What’s The Opposite of Diversity?

The Last Emperor, a 1989 film, depicts the life of Puyi, Imperial China’s final Manchu leader. As a youth, he presided over a court peopled by thousands of servants, cooks, advisors, concubines, eunuchs, guards, and other attendants. He was abruptly deposed after World War II by the Communist Chinese and brainwashed for years in one of Mao’s notorious “re-education camps.” Puyi ended as a nondescript gardener babbling Maoist aphorisms, a symbol of China’s decadent past.
The ex-emperor would have difficulty adjusting to most of contemporary North America. But in Regina, Saskatchewan he would feel right at home.

h/t Frank

22 Replies to “What’s The Opposite of Diversity?”

  1. Many years ago when McClane’s magazine published their critique of Canadian universities Frum the writer described the Regina university this way.
    ” they excel at only one thing, denying reality.”

  2. Funniest comment I read about this story was referencing Red Green’s Men Anonymous and the Man Prayer:
    Men Anonymous is a segment on The Red Green Show featuring a self-help program for the members of Possum Lodge. Each Men Anonymous segment is set in the Lodge basement where the usual Lodge Meeting takes place and is patterned after so-called “Twelve Step” programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. One of the men of the Lodge will be introduced by himself, as well as being introduced usually by Harold, then share a story with the other members about a recent event in which he either “acted like a man” or successfully avoided doing so. The rest of the members usually show solidarity and support for the speaker when he’s finished sharing his story.
    Followed by: “I’m a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.”

  3. I know SJWs are convinced that university campuses are the most dangerous places on Earth for women but if the organizers were really brave they’d move their men’s confession booth from the Eloi environment of liberal arts colleges and attempt to convert the Morlocks at places like rodeos, oil field/blue collar workers bars, Sturgis, trade and technical colleges etc. Now those “confessions” would be entertaining.

  4. Weak sisters like you have largely nudged the latter places into SJW space little different from the Eloi environment.

  5. Just a thought: if “weak sisters” like myself is all it took to turn you into Elois…maybe you weren’t the strong, masculine guy you thought you were.

  6. Ever try as a man and head over to the Rabble and give an opinion on the feminist blog or any feminist blog for that matter? You all probably know that will happen. You as a man are forbidden to express your views or opinions and be banned from ever posting there again. Feminist should be off limits to expressing their opinions or views on my male masculinity period.

  7. Regina rhymes with a word, that sounds like fun.
    Or so my daughter told me

  8. The Social engineering by Communists must be kept active.. The USSR research into domesticating Fox, in the below posting, WAS reported ~ 25 years ago as Social engineering (My memory recall) The Stalin attempt to Starve the Ukrainian population into domesticated Russians failed…When will the U of Regina also follow the proven Fox experiment model and deprive all Males of sunlight
    “The evolutionary roles of factors such as stress, selection for behavioral traits
    and the environmental photoperiod, or duration of natural daylight.”

  9. You open the topic to what is actually going. This emasculation is just another phase in the Cultural Marxist war on the family, and in this case it is a direct attack by the new Red Guard against the male segment of society. It is all a part of remolding society into the new Soviet man and woman.
    It is easy to make fun of this, but the effort by the same ideology that made Puyi into a babbling idiot is at work in all our universities and make no mistake at some point they will come for us.

  10. I’m not a huge fan of the sophomoric FHRITP prank, but I can see one place where it could be put to good use.

  11. And don’t forget the Capitalist Eunuchs … who will be forced to renounce “competitive enterprise” … in favor of “collectivism”. Which means the girls with useless Sociology degrees will be collecting everyone’s money and stuffing it in their own EE bras.

  12. hmmmph.
    first there was surgical castration, then chemical castration, now this.
    my missus is an engineering grad from the 70s. she told me how lots of the ladies majoring in humanities etc in the then segregated residence would gossip about ways to ‘hook’ a cute guy in medicine, law, whatever. you know, ‘prostitute’ themselves for the financial security therein.
    the joke between us of course was she had much higher earning power than me at the time and maybe *I* was using the same trick on her.
    that all changed when I graduated also.
