11 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Given that CSA is a CROWN corp and there is a CPC leadership campaign on these days,
    wonder what are the “moral” positions of the various participants?

  2. The previous Conservative government let it fester. PSA Knight reported attempts to apprise their MP and the relevant minister and that at best, the minister was protected by his staff from knowing, so they could avoid dealing with it. The Liberal government is on track to do the same thing.
    All of our politicians, regardless of party and or whether they are in power or in Opposition are afraid of really confronting the government (i.e. the entrenched bureaucracy and public service unions.)

  3. Then forget politicians. Start hiring fo jobs based solely on who is on CSA’s shit list. Make CSA irrelevant. Once they are irrelevant, the biscuit wheels come off the gravy train.
    Hire people specifically for the fact that the CSA won’t certify them. Go black market/underground economy. Cash only bathroom reno, electrical work, no permits. The government has long been your enemy; why aren’t you acting like it?

  4. Wow, reading that is not good on an empty or full stomach. Sickening.
    Canada? What happened?

  5. “The government has long been your enemy; why aren’t you acting like it?”
    Kevin, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but every single company in Canada that could has upped stakes and moved to China.
    The only ones left are like these guys like PS Knight who can’t leave, or are too small, or deal direct with government.
    It isn’t like anybody still makes anything here, you know. Even Bombardier makes most of their stuff in the USA or overseas.
    They saw the enemy, and they all left twenty years ago. We’re the idiots who are only now waking up.

  6. I work in manufacturing in Ontario.
    In eastern Ontario there are still quite a few manufacturers around.

  7. I was all set to vote for Max until PS Knight reminded me that Max had failed in his duty to address this issue when he was minister. Since then I have replied to all candidates begging letters with a request for their position on this issue. None have replied. NONE!
    If a candidate will turn a blind eye to this, what may we expect of him/her on the military procurement file? Anyone who does not have the spine to take a position on this issue, does not have the spine to keep the Russians out of our arctic, does not have the spine to negotiate with trump, or the Chinese.

  8. “In eastern Ontario there are still quite a few manufacturers around.”
    Sure. But compared to how it used to be? Even in the 1980s? Ghost towns abound. Hamilton’s waterfront at James North is being taken over by hipster artists, because the real estate is so cheap.
    Auto sector is still alive, but Wynne is working hard to kill them too. Carbon tax, electric bills, water bills, it is hard to say what will survive out there. Probably friends of the Liberals, at a guess.

  9. I work daily with quite a few electricians, I work in a related field, and they’ve never had a good word to say about the CSA shakedown of apprentices and journeymen that are forced to work under their thumb.

  10. “Probably friends of the Liberals, at a guess.”
    Judging by the the fact that there is always a copy of the Toronto Star in the lunch room, I’d say you are probably right.
