38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Is autism an environmental problem, or a natural phenomenon ie. Darwin cleaning the shallow end of the gene pool?
    Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT
    Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.
    For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
    At a [recent] conference, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.
    Dr. Seneff noted the ubiquity of glyphosate’s use. Because it is used on corn and soy, all soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup and all chips and cereals that contain soy fillers have small amounts of glyphosate in them, as do our beef, pork and poultry since they are fed GMO corn or soy. Wheat is often sprayed with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all non-organic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/glyphosate/Groton_Seneff.pdf
    A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder. https://www.seeker.com/autism-pesticide-link-found-in-calif-study-1768739610.html

  2. The silencing of conservatives …
    “Over the last three or four decades, the humanities have witnessed a shift so massive that it is barely noticed anymore.
    This revolution has been political. Entire disciplines—Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, and the various interdisciplinary programs that end in the word “Studies” – have all become more strongly associated with a particular species of left-wing interpretation that now influences the broader discourse in journalism and on social media. In some departments, the social categories of analysis—race, class, and gender—have attained complete hegemony.
    Entire fields and subfields such as Diplomatic History and Military History are on the precipice of extinction, as more and more current and aspiring historians ignore or abandon these fields for the sexier (and more explicitly ideological) fields in Cultural and Social History.”

  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/business/monsanto-roundup-safety-lawsuit.html
    Monsanto Weed Killer Roundup Faces New Doubts on Safety in Unsealed Documents
    The court documents included Monsanto’s internal emails and email traffic between the company and federal regulators. The records suggested that Monsanto had ghostwritten research that was later attributed to academics and indicated that a senior official at the Environmental Protection Agency had worked to quash a review of Roundup’s main ingredient, glyphosate, that was to have been conducted by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
    In one email unsealed Tuesday, William F. Heydens, a Monsanto executive, told other company officials that they could ghostwrite research on glyphosate by hiring academics to put their names on papers that were actually written by Monsanto. “We would be keeping the cost down by us doing the writing and they would just edit & sign their names so to speak,” Mr. Heydens wrote, citing a previous instance in which he said the company had done this.

  4. The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship. Robert A. Heinlein
    Science people are in school learning how to separate facts from propaganda. LibArts people are in school learning how to make propaganda . Those opposing views of reality will always be in conflict.
    Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning “knowledge”) usually describes the effort to understand how the universe works through the scientific method, with observable evidence as the basis of that understanding; a way of understanding the world through thought and experimentation. The sciences tend to be positivistic in their approach to knowledge, in contrast to the humanities which tend toward relativism.
    Relativism is the belief that there’s no absolute truth, only the truths that a particular individual or culture happen to believe.
    We can only assess if a statement is factually correct. Whether or not it’s considered ‘true’ is contextual. For most classical scientists factually correct = true, however the current crop if science posers often take a relativistic approach to truth. Climate ‘scientists’ in particular do that a lot. Theoretical physics and astrophysics also tends toward the consensual definition of ‘truth’. The classical sciences like geology, chemistry, biology and physics are much more positivistic.

  5. Your links would be more credible if they didn’t reference transparently activist sites and publications with questionable methodology. That MIT presentation, in particular, was embarrassing.

  6. Crap and BS. The evil Monsanto did it.
    There is an ifninitely greater chance of a kid being diagnosed with autism today than 50 years ago, because the diagnosis didn’t exist. This is just another of those trendy diseases which maybe don’t actually exist.

  7. Of Mohammed’s and National Socialism’s Massacres.
    “ISIS slaughters 33 people by slitting throats in Syria
    ISIS thugs slaughtered 33 people by slitting their throats before dumping their bodies in a mass grave. The massacre in Deir Ezzor in the Syrian countryside is being described as the terror group’s largest execution operation of the year.” (mail)
    “Babi Yar – Jewish Virtual Library
    Babi Yar is a ravine on the outskirts of Kiev where Einsatzgruppen mobile squads killed at least 34,000 Jews over a one week period in September 1941.”
    “Katyn Forest Massacre”
    “Katyn Forest is a wooded area near Gneizdovo village, a short distance from Smolensk in Russia where, in 1940 on Stalin’s orders, the NKVD shot and buried over 4000 Polish service personnel that had been taken prisoner when the Soviet Union invaded Poland in September 1939 in WW2 in support of the Nazis.
    [NKVD- Narodny Kommisariat Vnutrennikh Del. If you are Polish NKVD means “Nie wiadomo kiedy wroce do domu. Impossible to tell when I will return home.”]
    In 1943 the Nazis exhumed the Polish dead and blamed the Soviets. In 1944, having retaken the Katyn area from the Nazis, the Soviets exhumed the Polish dead again and blamed the Nazis. The rest of the world took its usual sides in such arguments.
    In 1989, with the collapse of Soviet Power, Premier Gorbachev finally admitted that the Soviet NKVD had executed the Poles, and confirmed two other burial sites similar to the site at Katyn.”

  8. Oh please. If you knew a kid with autism, I don’t think you would be saying that. Autism is very far off the normal range of behaviours. Teachers with many years experience verify that there is a significant increase in the incidence of this impairment. This is confirmed by research. Something is causing this.

  9. PET Cemetery Report.
    Justine Liberal: Feminist MIA’s Standup Poler.
    “Trudeau in New York as Mulroney briefs his cabinet” (g-m)
    “Trudeau To Speak At ‘Women In The World Summit’ In New York City” (huffpo)
    “Stripper joke made by Liberal MP to Tory under review, PM says”
    “Di Iorio made the joke during a committee meeting as Watts took a call from her daughter. As the Tory MP’s ringtone went off, he made an off-side comment they took to be a reference to stripping, MP Karen Vecchio told CTV News.
    Di Iorio asked “where’s the pole?” according to Vecchio.”

  10. Kale
    Recently someone told me that bunnies don’t like kale; that they turn up their little pink noses at it. The other day in a French bakery-bistro here in Vancouver I had a chicken caesar salad which was most excellent but for the inclusion of a few sprigs of kale, which I unabashedly hate and am unafraid to tell anyone who will listen. Like the earnest ladies at the communal table. I asked a couple of them if they self-identified as health conscious eaters and to their yesses I related the “bunnies hate kale” story. Hilarity ensued, at least in my own mind.
    NOW THIS (but of course you knew this!).
    Why French Fries Are More of a “Superfood” Than Kale

  11. Wiki loves the junk science but even they hedge their bets when it comes to autism:”
    “The number of people diagnosed has been increasing dramatically since the 1980s, partly due to changes in diagnostic practice and government-subsidized financial incentives for named diagnoses; the question of whether actual rates have increased is unresolved”

  12. Robert;
    It must be my suspicious mind. Roundup has been used for what 60 years? I sat in a meeting where a researcher from the University of Alberta talked about how his team developed Roundup as a herbicide for use in weed control in field crops. It was a significant aid in reducing cost of weed control and increasing yields. GMO development will likely reduced all herbicide use.
    Enviros attack Roundup more because of its use in residential gardens and lawns. They have success in getting by-laws passed to prevent residential chemical use. BC was well on its way a few years ago to ban residential chemical use. The movement died when the Liebels were faced with re-election.
    My conversation with the professor from the U of A concerning Roundup was revealing. He scoffed at the enviro attacks which he considered had no basis in science. He admitted that might not stop its banning. The increased cost to society as a result would be huge.

  13. HT to NewsHubNation
    Media Malpractice: ‘Columbus Dispatch’ Botches Hit on Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel Over ‘Radical Islam’
    “…the article that came out on Monday in the Columbus Dispatch is yet another example of the widespread establishment media practice of burying the lede, intentionally missing critical evidence, and accepting uncritically statements from CAIR. In short, it’s shooting the messenger.”

  14. “Teachers with many years experience verify that there is a significant increase in the incidence of this impairment.”
    Follow the money. There is a retard industry in the public school system. Back in the day people with learning disabilities were sent to schools or institutions with teachers that were trained to teach the handicapped. Now, at least in Alberta handicapped kids are likely to be babysat in a regular classroom by a regular teacher likely supported by an uneducated, underpaid, aid. The more handicapped kids a school has, the bigger the cash grants, the more aids are hired, and the bigger the empire grows. I suspect the increase in diagnosis is demand driven.

  15. They’re baaaack!
    “The military’s embattled second-in-command considered resigning when he was head of the Royal Canadian Navy, over what he perceived was political interference from the newly elected Liberal government, CBC News has learned.”
    An outrageous unmasking!!
    “The two journalists who received the leaked Irving letters, which outlined the company’s objections, have since been hired by the Liberal government.”
    There ought to be a law against rewarding people to keep their mouth shut about wrongdoing.
    Sure would be nice to see the total number of the “people’s spokespersons” who have sold their soul for the Liberal Dole.

  16. “LibArts people are in school learning how to make propaganda”
    oh jeez. how true. the irony of it all, the swirling masses need to learn to recognize propaganda, what better time then when they’re in the midst of their careers in edjukashun; but alas, THAT’s when the propaganda is the thickest.
    and as far as autism is concerned, it damn well DOES exist. I have a form of it and once diagnosed I FINALLY knew why the fcuk I kept pyssing people off. it was my unacceptably blunt and very factual way of communicating, I didn’t know and still don’t know all the ‘rules’ about ‘polite discourse’ and couching one’s words and choosing an inoffensive phrasiology etc et frigging cetera.
    otoh, sweet jeezuz, I’m on pension now and don’t have to deal with political correctness with every gesture, spoken or written word, expression on my face, precisely where I position my arms whilst speaking etc et friggin CETERA.

  17. lol !!!
    oh people, you gotta check out this link.
    when will they publish the pic of Melania with boxing gloves on landing a nose breaking punch on the globe reporter? oh, you didnt know that? it’s all true. this alluring multi[?] lingual lady has a secret passion for MMA.
    if envy is one of the 7 deadly sins I’m guilty. I’m envious of Donald Trump hooked up with this stunning and very smart woman.

  18. AGW RIP.
    Donald’s AGW roundup : “As President Donald Trump tries to rip U.S. climate change efforts out by the roots,”.
    “The curious disappearance of climate change, from Brexit to Berlin”
    “The word climate does not appear once in the letter triggering the UK’s departure from Europe. But it’s not just in London that the issue seems to be slipping from the political stage” (grauniad)
    “World Leaders Watch in Silence as Trump Cuts Climate Efforts”
    “As President Donald Trump tries to rip U.S. climate change efforts out by the roots, world leaders are watching in silence.
    Presidents and prime ministers around the globe have raised few, if any, public objections to Trump’s sweeping orders to gut environmental regulations.”

  19. ‘Normal’ people do not exist or if they do they are actually abnormal. Everyone suffers from some form of ‘disability’, some more, some less.

  20. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-06/the-most-feared-newspaper-in-france-is-full-of-fiction-scandal-and-pun
    I’m actually envious of France.
    A real newspaper! Who knew?
    “The newspaper has something of the sensibility of the Onion in the U.S., hammering away at the foibles and failings of the rich and powerful with tongue-in-cheek stories and illustrations. But Le Canard does more than spoof: Its 30 editors and reporters milk a network of tipsters reaching into the highest echelons of French society. The staff-owned weekly carries no advertising, and controversial stories are often unsigned—making it harder for the elite miscreants exposed each week to exact revenge. With a weekly circulation of about 400,000 copies selling for €1.20 ($1.30) each, Le Canard in 2015 reported €25 million in sales and profit topping €2 million.”

  21. Mohammed’s Rap Sheet:
    First, Mohammed comes for the MSM journalists and feminists.
    “Note to the spittle-flecked cretins slamming Muslims, tearing a Qur’an: Yell at your MPP, not the schools
    Chris Selley: The Ontario Human Rights Commission couldn’t be clearer — wiffly concepts like ‘secularism’ may not stand in the way of a religious accommodation” (g-m)
    “Picture of the Week”
    “So-called feminists in Canada don the hijab to show ‘solidarity’
    with someone other than the 14-year-old girl whose
    head was shaved the same week for refusing to wear one.”

  22. Mulroney is just another frenchman from quebek. A liberal by any other name. He’s perfectly sympatico with bongos cabinet.

  23. Follow the money, indeed.
    While I taught at a certain post-secondary institution, I often had to deal with people who clearly weren’t suited for that place. They had neither the talent nor the discipline required to be a student there.
    Yet, I was told/ordered/pressured to pass them because it made my department and the institution look good. It showed a high graduation rate and, ultimately, a corresponding “student success” factor. Those alone would make that same department and institution eligible for more government money. After all, an establishment with such a high rate of “success” had to be rewarded.
    No matter how one portrayed things, it was all smoke and mirrors, little better than a Ponzi scheme.

  24. More flaws in agenda driven gun violence study.
    …the study not only includes anyone up to age 25 but they also include BB guns, air soft and paintball guns in their definition of firearm.
    … the researchers released a breakdown of injury by type of firearm and nearly half of all the unintentional injuries were from BB guns.
    If anything, this study proves we don’t have a gun problem in Canada, and don’t need to change the laws to make them stricter unless it’s decided we need a BB gun registry to stop men in their 20s from shooting each other.

  25. AGW RIP.
    “America’s Biggest Coal Miner Is Joining the Comeback Under Trump”
    “The Resurgence of the American Coal Industry”
    “Kellow credited Trump’s initiatives, including an executive order repealing one of Barack Obama’s signature environmental measures, with affirming coal’s place in the nation’s energy mix. Eventually, policies out of Washington may delay or defer the expected closing of 50 gigawatts of coal-fired power plant capacity, Kellow said.”

  26. For those who consider the onset of dementia as a feature not a problem, and taking half dozen or more daily ‘maintenance medications’ as normal, then of course any studies on cumulative glyphostate toxicity will have little or no relevance and there is no need to self-identify.
    We can lead people to knowledge, but we can’t make them think.

  27. Urinalist Dear Diaryeeah.
    ““He is one of the president’s closest and most trusted advisers,” a White House source told CNBC when asked why Bannon attended.”
    “Stephen Bannon threatened to quit White House after
    security advisor orchestrated his demotion: Source”
    “Bannon’s myriad enemies, both inside and outside the White House, celebrated what they saw as a defeat, but insiders warn he is a crafty survivor” (NP)
    “Trump Top Adviser Steve Bannon Attends National Security Council Meeting One Day After Being ‘Removed’”
    “One day after what was demonstrably one of the most-covered stories by the media focused on the “removal” of Steve Bannon, President Trump’s top adviser, from the National Security Council (NSC), he attended a council meeting, the Washington Examiner reported on Thursday.”
