanasia laws,… the list is long.
    Remember when the Conservatives would actually attempt to pass laws, especially harsher penalties for thugs. Most of them were set aside by our moral superiors in high places.

  2. When a party has no serious philosophical base, or if it does, cannot communicate it, why should I get excited about them? This is from a life long conservative. My level of cynicism only increases since the election. I see no serious effort by the CPC to rediscover its, so called roots. The Harper majority rode to power on the back of the Reform movement. Much of that good will is eroding away. Many like me are apolitical or waiting for the ultimate financial collapse.
    My vote no longer automatically goes to a conservative candidate.

  3. with these SCC’s (so called conservative) there is a problem they need to address, their political instincts are muted by their religious convictions. How can you cut welfare, and then face god on sunday and tell him you are not your “brother’s” keeper. Politics and religion DO NOT MIX. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity do not allow for independent political decisions!

  4. To NME666:
    I am a white, anglo-saxon, conservative, business-owning Christian, and I resent government charity on my behalf because they do not discriminate pragmatically and they waste a lot of money by being naive. The principle of being your brother’s keeper extends to situations that I, and I alone, can immediately examine and deal with, person to person, as the person in front of me is my neighbor. I am not responsible for grievances decades old, or over which I have no control. I am responsible to take the resources given to me, and use them to help those that I have immediate contact with, in accordance with God’s law, stranger and acquaintance alike.
    If my money is given through the government to a third world dictatorship, I have no guarantees that it will even get to the persons needing help (for example, the Palestinian Authority who has a record of using outside money to wage war). That is not responsible stewardship and violates a lot of principles, but I can’t seem to get the Canadian government to understand the disconnection.
    To give you an example of my beliefs about charity in action, I voluntarily teach martial arts through a ministry in my church as I have a black belt. The cost to the student is $50 per year, and we take anyone that shows up and if they can’t afford to pay, we teach them anyway. That is practical charity. We deal with a lot of other personal issues amongst our students in the process of teaching a single subject. No one is paid to teach.
    This is only my perspective and you are free to disagree with me. I will answer to my God in time and He will be the judge. I have no doubt that I could have done and should do more, but this is what I can manage at the moment.

  5. “How can you cut welfare, and then face god on sunday…”
    Well that explains everything.
    I always wondered how a person could be so full of bitterness and hatred, with no joy or hope.
    It’s because the state cut off your entitlements.
    Well, let me help you. Go get a job. It is far more rewarding than sleeping in til noon and playing video games to all hours of the morning.
    There is a real sense of purpose and belonging when one does something productive in their day that actually helps society. There is a release of endorphins that almost leads to euphoria.
    Just tryin to help.

  6. Speaking of religion, NME666 is the cross we all have to bear for frequenting SDA.
    Malodorous! Best if just ignored.

  7. On the Tory leadership thingummy – am I the only one constantly trying to stifle a yawn?
    Has the Canadian political scene really become this lackluster again?
    I fear the answer is yes.

  8. “…Has the Canadian political scene really become this lackluster again?…”
    “Again”? Do you mean there was an interlude? What did I miss? Was it during 1983-1999, when I was living in another country?

  9. From the article: “Nothing, folks. We received no responses at all, from anyone, in either party. That’s amazing to me.”
    We need to get past this “amazing” thing. If you’re amazed, it means you haven’t been paying attention. Your brain is still living in the 1960’s when government was the Great Hope of Canada. You are 50 years behind.
    Government takes more than half your income right now. You add it all up, even if you are poor, it comes to over 50%. If you make over $100K, your tax cost is over 60%.
    They are -stealing- this money.
    It does not go to improving the country, it goes to enriching a wide variety of Friends. The whole CSA debacle is ONLY ONE EXAMPLE of it. There are hundreds of departments and government entities doing exactly what CSA is doing. Hundreds.
    The reason people run for MP these days is not to ‘serve the public,’ it is to get a spot at the trough. Nobody gets the MP job and retires middle class. They retire -wealthy.- How does that happen? CSA.
    Are we amazed when that happens? A guy gets a $200K a year job and retires a multi-millionaire after ten years? Or are we suspicious?

  10. “Bernier’s words however, aren’t matching his deeds”.
    That could be extended to most politicians.
    Meanwhile Justin Trudeau is a man of his word. He said he would give billions away to other countries, he said he would run a deficit, he said he would welcome immigrants, he said he would let the deficit look after itself. And boy, was he right.
    If Bernier wins he will be bringing the right message at the wrong time and will have to wait 8 years before having a chance to lead this (by then very indebted) country.

  11. “Islam, Judaism, and Christianity do not allow for independent political decisions!”
    Yes, we should all emulate the one truly Atheist religion: Marxism.
    Or not, seeing how it turned out in every country it was ever tried.
    One major problem with Atheism as an organizing political principle is that, to an Atheist, there is no good reason not to kill people for being uncooperative. No hell awaits, why not go for the gusto?
    Another is that Atheists don’t disbelieve in God, they -hate- God. Hate tends not to be a very positive organizing principle, historically speaking.
    You, my friend, live in a Christian country. If it is so odious to you, you should leave and live in some place where everybody hates God like you do. If there is such a place, anyway.

  12. “Do you mean there was an interlude? What did I miss?”
    Well, there did appeareto be a brief surge of unusual politics during the days of the “Hidden Harper Agenda” (though I myself was living outside Canada for most of that time).* And Trudeau père always made politics interesting, as did the on-again, off-again admixture of separatism in the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties.**
    * As a retired military officer, My one big indicator that something different had happened in Canadian politics was seeing footage of a C-17 aircraft with RCAF markings! A sure sign that the Liberals were NOT in power.
    ** By “interesting” I do not suggest in any way this was good, simply that the political scene was at least not just one big tedium-inducing yawnfest.

  13. Government takes more than half your income right now.
    Not in my self-employed case. Perhaps you’re not doing it right.

  14. “Speaking of religion, NME666 is the cross we all have to bear for frequenting SDA.
    Malodorous! Best if just ignored.”
    Ah, I look at it differently. NME666 serves a purpose like Lenin’s ‘useful idiots’. He (assuming today he feels like a he and not a she) brings out excellent posts by others demonstrating the stupidity of his arguments. So NME666 keep posting and post often. There, you now have a purpose in life. Even if it happens to be a sacrificial one.

  15. The CFA fiasco looks like they are either a political funding organization – or the have a big stick to blackmail any foolish political neophyte.
    My faith in any government agency or law enforcement disappeared during the Caledonian debacle. And the further insult was when the electorate voted for the Police Commissioner as their sitting MP after months of lawless activity condoned by this same individual.

  16. Essentially, the form of government we are subjected to has not changed in millenia, only the outside appearance has.
    It is still a warlord/slaver racket, just now it has pretty garlands of “democracy” or what have you.
    Don’t forget to hate the Russians, pay your taxes and vote!

  17. Sorry, pal, but hatred is a very powerful and successful organizational principle.
    Read some WW2 allied propaganda.

  18. Another group using somewhat under the “auspices” of the CSA is the CWB – Canadian Welding Bureau….a so called “non Profit” organization, they are so no profit they were able to hire more folks, build a brand new Palace somewhere in Mississauga, no dounbt fromm the Enforced courses a P{prospective Level I “WELDING inspector” REQUIRED IN ORDER TO BE CERTIFED UNDER CSA W178: $2600 for 8 days…taking cooks, architects, dishwashers and in 8 days becoming…”Certified Welding Inspectors”
    …yea.?? really..?
    What a croc. its all about the MONEY. 99% of the guys that went in had never struck an arc let alone knew what an electrode was…When I attained my Level II..in 1991, I was the 1938th guy in the country – Already an Alberta Journeyman and a grad of Welding Engineering Technology….now the registration #’s are beyond 17,500….talk about flooding the market with mostly guys that don’t know jack.
    A BS organization supported by the CSA.
    Take any course and you MUST buy certified codes from CSA…instead of a copy. SCAM SCAM…and go look at what these codes cost..? Stupid money…and they update on a regular basis. Costing companies that are required to COMPLY, tens of thousands annually.
    Yea I hear this guy complaining…regulatory BS that adds squat to the end product.

  19. There is no conservative group in Canadian politics.
    Just Kleptocracy 1 or Kleptocracy 2&3.
    From now on I am voting like Ontario,crash and burn baby.
    Investing in base metals. dry-goods and medicines.

  20. well crowd, thanks for the responses, you’s have proven my point.
    You can’t serve 2 gods, even you (and the muslim’s) Jesus asserted as much. If you can leave your bible at church when you collect your pay check at the government pay till, then don’t work for the government. I do not pay you to preach on my time, is that too difficult of a concept to grasp. I don’t do business in your church during your sermons. Jesus threw the money changers out of the church, not because they were money changers, but because they used the church for a purpose not intended. And you government pay check is not issued to you for you to further your religious agenda, that should not be to hard to grasp. And then there is the simple fact that you can live your life as a christian with out imposing your ideology upon your “job”, also a simple concept.

  21. ALL government workplaces should be non-secular. No religious symbols or costumes should be displayed in the workplace. Everyone can live their life as a spiritual person of any faith without imposing their ideology upon their “job”. How a government employee legally spends their pay-check is nobody’s business.

  22. “Not in my self-employed case. Perhaps you’re not doing it right.”
    If you add up all the taxes, fees and licenses you pay to government, at all levels, you will get close to half your annual income. Unless you are skipping on them, in which case I salute you and wish you good luck.
    And they’re still nailing you on every item you buy anyway. That’s the corporate tax rate, and you pay it on everything. Because who pays a corporation’s taxes? The customers. That’s why it makes such a huge difference when they raise the corporate rate.

  23. So you’re including the corporate tax embodied in everything, not just specific taxes paid to come up with your 50% ? You’re still exaggerating, or show us how you add up all the taxes, fees and licenses you pay to government, at all levels so it amounts to 50% of YOUR income, since you are the one making that claim. Also tell us where you are living to pay those taxes. Speak for yourself instead of making up fiction about others who may live in different jurisdictions with much different levels of taxation.
