6 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Feminists across western nations are cheering in solidarity with Saudi Arabia!!!
    Meanwhile the Champaign fizzles once reminded that so many French people had the nerve to vote for that “stupid Le Pen bitch”.

  2. I have made a few comments elsewhere. I keep using the word stupid to excess at times , ok now someone please tell me why I might be wrong? How many will have to die before one single idiot canadian opens their eyes? UNO, don’t even bother to comment. And please don’t be doubly stupid by saying no one dies from having their clit cut out because that is not what I was talking about re- dying.

  3. The lib-prog globalist agenda attracts stupid people to the cities where they will be much easier to control and cull.
    “Do not interrupt your enemy when he is in the process of making a mistake.” — Napoleon
