26 Replies to “Speak Softly”

  1. And for this, of course, Tillerson was raked over the coals on Morning Joe this morning — and no doubt elsewhere in the msm.
    Pointless blather is what got us into this situation in the first place.

  2. send a message. a coordinated cyber attack with possibly a shoot down with the anti missile defense recently installed in the region.

  3. MSM has been conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs that an event like this is “red line drawin’ time”.
    But the bell rang and no meat morsels appeared….MSM was left drooling, as usual.

  4. God, I miss HER as Sec. Of State. SHE would be immediately delivering food baskets to Kim Jong … badly needed food baskets. SHE would be immediately mobilizing and coordination food flights with BLUE United Nations planes. SHE would airlift FOOD and MEDICINE … all for FREE (if you consider American Taxes as FREE money) to the N. Korean “chil l l l d r e n”. SHE would be speaking LOUDLY about how Kim Jong and the USA have soooo much in common. SHE would be flooding Pyongyang with American diplomats.

  5. Given the consequences of not executing successfully (Seoul in particular), our first strike plans must be truly out of this world for taking out their first strike assets – which are apparently pretty impressive. This would be a sneak attack that would make Pearl Harbor look like a walk in the park. And then of course the potential for it to easily escalate to Part II – war with the Chicomms. Yikes.

  6. Let the media wallow in their partisan anti-Trump hysteria.
    I do not believe that Tillerson would release such a statement without behind the scenes negotiations with China already ongoing and showing promise. Underestimating Trump has already repeatedly proven to be a fool’s errand, yet leftards everywhere are INCAPABLE of adjusting to his style. It’s quite funny to watch.
    Ha…. captcha was CLOSE CALLE.

  7. This is actually quite clever. NK’s modus operandi has always been to rattle sabers and make dire threats and get “foreign aid” and a lot of press talking about how seriously the threats are being taken. It brings in much needed currency and props up Jong-Un at home.
    By essentially saying “yeah, whatever” State is robbing him of both of those.

  8. Time to fuel up the Mighty Mo, the Big Stick, the entire Iowa class, and simply start bombardment. North Korea has to be ended. Yesterday. The extortion they foist on the world, is almost as bad as what Quebec does to the rest of Canada.

  9. That has already been hinted at. It’s probably safe to assume the general idea the U.S.A. is now communicating to China is, “If you can’t keep your dog on a leash, we’re not going to tell your neighbours they have to let it roam in their yards.”

  10. If I were involved with NK leadership, this statement would arrest my attention a heckuva lot more that the usual impotent blather about “decisive actions”, which has always translated into nothing more than posing and words. Which is what the MSM obviously wanted to see. Because words and image are everything, dontchaknow.

  11. For the USA, not without a declaration of war as per Article I, Section 8 that everyone talks about but that no one reads.

  12. The USA has been at war with the Norks for many decades now.
    Still, I’d rather see the Kabala nuked during the Haj.

  13. daniel ream – That’s exactly how I see it. Fatboy Grimm wants to be recognized as the head of a powerful nuclear nation. Giving him the cold shoulder speaks volumes with only a few words.

  14. Obama gave Kim the cold shoulder and that did not work out very well. Tillerson can’t say much because they don’t have a policy. At least, Niki Haley has some balls and is speaking out at the UN (against Putin and Assad).

  15. ? are you suggesting we nuke la belle province? lol !!
    but seriously, what value do the Chirese put on their ‘friendship’ and ‘support’ of the deranged kimjongun? will they really take on the USA at this point? is n korea doing the missile thing all on their own? what resources do they draw on to assemble and launch the things? there’s the real target.
    this aint the movies. any option is fraught with hazards, ESPECIALLY doing utterly nothing but yap yap yap. for that, just give mr kerry a call.
    p.s. my underwater sonic radar has at least 2 American nuke subs in the upper western pacific. a good opportunity for a realistic training mission.

  16. “…what value do the Chirese put on their ‘friendship’ and ‘support’ of the deranged kimjongun? …”
    I suspect China, being a one-party kleptocracy, dislikes having the KimKrazy regime on that border less than they dislike the idea of a relatively free democracy with a productive economy like South Korea’s on display at such close quarters.
