I, Napoleon

Bill 89.

…imagine my or your 8 year old announces they are the opposite gender. Is it far fetched to suggest that anything short of my full and complete concurrence, support, and celebration of this declaration by my 8 year old, could be construed abuse….really, that’s where we are at in Ontario today?

Pretty much.
(h/t Bill)

24 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. The progressive state is bound and determined to take over being the father and mother of every child in order to create the “New Soviet Man”. You parents are just breeders.

  2. Reminds me of an old joke. Boy says to his dad…”I’m a girl”…dad beats him and throws him into a barrel of water and holds him under water for 30 seconds…pulls him up by his hair and asks “what are you now son?” Boy says “I’m a girl”. Dad says “You’re a boy” and dunks him into the water for 2 minutes. Pulls him up a second time and asks “what are you?” Son says “I’m still a girl!”…Father holds him under for 4 minutes…when he pulls him up the boy is sputtering and heaving and yells “I’m not a girl, I’m not a girl….I’M A MERMAID!!” Father dunks him again and puts the lid on the barrel.

  3. I seem to recall something like you describe in Brave New World as well. I think it was along the lines of new-born children being taken from their parents and raised to be proper Alphas, Betas, and Gammas, whichever was applicable.
    Maybe it wasn’t coincidence that Huxley included that. The novel was written just a few years after the Bolshies took over Russia.

  4. In my callow youth I played a number of tabletop role-playing games (of which D&D is just one). One of them, a general science-fiction sort of game, had a section on the types of family arrangements one might find in a possible future society, and therefore on the planets the intrepid players might visit from week to week.
    One such arrangement was described as a “creche”, where all children were raised communally by societally-assigned caregivers rather than their biological parents. How ridiculous, I thought at the time. No parents would ever voluntarily surrender their own offspring to be raised by strangers. Such larks, these science fiction writers. So absurd.
    On a totally unrelated note, my ex-wife worked for some years at a government subsidized day care center that accepted children as young as six months of age, up to 12 years.

  5. Bottom line, don’t act like a “Tomboy” in Ontario if you are a girl and do not show your “feminine side if your a boy!

  6. mental illness has been embraced as normal for decades now, why not enshrine the acceptance of insanity in the legal code. Jezz, it just does not get any dumber.

  7. “…mental illness has been embraced as normal for decades now, …”
    Pretty much…and by all politicians.
    When the ayes and nays are called for, this will likely be FULLY supported by Ontario’s Conservatives.
    Paddy Brown
    His pants fell down
    And everyone could see
    A tiny pair
    with peach fuzz hair
    Like rainbow bumble-bees.

  8. A bill is advancing through the Canadian Parliament to alter the words of the Canadian national anthem to be more “inclusive” by stripping it of gendered language.

    O Canada! YOUR home and native land!*
    True patriot-love in all thy NATIVE command.
    With glowing hearts we see LGBT rise,
    The True North strong and free!
    And stand on guard, O Canada,
    We stand on guard for thee, LGBT.
    Words inspired by Justin, Written by Liberals.

  9. The waiting list for gender reassignment surgery is 18 years.
    That is freaking hilarious.

  10. What Ontario as become is what I call “nuke worthy.” In the cost/benefit analysis, it is now a positive to use a nuke on the province of Ontario. One nuke.. centre of Toronto.

  11. Sounds a lot like East Germany where opposing the Communists made you an unfit parent and the state took away your kids.

  12. Stupid…..but AB child services and SK as well can do anything they want already. They are above the law. When the police can’t act because of the law they call in child services. According to one SK child services worker, “We don’t have to tell you anything.” Yes – a direct quote.

  13. This is where we are headed.
    @ B, Huxley’s novel was no coincidence. Soviet Russian, East German, and all other communist state children were taught in schools to report on any deviation of thought and word of their parents.
    What do you think the GSA debate is all about in Alberta? This is just part of the “state is your father and mother” agenda.

  14. Someone somewhere put it well:
    If we indulge dysmorphia, shouldn’t we offer liposuction to anorexics.
    Or, in line with Bill 89, mandate it.
    One self identifies as the opposite sex, the other a skelton.

  15. Voters in Ont shouldn’t be surprised when avant-garde politicians like Wynne choose to promote their sexual orientations. Remember the famous photo of Wynne, Trudeau and convicted pederast Ben Levin (since cropped out) at the Gay pride parade.
    For these people it will never be enough to tolerate gender experimentation, (and US figures recently estimated trans gender occurrence as about .007% of pop) it must be celebrated as the new, trendy thong to do. Even the suggestion of such state incursion into family life is frightening.

  16. It takes a Village … to “officially” … determine your boy is a gender dysmorphed girl … because he enjoyed playing barbies in Kindergarten. The highly-skilled State Teachers (Villagers) have determined your son would be “happier” if he were to start wearing skirts, and had his offending boy-parts removed.

  17. “Even the suggestion of such state incursion into family life is frightening.”
    It isn’t a suggestion any more, it is what they’re doing. I’d say it is past time for this crap to be frightening, and has progressed to the “make me!” stage.
    Presently they are bold enough to propose such things, but not enough to walk their talk. That comes later.

  18. Osu – The people in Ontario generally don’t have a freakin’ clue WHAT they are voting for. I’ve lived here all my life and it still astounds me how uninformed and lazy people of ALL ages are.
    My own parents, for example, were aghast at the increase in their electricity bill earlier this year when the huge increases in the past 8 years or so plus the recent carbon tax kicked in.
    I explained about the bad energy deal with Samsung while describing the damage they actually do to the environment, not to mention the bird strikes. They thought windmills were great! Couldn’t believe what I was telling them.
    I have been asking them to follow something other than CNN or CBC for years now. They don’t – but they vote. Brain dead.

  19. Life was so much more simple when if you had a penis you were a boy and if you had a vagina you were a girl. The people that should have their kids taken away are the liberal progressives who treat gender as a nebulous social construct subject to random human emotions while offering their children up for surgical mutilation.

  20. “uninformed and lazy people of ALL ages are.”
    all ages, meaning their chronological age AND era, also political persuasion, geographic location, cultural, linguistic background, religion (especially that one), being informed takes time and WORK. people don’t want to WORK if requires WORK. they’d rather watch the latest episode of ‘docta fill’ telling them how to live their lives.
    in an ‘age’ when belief that UFOs are space aliens, Apollo 11 happened in a studio, 9-11 was Dubya’s doing, what do we expect out of a typical voter?
