
Once boasting one of the continent’s lowest electricity rates, Ontario today has some of the highest and that has many industrial companies planning to move at least some operations to the United States.
“The government treats us like bourgeois sweatshop operators who have to be stopped,” said Bamford, who has organized dozens of medium-sized companies into the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers of Ontario. “All the businesses are terrified of the government. My husband said, ‘Well, do you just want to pick up and go?’ And I said, ‘Well, I guess I gotta just stay and fight.’ I feel like I’m the Norma Rae of manufacturing.”
Automatic Coating’s electricity bill has more than doubled in the past decade. Its bill for last November was $49,209.68. The first line is for electricity: $6,577.93. The second line is much harder to explain: it is the euphemistic Global Adjustment charge: 217,165 kWh at 11.6 cents each for a total of $25,223.73.
The Global Adjustment contains many different costs, including Ontario’s payments to solar and wind energy makers at far more than the market rate, the cost to sell excess power to U.S. states at a loss, and even the cost of replacing light bulbs with LED bulbs.

These people are nuts. And so is any government that follows in their footsteps.

22 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. JUST MOVE SOUTH! It’s an easy lifestyle and much more affordable – literally everything costs less, and your mortgage is tax-deductible too. After being born and raised in Ontario we relocated to Atlanta in the 1990s and more recently to North Carolina. If you are opening a business / bringing jobs to the U.S. there are effectively no immigration barriers …you’re in, quickly and legally. JUST! DO! IT!

  2. JUST MOVE SOUTH! It’s an easy lifestyle and much more affordable – literally everything costs less, and your mortgage is tax-deductible too. After being born and raised in Ontario we relocated to Atlanta in the 1990s and more recently to North Carolina. If you are opening a business / bringing jobs to the U.S. there are effectively no immigration barriers …you’re in, quickly and legally. JUST! DO! IT!

  3. Each and every day more people are added to the Liberal government bureaucracies. These people plus voting blocks like muslims will ensure Liberals are in power for a long time.

  4. The sad part is is that these thieves will be voted back in in 2018. Canadians have demonstrated that they are brain dead when it comes to elections. Evidence of that is the last five by-elections saw liberals win three. It is very clear the canadian voter enjoys rape and pillage by their politicians.

  5. Kathleen Wynne is not the problem but the symptom of it. The problem lies with the people who voted for her.
    The 905 area is the most (socially) conservative region in the country; yet the Progressive Conservatives lost!
    Every province gets the Premier it deserves.

  6. Yes, they are. Everyone who voted for this; also nuts. Anyone who didn’t vote for it but has chosen to stay; also nuts. Ontario and Canada are experiencing first hand a “Great Leap Forward”. I expect we will see the day where Canada’s government liquidates about 3 million of Canada’s citizens on purpose. The preferred method was government run famine in China and the USSR, so I expect the same here. And executions for those who try to grow their own tomoatoes.

  7. The owner is correct that the Liberal government views small manufacturing and other businesses with utter contempt. They really are the enemy, in the distorted bizarro world of Wynne identity politics, Real people are employed by the public service, or in one of the government controlled service industries. Manufacturing is an evil, “polluting” the atmosphere with C02, causing climate change. etc.
    The sooner such industries leave the greener and better Ont will be. As to the over $30B debt the province has run up; no problem someone else can pay for it later.

  8. Any wonders why Canada’s left HATES Trump, he’s making America great again, whilst Canadians and Canadian businesses still have a sanctuary country to escape to.

  9. in an alternate universe, ms wyyndefarm is abducted and taken to a secret location where a mind reading device is placed on her goddam head for a scan to find out what sort of bizzzzzarrrrrrooooo mode of ‘thinking’ goes on. the results however are inconclusive; the scientists running the test can make no sense out of the data. one is quoted as saying “it’s a scrambled mess”.

  10. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to have to step over dead polar bears every time I leave the house.

  11. It begs the question “what would it cost to generate your own power and go off the grid on an industrial scale?” Diesel or natural gas powered generation has a get aboard cost but the operating cost may be more benign than encouraging this government by continuing to accept their gouging.
    Awaiting the Patrick Brown solution may well be a mistake. If anyone is thinking he has an easy to implement off the shelf solution to this Liberal mess think again. This stuff is so embedded in the bureaucracy and the tax system it is going to be extremely costly and painful to rid ourselves of the energy scam.

  12. Since we know that’s not happening..polar bears are not dying off…I’ll give you the benefit of you are trying to be funny.

  13. The Canadian dollar will be allowed, even encouraged to drop in the near future to allow the manufacturers to maintain their meager advantage over the competition south of the border. It will be the shoppers that will be punished when they attempt to purchase anything that cannot be accessed locally/regionally. Look for damn near everything to rise in the near future and enjoy the Liberal inspired (federal and provincial) decline.

  14. British Columbia is following in their footsteps. People just have not realized that yet.

  15. British Columbia is following in their footsteps. People just have not realized that yet.
    Oh, yes, they have–at least in the civil service.
    I’m in the process of probating my father’s will. Since he lived in B. C., I have to deal with various departments in the provincial government.
    On the whole, I get the feeling that civil servants view the working class and other ordinary citizens with contempt. The bureaucracy is all that matters to many of the people I’ve dealt with and maintaining that bureaucracy in all its manifestations is the ultimate goal.
    There have been times when I’m left wondering just how anything ever gets done in that province. The government seems to be more concerned about giving any malcontent SJW special interests whatever they demand whenever they demand it than in serving the needs of the citizenry at large.

  16. In the last provincial election in June 2014, when electricity prices were already going through the roof, 67.24 percent of Ontario voters cast ballots for the architects and cheerleaders of the Green Energy Act: Liberals, NDP, and Greens.
    And a year and a half ago about 64 percent of the population voted for the same crew federally.
    Today’s Sesame Street has been brought to you by the letter B…

  17. All true and Tim Hudak was urged to focus the campaign on the GEA and the certainty of exponential price increases. He was implored to keep the heat on Liberals for economic mismanagement, flagrant scandals and other energy boondoggles.
    Instead he barely mentioned energy fiascoes leaving his rural lieutenants to carry the message, while he peddled a different line to GTA audiences, All in the forlorn hope that he and the PC Party would escape being labeled “climate change deniers”.
    Is the upcoming campaign likely to differ much? From Patrick Brown’s statements not by very much. The party still cannot take a firm principled stand on carbon tax, industrial wind development and all the other failed experiments in Ont’s lurch toward a Green energy economy.MAYOR

  18. anyone else notice that the National Post cut off all commentating?
    M103 effect likely as awareness of Islamic tenets was high among regular commentators on articles. Looks to me that the National Post doesn’t want their name in Committee reporting required by M103. This is also a sign that our media is fully aware that a law will be created based on a final report on quelling islamophobia.

  19. The Legion in North Bay, Ontario has a similar looking hydro bill. They have to shut their doors. I honestly don’t know how they think people running small businesses or Legions etc. have this kind of money. Liberals can’t do math it seems, except when it comes to importing more voters.
    The millennials are the ones that will never be able to have their own businesses.
