Turtle Swamp

NY Post;

After years of being shuttled to the back of the proverbial bus, folks in the Jewish community, plus all who value freedom and decency, are breathing sighs of sweet relief. Say what you will about the administration of President Trump, its insiders have the Jewish state’s back.
With Haley’s ascent to the top of this country’s diplomatic heap, high-ranking UN officials and ambassadors are shaking in their Italian loafers.

29 Replies to “Turtle Swamp”

  1. “She pushed for and won the removal of the Confederate battle flag, seen by many as a symbol of racism, from the grounds of the State House in 2015.”
    Her American roots are shallow.. That is the same battle flag that George Patton’s ancestors fought & died under..
    Just saying,

  2. It’s a hollow victory for the revisionist history leftards who have convinced no one but their insignificant social bubble that it’s a symbol of racism. Anything they don’t like is ‘a symbol of racism’. The real world ignores “racist” taunts; it’s been overworked to the point of being meaningless. The Stars and Bars can’t be erased from American history, for everyone outside the urban leftard bubble it’s the symbol of grass-roots rebellion not racism. The rebel battle flag is more famous and widespread than the “Don’t Tread On Me” rattlesnake flag. It will persist long after political correctness has run it’s course.

  3. You can debate Haley’s Conservative Qualifications all day if you wish, and decide whether or not she is fit to represent US interests at the UN, or if she is not perfect enough based on other issues, but things like her removal of the Stars and Bars should not be the main focus right now. She is standing up for the US and Israel against the thug diplomats of the UN; the writer of the article did not stick to that point very well, but Haley’s performance in her current earns a HUGE hurrah from me. I have seen two of her speeches, and could not believe the shift they signaled. We have been waiting for this voice of reason at the UN for 40 years, and now we are whining because our rep is not %100 in agreement with every issue some of us hold to?
    No wonder the left has been winning for so long.

  4. More slaves were held under the Stars and Stripes than under the Confederate flag. What meaning does this have? Something like 90 % of Southerners didn’t own slaves. The gist of the matter was Lincoln treated the South like Trudeau treats the West. Slavery was but one factor of many and not unique to the Confederacy.

  5. Imagine that ? Haley is a Christian … defending and protecting the Joos. And here we’ve been carefully taught by the left that Christians HATE Joos. Just another case of leftist “projection” … projecting their own Joo-HATE onto a scapegoat. The world is waking up to the LIES of the LEFT.

    my captcha is lynch neath. lol. love this captcha thing

  7. UnoMe >
    Your last post:
    UnoMe Quote – “Anyone who things outsourcing or foreign acquisitions are bad is an idiot and a menace to basic economics and liberty. It is might right to sell out to the Chinese. Chinese investment is good for Canada” – UnoMe | March 30, 2017 9:29 PM
    UnoMe Quote March 31 2017 – “Nazi flag….it’s also a symbol of evil with no place on public property. It deserves to be buried.”
    UnoMe March 31 2017 – “So what? It’s still a symbol of an illegitimate slaver state. Death to the Confederacy.”
    Countries with the most enslaved people – USA Today
    Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years’
    UnoMe you seem to have a Liberal hypocritical disconnect on very serious issues regarding humanity, could you please clarify?

  8. “Death to the Confederacy.”
    I believe you’re 152 years too late for that sort of bravado.

  9. It’s still a symbol of an illegitimate slaver state. Death to the Confederacy.
    The ‘Confederate flag’ is but one symbol of a failed attempt to foil ‘federation’ – whatever the reason.
    One might look with equal disdain on the ‘Fleurdelisé’ – except the followers of that symbolic flag were successful in taking over the federacy oppressing them.

  10. “The ‘Confederate flag’ is but one symbol of a failed attempt to foil ‘federation’ – whatever the reason.”
    The Confederate States Of America was itself a federation.

  11. UnoMe >
    “I have not the foggiest idea what your point is”
    Of course you don’t, that’s sort of the point as to why you troll here.
    Explained clearly – You have lambasted any support for the Confederate Flag (by extension it’s subcultural beliefs) due to your perception of it’s connection with slavery. Read your own comments above, yes you said it.
    Yesterday YOU fully supported China’s communist state, a clear violator of Human Rights including slavery amongst many others.
    “…It is might right to sell out to the Chinese. Chinese investment is good for Canada” – UnoMe | March 30, 2017 9:29 PM
    Obviously your hypocrisy is not clear enough to you, and exactly why your opinions here are completely worthless, landing you as nothing more than a keyboard anarchist. A Troll.

  12. The Confederate States Of America was itself a federation.
    Correction – a ‘failed Federation’.
    By the same token, ‘Great Britain’ – as opposed to ‘England’, (see:
    https://books.google.ca/books/about/How_the_Scots_Invented_the_Modern_World.html?id=7IlnAAAAMAAJ&source=kp_cover&redir_esc=y&hl=en )
    or ‘The United Kingdom’, faces challenge today from rogue ‘confederates’ in Scotland who are enamoured of the EU, and opposed to ‘GB’s’ decision to exit that ‘federation’.

  13. So Israel has a friend as long as it doesn’t fly the Confederate flag, right?

  14. I think the Democrats got punked by their Battle flag agenda… The South voted against Democrats & the NC chicken shit response might have made a huge difference in the whole country….When you have demonizing & whining it is coming from Democrats…. Haley is a Republican 1st generation American and she may not know that ALL the original Northern States had Slaves & indentured whites (hence “Freemen” when paid off) Massachusetts, Plymouth colony had Slaves.. When you sling that slave nonsense it hits everyone. Go back far enough in any bloodline and you will find some unsavory characters….Under British law you are not guilty of you fathers crimes or debts…
    I notice an unlikely number of 1st Generation Americans in Politics.. What is that all about? Cruz, little Marco,
    even Bernie… Must be a lot of money in politics. or they just know more about America than anyone else…
    Trump may and should invest in Black Communities, but he better avoid the black gangsters who steal all the money
    I just hope Haley doesn’t pick the easiest off ramp at the UN

  15. Close…Israel has a friend as long as long as ‘Confederates’ rule the ‘White House’.
    Slaves are okay these days as long as they’re ‘undocumented’ – rather than ‘illegal’ – unlike ‘documented’ Americans, who live in arse-puckering fear of the folks forced upon them by elections.

  16. Democrats got punked by their Battle flag agenda.
    The gal who establishes her immunity from the left, by denouncing the left’s icon of right, becomes the person who the speaks to the United Nations as a modern day Haile Selassie/Rastaf.
    That’s good stick handling.
    Nice legs, too.

  17. Regardless of the Stars & Bars issue, I’m impressed with what Haley is doing at the UN, especially when compared with her eunuch predecessors. she ushered in a new era of support for Israel, this country’s great ally in the Middle East. It’s the only democracy in the region and the only place there in which LGBT types live and love freely without fear of persecution or murder, women enjoy equal rights, and all people are free to worship, or not, as they choose.
    “For those who don’t have our backs We are Taking NAMES”

  18. God divorced both Israel and Judah way back in the OT. Isaiah 50 and Jeremiah 3.
    2Jn 1:9 He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 
    2Jn 1:10  If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 
    2Jn 1:11  For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 

  19. Stradivarious, I don’t think that is a correct interpretation. Paul’s argument in Romans 11 is that God is not finished with Israel, their rejection of Christ is only till the “full number of Gentiles come in” If God replaced Israel it would be against His own words and laws. If he could, then the church likewise is not assured of salvation. We depend entirely on God’s unchanging nature and whether we like it or not, Israel is part of God’s plan.

  20. Gal 3:29  And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. 
    Christians are Abraham’s seed and the heirs to the promise. The promise is kept.

  21. UnoMe >
    “That’s a lie. I never supported it, just trade and commerce with it.”
    That would mean you would fully support trade and commerce with North Korea as well?
    “a symbol of evil with no place on public property” – UnoMe April 01/17
    – BUT trade, commerce and selling off bits of our country to the benefit of tyrannical regimes with proven atrocities and human rights abuses is ok with you.
    Talk about dense.
    Your hypocritical BS is transparent beyond rational, your obviously mentally ill.

  22. UnoMe >
    The threat of flying a confederate flag in southern US states is none existent compared to financially supporting and legitimizing totalitarian regimes – as you continue to do.
    You spend energy criticizing supporters of the American Confederacy on one hand and the economic and financial support of todays human rights abusers on the other – That’s Hypocrisy.
    ………AND you keep doing it LOL.

  23. “….not wanting to fly the flags of these hellholes on public property.”
    Here is what you voted for:
    ………..So you will see Chinese flags flying on Canadian public property in months and years to come. Maybe if your lucky Turdeau will “return fleeing economic fugitives to China” as they demand. Along with political dissidents of course.
    Hypocrisy and short sightedness – what a batting average UnoMe.

  24. I hope to be pardoned for this digression. President Trump is mentioned. I have been watching CTV and CBC. The repetitive play backs of President Trump show making his statement, previously decrying those who want immunity from prosecution. Next and very pointedly playing more recent seemingly contradictions of his first statement. This re persons who will testify with a guarantee of immunity. Trump wisely said that in the case of a “witch hunt” one might well need immunity. The statements could be twisted to anything by ill wishers.
    CTV and CBC absolutely obsessed with dragging Trump down. As if it is like pre 1939. (imho).

  25. UnoMe >
    “I didn’t vote at all you idiot.”
    “…It is might right to sell out to the Chinese. Chinese investment is good for Canada” – UnoMe | March 30, 2017 9:29 PM
    YOU voted for it in writing right there you idiot.
