11 Replies to “Lurch Down Memory Lane”

  1. A three-year old tweet – that’s your only post about the latest atrocities in Syria?
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it. It’s all Obama’s fault. But Trump is president now. So what would you have him do?

  2. What did Assad have to gain from this? Not saying he didn’t do it, but I don’t have all the facts and neither does anyone else. One hope Trump doesn’t blunder into another American ill-conceived and Treasury-busting military adventure.

  3. Were those Saddam Hussein’s WMDs which he hid in Syria? Those WMDs which even the Clintons knew to exist in Iraq before they didn’t exist in Iraq?

  4. As America is the backer and friend of Sunni Islam, they wish to blame this on their friends Shia enemy. Hubris and ignorance is Americas weakness. Who actually did this? Muslims. All Muslims are the same.

  5. I really doubt that Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons. People that routinely get kids and retards to deliver suicide bombs would have no problem killing many dozens of people, likely pre-screened to eliminate active supporters. Why would they use chemicals when bombs, particularly cluster bombs would be more effective? Gas has never been particularly effective in war. Even at Ypres in 1914, a division of green Canadian troops without gas-masks covered their own front plus plugged the hole left by 2 French divisions that were gassed and retreated.
    The political cost of using gas so overwhelms any advantage. This simply tells us that it wasn’t Assad. Do the jihadists, Obama’s buddies, have gas? Early in the civil war, many Syrian Army units deserted with their arms. While Syria surrendered their gas, I haven’t heard of the rebel armies doing so.

  6. Exactly.
    Two questions. If Lurch Kerry got rid of the last 8% where did these so-called chemical weapons come from? How many times did the “dead” Palestinian boy actor appear in these clips?

  7. And Iran has no nukes and has stopped trying to develope them because we paid them.

  8. I remember the published picture. reminded one a meteorite hit without the peak and crater, just blackened streaks from the point of impact. I remember also thinking, why would anyone DO that ???? isnt it a tad smarter to save your ammo for the ones shooting at you???
    all sign of the times.

  9. Eli >
    “So what would you have him do?”
    Walk away, narrow focus on the American economy and any direct threats to his citizens, i.e. open borders.
    What’s with you social engineering “Arab Springers”, didn’t your government handlers make a big enough mess already? Including Syria, look at the murder and mayhem created by Gaddafi’s looted armories which Obamba handed over to ISIL.
    Foreign entanglements do not work, here’s some reading other than Mien Kemp, Mao’s little red book, Rachel Madcow’s Middle East 101 or whatever you kids read today:
    “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.” – Washington’s Farewell Address 1796
