36 Replies to “Deja Babies”

  1. Thought provoking take on it for sure…put nothing past them.
    I think maybe we can be sure there has been a lot of staging with refugees too, all for different reasons/causes.

  2. Remember the Kuwait babies being killed in incubators and the tearful girl who worked in the maternity ward and the little graves dug with swaddled forms beside them? The girl was a niece of the Kuwait ambassodor to the US and the entire scam was to garner sympathy from the US and get them to chase out Iraqis. It worked, Now we have more dead babies.

  3. The timing couldn’t be better, considering the focus it removes from the Susan Rice scandal.

  4. I am 100% in agreement with Scott Adam’s assessment. And let me add … who are the people of Syria who STILL have their CHILDREN in the WAR ZONE of a civil war that has been raging for years ? Please educate me …
    BTW … I have NEVER read of a single story of innocent (non-combative) children or women EVER being killed during the American Civil War. Even though the innocents lived virtually ON every battlefield of the the War. True … there weren’t nerve gas agents available at the time … but innocent women and children were never targeted. So this understanding of how civilized societies wage war (if you can call war – “civilized” activity) begs the question … who the HELL are these people who raise their children in a war zone ? On the battlefield ? Why are they STILL there.
    This FAKE news story has been done repeatedly in the ME. The “Palestinians” have been busted by facial recognition software numerous times for depicting the SAME “dead children” and “civilians”. And YESTERDAY … I read a real heart-tugging story about TINY TWIN children … a brother and sister … who were KILLED by nerve agents. TWIN CHILDREN who were displayed like supermarket fruit for the media to photograph. Talk about straight from “central casting”. Sorry, but count me as a “cynical”, “heartless”, “conspiracy theorist” … like Scott Adams.

  5. Were they smart enough to put some dirt on the brand new teddy bears scattered about? Anyone who believes Muslims needs their head read.

  6. I never believed Assad did this chemical attack. It is not in his interest to do so.
    Consider that nearly all those dead people are muslims.
    No tears from me.
    Baby crocodiles grow up to become terrorist crocodiles.
    Or even just mouth-shut, go along with the program crocodiles.
    You won’t find a single Crocodile Dundee among them.

  7. Scott doesn’t mention accounts of fighters flying overhead with explosions heard presaging the chemical attack.
    Only the Syrian and Russian Air Forces have fighters in the area. So that’s pretty strong evidence on its face.
    It could have been an accident; since the media isn’t “in the area” are there possibly chemical weapon attacks elsewhere?
    Let’s also remember plenty of chemical weapons stores were pilfered during the invasion of Iraq, many of course ending up in Syria.
    It’s not that far fetched to wonder if ISIS got hold of any of them, and more desperate than ever, mount this false flag op?
    That would invite US intervention which wouldn’t seem like a wise move. Why would they do that? Oh right, because they are frigging lunatics.
    I’ve felt all along we should wait for confirmation but Scott is right, why would Assad hand Trump those kind of options?

  8. The young girl who was reporting regularly from Aleppo said that every night may be her last night.. and the next week she is getting an award from the Turkish President… Yes! the press knows these events are FAKE..

  9. I guess that is rule one about “outrage over children” from people for whom planned parenthood is a holy and sacred institution. Assume it’s feigned.

  10. A government is wise to examine the evidence dispassionately. No more Gulf of Tonkin fantasies.

  11. It all does seem somehow familiar….
    Uh, AP and Reuters are both owned by the Rothschilds…out of chaos…

  12. There is a huge Interest in driving a divide between Trump & Putin… A better understanding of the Russian source of Russian Intel on Susan Rice’s desk may help… In the 1916-1918 Russian revolution treason in the ranks provided Germany with intel such that Russia suffered military defeats… the Communists convinced the ranks to abandon the lines & go home…They did and Germany & the NEW government ceased WWI hostilities.
    Putin has to know he has spies close to him and Obama had/has the intel… When Putin’s opposition make a move
    Susan Rice would know. That information is life & death to the Russian counter spies

  13. J >
    “I never believed Assad did this chemical attack. It is not in his interest to do so.”
    No interest, and no need. Syrian & Russian forces are controlling Syria’s borders for the most part now. The biggest clash threats are Turkish/ Syrian conflicts that Russia has been playing referee.
    Good or bad, Assad is not stupid, and neither are the western Progressive Globalists who intend to continue to try and “Social Engineer” the ME for their own gains.

  14. This is just a fake and staged as the Sarajevo mortar attack. designed to illicit the same reaction. Seems to be working…again.

  15. Meanwhile, back in our own world, dictators and human rights abusers with whom we regular trade and sell bits of our countries to, are treated to 6 Star invitations:
    “China Rights Abuse Overview Ahead of Xi-Trump Summit”
    “it was revealed that the Chinese government was trying to block a United Nations report from being released showing secret ties among China, Iran and North Korea for the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction. U.N. officials, to their credit, leaked their report to the wires.”
    Who give’s a flying f*ck about Syria, our “friends” are selling them what they need through the backdoor anyway.

  16. Yes my thoughts exactly, even if they are imprecise as yet.
    It’s just too convenient for some and too stupid for Assad.
    But how did so much information get out from a place in the middle of nowhere, so quickly and professionally produced?
    The least evil interpretation is that there was old gas bomb/shells (if there ever was any gas) in a magazine that was hit by an airstrike. Any other explanation demands the vile of actions or stupidity. Now who wants Trump to attack Assad rather thn ISIS? Saudis? Gulf emirs? Erdogan? CIA?

  17. An incident I remember is when the Israeli army moved into Lebanon and a news clip was aired where supposedly Israeli soldiers had shot a number of civilians. This clip was shown on MSM North America.
    What was never shown was video from a 2nd camera that continued running after the 1st camera shut down. The 2nd clip panned out to show a almost set like production where everyone got up and moved away or simply start to chat amongst one another. Totally contrived.

  18. Like that photo of that drowned “refugee” toddler that had gone viral a couple years ago
    about 99% of it was manufactured, yes the kid had drowned by that was about the only part of the story that was true
    it was a completely staged thing to manipulate us and it worled damn well
    Palestinians often use actors who pretend they are victims of bombings, they ise the same dead babies in several photos in different towns
    those people have been lying and deceiving for so long it is now in their DNA
    that gas attack may be about 5 % true the rest is fake stuff to obtain something from us
    trudeau is sending them 840 million $$$
    we are being fooled, scammed.

  19. Sounds like “very fake news”.
    Always – the “right thing to do” is the exact opposite of what the Progressive Left says is the right thing to do.
    You’ll never go wrong.

  20. The response of Le Dauphin Petite Pomme de Terre was somewhat predictable. During the debate in Parliament on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged $840 million in humanitarian aid to Syrians in response to a deadly chemical attack in the country. http://en.cijnews.com/?p=215032

  21. It was Trump’s fault for saying he wouldn’t put boots on the ground.
    Obviously the Syrians correctly concluded a chemical attack would change his view.
    Sure that make sense.
    “The piece for Britain’s state-owned, tax funded broadcaster briefly acknowledges that the culprit for the use of chemical weapons has not yet been determined, reporting merely that Syrian President Dr. Bashar al-Assad had been “blamed”. Rather than placing blame on any of President Trump’s actions while in office, the BBC report instead finds fault with the President for not having taken the U.S. to war with the Syrian government in the first months of his presidency — and presumably Syria’s Russian allies with it.”
    Right, everybody was talking about attacking Syria before Trump poured cold water on the idea. How stupid are they and think we are?

  22. Canadian Friend >
    “in northwestern Syria is believed to have killed at least 100 people,…….The prime minister has condemned the attack and said Canada is providing $840 million in humanitarian aid.” – CBC
    Liberal Social Math – $840 million tax dollars divided by 100 foreign dead people = $8.4 Million Dollars each.
    Again – 8.4 million tax dollars each (or 4.2 million if you also include the 100 alleged wounded that lived).

  23. Please forward your accreditation Stradivarius. Thank you.
    p.s- if y’all can’t find it then the thought running through the majority of people visiting here is your comment was just a drive-by smear.

  24. in fact the krauts let lenin ride a train from wherever thru their territory on his way to Russia when things started happening fast and furious. the krauts desperately wanted the 1917 revolution to succeed. and it worked.
    politicos really really need to learn the lessons of history. few do.

  25. Of course it could never be Assad, and especially not Pootin. Anyone but Pootin. Because it is not in Pootin’s interest for the conflict to continue, for US to be drawn into a conflict with no end in sight into indeed a quagmire, instead of focusing on real issues like Pootin’s friends in Iran, like Chicom useful idiots in NK and like Pootin’s own increasingly dangerous posture regarding Eastern Europe.
    Assad will soon learn that the deal he signed with Pootin is getting worse all the time.

  26. The “accounts” come from who?.. Isis wants nothing more than to be able to shoot at Yanks.. False Flag all the way. I hope someone gets this cleared up at the WH before they do something silly..I don’t think Assad would put his own people in danger if he could avoid it. Muz are monsters. I can easily see them putting babies in harms way.. Children I saw were awfully clean for bombing victims..

  27. ‘Always – the “right thing to do” is the exact opposite of what the Progressive Left says is the right thing to do.’
    Agreed 100%.

  28. Hey, he’s playing some more of that 3D chess, shooting missiles…like previous administrations. Maybe he’ll get a Nobel prize 🙂

  29. “Assad will soon learn that the deal he signed with Pootin is getting worse all the time. ”
    I must be psychic.
