Was There Nothing That Obama Couldn’t Do?

He wasn’t anti-nuke. He was on the other side.

When federal prosecutors and agents learned the true extent of the releases, many were shocked and angry. Some had spent years, if not decades, working to penetrate the global proliferation networks that allowed Iranian arms traders both to obtain crucial materials for Tehran’s illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs and, in some cases, to provide dangerous materials to other countries.
“They didn’t just dismiss a bunch of innocent business guys,” said one former federal law enforcement supervisor centrally involved in the hunt for Iranian arms traffickers and nuclear smugglers. “And then they didn’t give a full story of it.”
In its determination to win support for the nuclear deal and prisoner swap from Tehran — and from Congress and the American people — the Obama administration did a lot more than just downplay the threats posed by the men it let off the hook, according to POLITICO’s findings.
Through action in some cases and inaction in others, the White House derailed its own much-touted National Counterproliferation Initiative at a time when it was making unprecedented headway in thwarting Iran’s proliferation networks. In addition, the POLITICO investigation found that Justice and State Department officials denied or delayed requests from prosecutors and agents to lure some key Iranian fugitives to friendly countries so they could be arrested. Similarly, Justice and State, at times in consultation with the White House, slowed down efforts to extradite some suspects already in custody overseas, according to current and former officials and others involved in the counterproliferation effort.
And as far back as the fall of 2014, Obama administration officials began slow-walking some significant investigations and prosecutions of Iranian procurement networks operating in the U.S. These previously undisclosed findings are based on interviews with key participants at all levels of government and an extensive review of court records and other documents.
“Clearly, there was an embargo on any Iranian cases,” according to the former federal supervisor.
“Of course it pissed people off, but it’s more significant that these guys were freed, and that people were killed because of the actions of one of them,” the supervisor added, in reference to Ravan and the IED network.

20 Replies to “Was There Nothing That Obama Couldn’t Do?”

  1. …It makes me sick to read about the royal screw job that the filthy Kenyan did to us… 0b0ng0 is a traitor and worse an evil cockroach!

  2. Nope. How dare anybody dare even *think* that Soetero, Jarrett and Brennan were moslum plants, much less say it.
    Goodness, gracious, no. Not a moslum. Not at all.
    Nothing to see here. Move along.
    Right, UNO?

  3. It was not Iranians who hijacked jets and flew them into the World Trade Centre. It was Saudis. It was the same Saudis who used Iraqi surrogates to invade Iran and kill over 2 million Iranians. Yes the same Saudi government who has plotted against Israel for decades and spreads Islamic terrorism globally. Yes the same Saudi government that the USA has aided and colluded with for decades.
    IMHO Iran has many good reasons for wanting a bomb and who harbors great distrust of the USA. Iran’s position against Israel is no different than the Arab countries dominated by the Sunnis.
    Strategically I see Iran as a better potential ally for the USA than the Saudis. With greater USA energy independence Iran is potentially an ally. This is especially relevant since Turkey seems to be drifting into a Sunni lead dictatorship.

  4. This comes as a SURPRISE…??
    To have what I believed from the git-go after his Cairo Speech, doesn’t exactly fill me with warmth, but sure as hell Disgusts me.
    That Islamic Pandering Muslim Brotherhood POSOPERATIVE knew exactly what he was doing.
    Witness his directive that Any & All US Security Agencies remove ANY mention of Islamic Terrorism from ANY of their publications, manuals and documents…nor ever mouth those words. Not even 7 years after 9/11, should have been a wake up call for Americans.
    A bloody MB infiltrating MOLE that one NO ONE had ever heard of prior to the Primaries…right?
    In my opinion this MoFo should be Tired and Convicted for TREASON.

  5. I suppose that it’s not surprising that America’s First Affirmative Action “President” was a traitor, what is surprising is that he seems just as untouchable out of Office.
    I suppose there’s still plenty of “White Guilt” and worries of black riots at play here, the Liberal Progressives haven’t gone anywhere.

  6. When a politician leader insists words that make muslims look bad must be avoided that is a big hint the guy is on their side not ours.
    and guess who is doing that right now? Justin Trudeau.

  7. Given that Obamugabe’s records were sealed before running for office, he and his handlers knew his views were unacceptable to the mainstream. The magic negro and most deceitful POTUS ever, pulled it off with no small part played by the entire institutional left. Actually, almost all of the deep state under Obama is still intact. The joke is on you, America. But we’re just as f..ked, we still have the Spawn and the institutional left that put him there.

  8. Great point, Canadian Friend!
    Of course, with a compliant cheerleading media and no truly diligent opposition, Obama knew he could do whatever he wanted, and if it ever did come to light, it would quietly go away in a week.
    Anybody else waiting for O’s traitorous acts to become part of mainstream conversations outside flyover country?
    Ahh, the sound of crickets!!

  9. Remember ! Our first Muslim President would not have gotten to square one with his Iranian sellout … if we had a legitimate Press. They are co-conspirators. Co-conspirators that the GOPe Republicans are frightened to death of …

  10. In order to be a traitor to America one must be American. Obummer is the most successful foreign agent in the history of the world. Thank you mr soreass and we can thank George for turdo while we are at it.

  11. wipe iran and nk off the face of the earth. it can be done, it just takes courage. captcha, close link. a real good idea.

  12. Of course not. Most of them live in a social bubble that reinforces their Lib-prog beliefs and anything that challenges that is dismissed as “fake news”.

  13. that would be the same saudis that have bush sr and bush jr in their pocket.
    past presidents has access to classified data and these 2 use that access to garner favour with the saudis for personal gain to the detriment of the nation’s interests.
    now who’s the traitor? they ALL are. for money.
